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David Carradine found dead in Bangkok

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  • #61
    Lost in Space!


    • #62
      Pics of it.

      Anyone can read thai?
      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

      Jaidee 2009

      The other white meat


      • #63
        (sev7en @ Jun. 07 2009,22:48) [Can] Anyone can read thai?
        Translated version:


        • #64
          Direct Link to 6 June 2009 Larry King Video on Carradine death


          FBI Investigating Carradine's Death

          Aired June 5, 2009 - 21:00 ET


          LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, breaking David Carradine news -- the FBI's involved and is investigating the star's bizarre death. His family says the "Kill Bill" star couldn't or wouldn't commit suicide. Apparently, he didn't.

          Attorney Mark Geragos, the attorney for the actor's brother, Keith Carradine, is here and it's exclusive.

          Plus, Peter Falk's family tragedy -- his child takes his stepmother to court just to see her own father. But the beloved star of "Colombo" doesn't even know it. He's suffering from advanced dementia. His daughter is here exposing details from the bitter tug of war that got all of Hollywood talking.

          And then the deadly honeymoon -- a newlywed husband finally admits to a role in his wife's drowning. But he'll spend just one year behind bars.

          What's wrong with all this?

          That's what her outraged family wants to know.

          It's all next on LARRY KING LIVE.

          All right. Let's get right to it.

          "Extra's" Jerry Penacoli is here, along with David Carradine's manager, Chuck Binder, and attorney Mark Geragos.

          Mark, by the way, represents David's brother, Keith Carradine, who has asked for Mark's help.

          And what's this about the FBI?

          MARK GERAGOS, ATTORNEY FOR KEITH CARRADINE: Well, because the death took place on a foreign soil, FBI traditionally cannot just jump right in. So the family -- Keith and other family members met with the FBI today, with the idea that they're going to initiate the process that takes place where, here from the U.S. you try to get a hold of what's called the legate, which is the legal liaison in Bangkok. Get them to initiate some kind of an investigation there.

          The family and Keith specifically doesn't for a minute think that he was suicidal.

          KING: FBI agents can't go over there, though, and conduct... GERAGOS: FBI agents can go there. But there is a process that you have to go through. The family talking with the FBI initiates that process. Then they have to go, they get permission. They deal through the legal channels.

          KING: Chuck Binder, you were his manager. You were with us last night. You have spoken to his wife.

          What -- what are they saying today?

          CHUCK BINDER, DAVID CARRADINE'S MANAGER: That, you know, everybody is really sad and, you know, I think...

          KING: Yes, we know that.

          But I mean what -- are they further along, any information?

          BINDER: Just what Mark kind of told you. You know, I haven't really heard anything from the family, other than that they're looking into it through the FBI and trying to get to the bottom of this.

          KING: You know, on gut feeling.

          You don't think it's suicide, right?

          BINDER: No. No.

          KING: All right.

          If it's not, what?

          BINDER: I don't know. I -- you know, I have no idea because I wasn't there. I don't know, you know, all the -- I think with all celebrities, it's like, crazy to me that people are focusing on, like, were his hands tied behind his back, were there footprints on the bed?

          To me, the thing is what -- why aren't people focusing on, you know, that here's a guy who went out, mailed 100 films, had a family, was a great guy, really cared about people.

          KING: We tried to do that last night.

          BINDER: Yes, we did.

          KING: But the nature of the beast is the next day is what happened in the room, right?

          BINDER: Right.

          KING: I mean you understand that from a...

          BINDER: Yes. Yes.

          KING: ...curious, almost bizarre like curiosity?

          BINDER: Yes. I don't know what happened in the room. All I know is, you know, David isn't on the planet anymore.

          KING: Since nobody knows, Jerry, how do you report this?

          JERRY PENACOLI, CORRESPONDENT, "EXTRA": Well, it's very tough to report. I mean, we

          can only go by what the authorities in Thailand are telling us.

          KING: And?

          PENACOLI: Well, the coroner says the death was abnormal, the death was not natural. And the evidence shows that there were ropes tied around David's neck and around his genitalia and that they were tied together. And that there is a report -- several reports that there were ropes tied around his wrists.

          KING: Well, if they were around his wrists in the back, it can't be a suicide, right?

          It can't be.

