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My favorite irish/Aussie/Pommy/Kiwi Joke

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  • #16
    two irish men in the job centre
    the job advert says tree fellers wanted
    one turns to the other and says if paddy was with us we would have got that job


    • #17
      Speaking of job centres

      A Kiwi walks into the local unemployment office, marches straight up to the counter and says, "Hi! I hate being on welfare, I'd really rather have a job."

      The clerk behind the desk says, "Your timing is excellent. We just got a job opening from a very wealthy old man who wants a chauffeur/bodyguard for his nymphomaniac daughter. You'll have to drive around in his Mercedes, but he'll supply all of your clothes.

      Because of the long hours, meals will be provided. You'll be expected to escort her on her overseas holiday trips. You'll have a two-bedroom apartment above the garage.

      The starting salary is $200,000 a year".

      The Kiwi says, "You're bullshitting me!"

      The job centre officer says, "Yeah, well, you started it".
      I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

      I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


      • #18
        i went round my scottish friends house today and he was stripping wall paper
        i said are you decorating
        he said no moving house


        • #19
          There's a Irish man, a English man and a beautiful woman sitting next to each other on a train.

          The train enters a tunnel and everything gets dark. Suddenly there is a kissing sound and then a SLAP! The woman and the English man are sitting there looking perplexed. The English man is bent over holding his face which is red from an apparent slap.

          The English man is thinking, "That Irish man must have tried to kiss this lady, she thought it was me and slapped me."

          The lady was thinking, "That English man must have moved to kiss me and kissed the Irish man instead and got slapped."

          The Irish man was thinking to himself.... "If this train goes through another tunnel, I could make another kissing sound and slap that fucking English twat in the head again."
          I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

          I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


          • #20
            two arabs sat in a gaza strip bar drinking goats milk
            one starts looking at photos in his wallet
            he says to the other arab this is my youngest son who died a martyr
            he then says and this is my oldest son who died a martyr
            the other arab says dont they blow up fast


            • #21
              Patrick O'Malley hoisted his beer and said: "Here's to spending the rest of me life between the legs of me wife!" - and he took home the top prize for the best toast of the night.

              In bed later that night, he told his wife: "Mary, I won the prize for the best toast of the night." She said, "Aye, Paddy, what was your toast?"

              So he told her: "Here's to spending the rest of me life sitting in church beside me wife."

              "Oh," she said, "that is very nice, dear."

              The next day, Mary ran into one of Paddy's drinking partners in the street. Mischievously, the man said: "Did you hear about your husband winning a prize in the pub the other night for a toast about you, Mary?"

              She replied: "Aye - and I was a bit surprised. Till now, he's only been down there twice. Once he fell asleep, and the other time I had to pull him by the ears to make him come".
              i love t-girls


              • #22
                A man is speeding down a narrow mountain road, when a woman comes hurtling round the corner. He swerves to avoid her, but as she passes she leans out the window and screams 'PIG!'

                Astonished, the man turns and yells back, 'BITCH!' as he reaches the bend and crashes into a pig.
                i love t-girls


                • #23
                  A horse and a chicken are playing in a meadow. Suddenly the horse falls into a mud hole and starts sinking. He tells the chicken to go and get the farmer to help pull him out to safety. The chicken runs to the farmer, but the farmer can't be found.
                  So he drives the farmer's Mercedes back to the hole and ties some rope around the bumper. He then throws the other end of the rope to his friend and drives forward saving the horse from sinking.
                  A few days later, the chicken and horse are playing in the meadow again, and the chicken falls into a mud hole. The chicken tells the horse to go and get some help from the farmer.
                  The horse says: "I think I can get you out."
                  So he stretches over the width of the hole and says: "Grab hold of my 'thing' and pull yourself up."
                  The chicken does this and is pulled to safety. Moral of the story: If you are hung like a horse, you don't need a Mercedes to pick up chicks.
                  i love t-girls