          PENACOLI: It can't be a suicide, necessarily. But what I find puzzling is that they're saying that there's no evidence that there was any other person or persons in the room. Well, you can't tie your -- your own wrists together and then have what happened happen. So it's mysterious. And it just keeps getting deeper.

          KING: Mark, do you have a read?

          GERAGOS: Well, there's things that you ask of a family member -- when did you last talk to him?

          Keith has talked to him within the last couple of weeks.

          Did he seem like he was depressed?

          Not at all. He was very excited. This was, apparently, a short movie stint over there. He was looking forward to getting back here. He just got a car. He's a car nut. Had just been -- being a fellow car nut, I can tell you, you don't go out and buy a car right before you're going to off yourself, generally. He was excited about coming back and had talked to his wife the night before.

          So all of those things tend to make every -- anybody, especially the family members, wonder what's going on and they want to get to the bottom of it. They just want to know the truth.

          KING: Chuck, in the past, were there ever discussions, talks, whispers about sexual proclivities?

          BINDER: No. I mean he was happily married. I just saw him down at the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club with his wife. He was there for a charity tournament for a children's hospital. He -- I never saw anything going in this direction. He seemed like he was really happy with his career and happy with his marriage and...

          KING: Do you suspect foul play?

          BINDER: Yes, I think there had to be foul play. I mean my gut instinct is something definitely happened there.

          PENACOLI: You know, there's a -- interestingly, I spoke to another one of Chuck's clients today -- a filmmaker, a director named Damian Chapa, who actually shot a film with David Carradine and -- actually two films, right -- and was about to shoot another one called "Mount Kilimanjaro."

          But this film called "Bad Cop," he completed, and I think it's coming out in the fall. But Damian, I spoke to him at length today. And he said that he also believes that there was foul play. And he said that no one else knows this but his family -- Carradine's family and friends and people closest to him, but David was very interested in investigating and disclosing secret societies.

          So whatever that means...

          GERAGOS: Which is absolutely -- well, what that means is connected to martial arts and his interest in martial arts. And so there is a suspicion that if there was some foul play, that that may be the first area where they should look.

          KING: And...

          PENACOLI: However, on the other side, Larry, and, Chuck, with all due respect, Marina Anderson, who is David's ex-wife, in court papers that were filed in 2003 when they divorced -- and, now, again, ex-wives can be ex-wives. She was quoted in the papers as saying that it was the continuation of abhorrent and deviant sexual behavior that got in the way of the marriage.

          KING: David Carradine, as we just mentioned, had a number of movies in the can or in post-production when he died. One of them, as mentioned, "Bad Cop."

          "Extra's" Jerry Penacoli obtained some exclusive clips from that film. He's sharing them with us.



          CARRADINE: I'm going to get so drunk, I won't even know I'm in a city full of darkness, blood and revenge, murder. And when I wake up, I'm going to go back down into those streets. Now, I might have a headache. I might lose my lunch. But I'll be me, Angel. I'll be me.

          (END VIDEO CLIP)

          KING: A pretty good actor.

          We'll be back with more.

          Don't go away.


          (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

          CARRADINE: Hello, kiddo.

          UMA THURMAN, ACTRESS: How did you find me?

          PENACOLI: I'm a man.

          (END VIDEO CLIP)

          KING: Uma Thurman, David Carradine from "Kill Bill."

          Chuck, what do we know about the family's reaction?

          How's everybody doing?

          BINDER: I think they're all holding together. And, you know, it's a very big family and a close-knit family. And I think that, you know, they're really supportive and they want to get to the bottom of this.

          KING: Didn't the sister...

          PENACOLI: Actually, David's daughter, Kansas, wrote an e-mail to the closest family and friends and -- and simply requested that people remember David for the brilliant actor that he was until this investigation is over and not to listen to the hearsay and innuendo.

          KING: Has the autopsy been done, to your knowledge?

          GERAGOS: Yes, it has. But he's not going to be embalmed. They're going to bring him back and they're going to do a second autopsy, probably...

          KING: Here?

          GERAGOS: Dr. Baden here.

          KING: Is he on the way back?

          GERAGOS: My belief is, is by Monday.

          KING: And why does an autopsy take so long to find final results?

          GERAGOS: Oh, you have to talk to the pathologist. But generally, there's a number of tests that they have to do that can take a couple of days or longer. And then they always want to know about the surrounding circumstances. That informs any kind of conclusion that a pathologist makes.

          KING: In this kind of case, they can say asphyxiation?

          They can know right away, right?

          GERAGOS: Yes. They can know certain things but...

          KING: But what else could they find?

          GERAGOS: ...but then there's ideas of whether or not there's, you know, as we've discussed, whether there's a third party. There's -- you can search for trace evidence of that. You can take a look and see whether or not this is a -- if hands are tied in one way, fashion or another, whether that could have been done or not done by somebody themselves or a third party.

          KING: How sophis -- I'm sorry. Go ahead.

          PENACOLI: No, I was just going to say, I speculate here. And that is, if foul play is suspected, who's to say that something happened to him, there was -- something bad happened to him by someone else and yet it was made to look like?

          KING: Yes, who knows?

          PENACOLI: He was -- yes.

          KING: Or maybe it was part of the investigating...

          GERAGOS: It could have been the investigation. I mean there's all kinds -- I don't want to get into any kind of a conspiracy theory.

          KING: How is -- how sophisticated is Thailand?

          For example, did the hotels have cameras?

          GERAGOS: Well, this...

          KING: Were they going, by the way, into a closet?

          GERAGOS: This particular hotel didn't have a closet. It apparently had an armoire where he was found by the maid. And his P.A. had been there the previous evening, about 12 hours before. I do not believe that they've got anything that shows in that hallway or...

          PENACOLI: Well, no, actually...

          GERAGOS: ...inside of the room. They're -- I think they've got something downstairs.

          PENACOLI: Not inside the room. They have got something outside.

          GERAGOS: Right.

          PENACOLI: And, in fact, the family was expressing concern, and, again, saying that they -- they fear foul play because the hotel would not release the surveillance video right away.

          KING: Are the tabloid shows and magazines sending people over there? PENACOLI: Not as far as I know.

          KING: "Extra" is not?

          PENACOLI: We are not. We are trying to take the high road here until we have more information.

          KING: Is Thailand officials cooperating with the family, Chuck?

          BINDER: I think so. But I think it's not like the United States over there. I think it's -- you know, it's a different kind of situation. So I don't -- you know, it's not the kind of cooperation you'd get in the United States.

          KING: Have you ever have to deal with Thailand?

          GERAGOS: I have, on a number of occasions. It's not the easy...

          KING: And?

          GERAGOS: It's not the easiest jurisdiction to deal with.

          KING: It's not a fourth world country?

          GERAGOS: No. But it's somewhere between third and fourth.

          KING: It is?

          GERAGOS: It's not exactly.

          KING: Isn't Bangkok cosmopolitan?

          GERAGOS: Well, Bangkok -- Bangkok is a sophisticated place in many areas and it's also extremely primitive in other areas. So part of the problem is, is the kind of investigation that you want done in a case like this, if you're the family, is you'd like to have the FBI involved, at least in an assisting role, so that they can kind of oversee what's going on.

          KING: Has he finished his shooting?

          BINDER: He hadn't finished, but I talked to the producer today. And what they're going to do is they're going to rewrite the script and David will remain in the movie. And they're just going to shorten his screen time.

          KING: His role.

          BINDER: Yes.

          KING: Are they going to take -- has anybody taken, Jerry, advantage of this, showing...

          PENACOLI: Well, I feel -- and I know you got in this job -- but I feel the Fox, the Fox Network is taking advantage of an episode of a show called "Mental" that's coming up where David Carradine plays a catatonic character. I believe he's struck by lightning.

          And Fox has decided, according to "The Washington Post, " to go ahead and run this particular episode. I find that personally a heinous decision. They said oh, well, we're going to put a disclaimer at the end and say, you know, gosh, rest in peace, David Carradine. But I just find it's really taking advantage of a -- a very sad and tragic situation.

          KING: What do you make of that, Mark?

          I mean...

          GERAGOS: Does it surprise you that a network is going to seek ratings?

          No. That doesn't surprise me.


          GERAGOS: News at 11:00.

          UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Enough said.

          KING: Don't shock me on a Friday.

          Dr. Drew Pinsky had a professional association with David Carradine. The good doctor joins the panel and takes on the case next.

          Back in 60 seconds.


          (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

          CARRADINE: I have no wish to fight with you.

          UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am ready.