                  • #24
                    A man walks into a pub with an ostrich and a pussy cat. He goes up the bar and says: "Beer for me, beer for the ostrich, whisky for the cat."
                    The unlikely trio find a table, sit down and drink their drinks. Next, it's the ostrich's round. He walks up to the bar and says: "Beer for me, beer for the man, whisky for the cat." Then the ostrich takes the drinks back to the table and they drink them. When it comes to the cat's turn to buy a round, he simply tells his pals to "Sod off!"
                    So the man goes back to the bar and asks for another two beers and a whisky.
                    Impressed at his generosity, the barman says: "I notice that you and the ostrich have both bought a round but the cat hasn't. Why do you hang out with him?"
                    The man replies: "I once helped a little old lady across the road, and she turned out to be my Fairy Godmother. She granted me one wish, which landed me with the cat and the ostrich forever."
                    "What did you wish for?" enquires the barman.

                    "A long-legged bird with a tight pussy..."
                    i love t-girls


                    • #25
                      An Irish man is sitting in a a bar drinking
                      A flamboyantly gay man comes up to him and asks, "can i give you a blow job?"
                      The Irishman stands up and punches the gay man.
                      The bar tender comes over and asks, "Why did you hit that guy?"
                      The Irish man replied, "He said somethin about me gettin a job"
                      i love t-girls


                      • #26
                        A newlywed couple arrived back from honeymoon to move into their tiny new flat.
                        "Care to go to bed?" the husband asked.
                        "Shh!" said his blushing bride. "These walls are paper thin. The neighbours will know what you mean! Next time, ask me in code - like, 'Have you left the washing machine door open' - instead."
                        So, the following night, the husband asks: "I don't suppose you left the washing machine door open, darling?"
                        "No," she snapped back, "I definitely shut it." Then she rolled over and fell asleep.
                        The next morning, she woke up feeling a little frisky herself, so she nudged her husband and said: "I think I did leave the washing machine door open after all..."
                        "Don't worry," said the man. "It was only a small load so I did it by hand."
                        i love t-girls


                        • #27
                          Two married friends are out drinking...
                          One says to the other: "I can never sneak into the house after I've been drinking. I've tried everything. I turn the headlights off before I go up the drive. I shut off the engine and coast into the garage. I take my shoes off and creep upstairs. I get undressed in the bathroom. I do everything, but then my wife still wakes up and yells at me for staying out late."

                          His friend replies: "Do what I do. I screech into the driveway, slam the front door, storm up the steps, throw my shoes into the closet, jump into bed, slap my wife's bottom and say, "How about a blow job?" She always pretends she's asleep."
                          i love t-girls


                          • #28
                            One night, a man rolls over in bed and gives his wife a big, knowing grin. Immediately realising his intentions she says,

                            "Not tonight darling. I have an appointment with the gynaecologist tomorrow morning and I want to stay fresh and clean."

                            Dejected and disappointed, the man rolls over and tries to get to sleep. A few minutes later he rolls over and prods his wife again.

                            "Tell me, do you have a dentist appointment tomorrow, too?"
                            i love t-girls


                            • #29
                              A young couple on their wedding night were in their honeymoon suite.
                              As they were undressing for bed, the husband, a big burly man, tossed his trousers to his new bride and said: "Here, put these on."
                              She put them on and the waist was twice the size of her body.
                              "I can't wear your trousers," she said.
                              "That's right,'' said the husband, "and don't you ever forget it. I'm the one who wears the trousers in this relationship."
                              With that she flipped him her knickers and said: "Try these on."
                              He tried them on and found he could only get them on as far as his kneecaps.
                              "Hell," he said. ''I can't get into your knickers!"
                              She replied: "That's right... and that's the way it is going to stay until your attitude changes."
                              i love t-girls


                              • #30
                                A man goes to the doctor for his wife's test results.

                                Mr Smith : "I'm here for Mrs Smith's test results."

                                Receptionist : "Oh, I'm sorry Mr Smith, there's been a problem. We have two sets of test results for a Mrs Smith and we don't know which belongs to your wife..... I'm afraid it's bad news or terrible news. One test shows Alzheimer's Disease, the other shows Aids!"

                                Mr Smith: "That's awful! What should I do?"
                                Receptionist: "The doctor suggests you drop her off in the middle of town. If she finds her way home, don't shag her."
                                i love t-girls