          (END VIDEO CLIP)

          KING: Our panel is now joined by Dr. Drew Pinsky, the host of VH1's "Celebrity Rehab with Drew Pinsky, author of "The Mirror Effect

          How Celebrity Narcissism is Seducing America."

          David Carradine, by the way, was a guest on his radio show, "Love Line," back in February.

          So, what's your read on all this, doc?


          CELEBRITY NARCISSISM: You know, when I first heard about this, because he was a very gregarious, upbeat guy and anyone that met him was infected by his love of life and people. And I mean that's how you would describe that guy.

          so when I first heard about a suicide, it just absolutely did not fit for me. So I don't think for anyone that knew him, the suicide is even a possibility.

          And then I started hearing more and more about this mystery and the rumors. And I really do agree the way this panel was going, that it just -- the pieces just don't fit together just yet. The idea with him being something that he was doing alone, that's not the way people do that. It just isn't.

          And the fact that it was with somebody else, well, even that, too, has an element of feeling of foul play associated with it. Really, in my experience, this just doesn't fit with what people do, typically.

          KING: As we mentioned, David Carradine was a guest on your radio show, "Love Line." At one point, an enthusiastic fan phoned in and asked for advice from the man he thought was a Jedi master.



          UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My question was this, you know, and, again, if there's anything you want to add, that would be inspirational, as well -- Jedi -- Jedi -- what's that called -- advice.

          So what I'm asking is, all right, newly married. My wife's awesome. Everything's great. But for some, reason, we're making love and it's getting really passionate, just every now and then I start thinking of other people.

          Is that normal?

          CARRADINE: Um, it's probably relatively normal, but I don't think it's the greatest idea you ever had. And I don't know how to -- how to help you with it, you know, because if you've got those things, then, you know, how do you shut them down?

          I know I don't do that. I'm with the one I'm with.

          (END AUDIO CLIP)

          KING: How did he do on that show?

          PINSKY: He was great. It's a show where you've got to share lots of personal details and really give advice to young people. And he was completely engaged. The kids loved him and he was forthcoming. And, again, no evidence of anything where you'd predict this kind of outcome.

          KING: From what you know, what do you know?

          PINSKY: I know what you guys were discuss -- I learned some things listening to you guys about his hands being tied behind him. I had heard that there was something around his neck.

          If somebody is alone -- there's sort of two camps that do these kinds of behaviors. One is somebody who becomes sexually addictive and compulsive. And the other, typically, in my world, is an opiate addict that can't get satisfaction by normal means. And they will tie something on their neck and lean into it. They won't tie elsewhere. They certainly won't tie their hands. It's pretty telltale.

          That's not what this was, very clearly. It just has no -- none of the -- the earmarks of that kind of behavior.

          When other areas are being tied, you think of other people, but then there's nothing characteristic about the way this was found, either. This was something...

          KING: So?

          PINSKY: So I -- so it remains a mystery to me. But it clearly is not suicide. It clearly is not something, in my opinion, that he was doing by himself.

          KING: Mark, is it possible we may not know?

          GERAGOS: Well, I don't think if we have an adequate investigation -- I think that's exactly why Keith and the rest of the -- the others in the family were over at the FBI today. They want an investigation. I would think that the people in Bangkok would want to support an investigation and allow the FBI to go over there and assist in the investigation so we can get the answers to the questions.

          KING: What did the FBI say?

          GERAGOS: Well, the FBI takes a report. They have to start the process. They've got to go through the State Department. And there's a series of hurdles. But they can be invited over there immediately. And I call on the people in Bangkok to invite them in.

          KING: You can't stop the Internet from -- Jerry, from going berserk with this, right?

          PENACOLI: No you can't and...

          KING: Any rumor, any blog, anything. You can say anything.

          PENACOLI: Oh, there's -- there's so much out there right now. But on a positive note, again, just trying to be respectful of the man, because, my God, we just lost him, it's so nice to see that -- because of this Twitter craze, all these celebrities, Rob Thomas and other musicians and actors, just Twittering their condolences and saying, you know, the grasshopper will be missed and just really, really nice -- nice things.

          KING: The grasshopper, was that his...

          PENACOLI: Well, that was his "Kung Fu." He was referred to as the grasshopper... (CROSSTALK)

          GERAGOS: Take the rock from my hand, grass hopper.


          GERAGOS: (INAUDIBLE) in our generation, that was a...


          PENACOLI: And I was...

          BINDER: He was iconic.

          PENACOLI: I was interviewing a bunch of people on a red carpet last night for Denzel Washington's new movie and everybody had something just absolutely heartfelt to say about David Carradine.

          KING: Twitter that. That's a great movie, "The Taking of Pelham 123." If I give a little endorsement here.

          Did you see it?

          UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I did.

          KING: Whoa, what a film.

          We'll be right back.


          (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP FROM August 1991)

          KING: Why did the series, in reflection, do so well?

          CARRADINE: Well, I think...

          KING: It was strange.

          CARRADINE: Well, it was strange, but, you know, it was very timely. Just the moment the series came out was the same moment that Richard Nixon was shaking hands with Mao Zedong, inviting him into the United Nations. I think everybody wanted to see East meet West at that time.

          (END VIDEO CLIP)

          KING: Good point.

          He was on this show about 18 years ago.

          Dr. Drew, there's a lot of talk about autoerotic asphyxia.

          PINSKY: Right.

          KING: What is that? PINSKY: That is where somebody will heighten their sexual experience by really cutting off the blood supply to the brain.

          KING: That's a hype, to face death?

          PINSKY: Well, no. It's not about facing it. It's literally a biological event. You know, it's seeing the white light at the moment of climax. And that, as such, people have these very intense experiences. And people that have trauma histories, people that are on opiates use that as a way of enhancing their experience.

          KING: He wrote in his book that he did drugs, right, Chuck, at one time?

          BINDER: Yes.

          KING: Could he talk about it?

          BINDER: He never talked about it to me, but, you know, -- I don't think he had used drugs in years.

          PINSKY: It's usually people that are on opiates, not that have used. And I've seen some people that have heavy hallucinogens history sometimes -- like Ecstasy sometimes need this or do things like this in order to experience any arousal.

          KING: As a reporter, Jerry, what do you do when rumors float in?

          PENACOLI: Well, you know...

          KING: I heard this.

          PENACOLI: Yes. Well, I mean you -- you really...

          KING: What?

          PENACOLI: ...can't report rumors. What you have to do, obviously, as you know, is substantiate whatever...

          KING: Follow up every one?

          PENACOLI: Follow up every single one, try to get to a source and try to compare that source with another source and then move on from there. It's tough, though. This is a tough one.

          KING: Mark, what does Keith believe?

          GERAGOS: I don't know what he believes. I don't -- I know what he doesn't believe. He does not believe that this was suicide. And he does not believe that there's been a full investigation. And clearly, just judging by the reports that have come out, he's disturbed, as anybody would be, because they appear to conflict. And there's been five or six versions. All you have to do is go online and see what's coming out of there.

          And so what he wants and what I think the whole family wants is an investigation that objectively takes a look at the evidence and determines what actually happened.

          KING: Do you think we're going to get at it, Drew?

          PINSKY: You know, it may end a mystery, right, Mark?

          GERAGOS: Right.

          PINSKY: I mean you never know with these things.

          GERAGOS: Right.

          PINSKY: I mean I -- the great -- the good news here, everybody loves this man. Whether they knew him personally or just appreciated his work, this is a great person everyone appreciated. And I think that's why they want some closure with it. It's not out of some sort of titillating desire for something, you know, inappropriate or unseemly. They want to put this to rest and not worry that something horrible happened to this man.

          KING: Any memorial service planned, Chuck?

          BINDER: I think the family's working on that.

          GERAGOS: Yes, I think they are, too. But I think that until they take care of business, so to speak, and try -- try to finish with the second autopsy and do it -- try to get the investigation started, I don't think that there's anything that's going on yet.

          KING: How big is the story in "Extraville," Jerry?

          PENACOLI: Well, I mean, obviously, it's a big story. I mean you have a well-known actor. He's done over 100 films. We all knew him and loved him in "Kill Bill" and in the "Kung Fu" TV series. And, again, because of who he is and also because of the nature of the circumstances, the fact that it is a mystery that is unraveling right before our very eyes, that's what makes it, unfortunately, a good story.

          KING: Did he like, Chuck, strange roles?

          BINDER: I think he responded to a lot of different types of roles. But I don't know what you mean by strange.


          KING: I mean like offbeat.


          KING: He liked doing...

          BINDER: Yes, he liked offbeat.

          KING: They compared him last night to Chris Walken.

          BINDER: Yes, he... KING: But Walken did more comedy.

          BINDER: He -- he liked offbeat characters. But he liked, you know, traditional things like playing, you know, Westerns. He was set to do a Western...

          KING: Was that "El Dorado?"

          BINDER: Exactly. Yes.


          PINSKY: He talked to me about what his very first role on Broadway, where he was like an Aztec prince or something. Did he -- he harkens back to that all the time. And that, for him, was sort of what he wanted to be.

          KING: All stemming from his father, right?

          I mean John...

          PINSKY: I imagine, but he just thought how wonderful it was to sort of be bigger than life and to go out on the stage and to, you know, act and sing, whatever he was doing there on Broadway. That was really what turned him on.

          KING: Thank you, guys.

          We'll be following it.

          Mark is going to remain, dealing with the next case. It was a deadly honeymoon and now the husband cops a plea in the case of his wife, whose drowning was caught in a picture. Speaking of bizarre, that's next.

          Stick around.


          KING: We're back.

          Tina Watson drowned during a honeymoon scuba diving trip to Australia back in 2003. Her husband Gabe was facing trial for murder, a possible life sentence. But against her family's protests, Australian prosecutors have allowed Watson to plead guilty to a lesser charge of manslaughter. He'll serve only one year of a sentence of four-and-a-half years.

          Tina and Gabe were married just 11 days when she died.

          Joining us in New York, Dr. Robbie Ludwig, psychotherapist, best- selling author of "'Til Death Do Us Part

          Love, Marriage and the Mind of the Killer Spouse;" Jane Velez- Mitchell, host of "Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell," seen on HLN, our sister network; and remaining with us here in Los Angeles, Mark Geragos, the noted defense attorney.

          Let's show you something; outside the Brisbane court where his former son-in-law was sentenced, Tina's father had this reaction.

          (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

          TOMMY THOMAS, TINA WATSON'S FATHER: I believe that probably the entire Australian nation, as well as our own country back home, shares in that shock with us over what we've just seen, because it's totally injustice. It's ludicrous what we have seen.

          He's allowed to take the easy way out. He pleads guilty to manslaughter. And then laughingly, it looks like, he was the victim as the sentence was being read.

          (END VIDEO CLIP)

          KING: Mark Geragos, this would have been a Geragos plea deal. Man murders his wife, says he did, Geragos gets him to do a year. Before Mark comments, Jane what do you know about this?

          JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST OF HLN'S "ISSUES": It's an absolutely astounding case. They were only married 11 days. They're on the supposedly romantic honeymoon in Australia. They go on a dive. He's an experienced diver. She's a very novice diver. About 42 miles off the Australian coast, he claims they're about 40 feet down when the currents are strong. She gets panicky. And she knocks off his mask and regulator.

          He's holding on to her. He says he lets go to fix his mask and regulator. At that point, she starts to sink to the bottom. He tries to get her, but she's sinking too fast. He decides to go for help. The trouble with that is that witnesses say they saw him give her a giant bear hug, and then swim in the opposite direction.

          Prosecutors had believed that he actually turned off her oxygen tank, at one point, until she suffocated, and then allowed her to drift to the bottom.

          So what's so outrageous to the family is that essentially, in allowing him to accept this manslaughter deal, they're saying, oh, he was a bad dive buddy, which the family is saying that's the understatement of the century. He killed her.

          KING: We weren't in court. Mark, what do you -- stretch this a little.

          GERAGOS: Well.

          KING: Give us the other side.

          GERAGOS: If this case was as strong as Jane says, I don't know what prosecutor would have given it away. So obviously, I'm not looking at the reports. I don't think Jane's looking at the reports. I don't think she's talked to the witnesses. Obviously, there's a problem with this case, because prosecutors generally, in any case that's got any kind of high-profile nature to it, do not give it away.

          KING: Two people way under water and nobody there but them.

          GERAGOS: Exactly. And you've got somebody who may have a story to tell, and his story may have been this bear hug was not to turn it off, but it was to do something else --

          KING: That's why it's manslaughter?

          GERAGOS: Exactly right. Manslaughter is a lesser form of -- it's the killing of another, but without malice or forethought.

          KING: How does it look to you, Robi?

          ROBI LUDWIG, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: What concerns me is this husband asked his wife to increase her accidental insurance policy, so that he would get more money as a sole survivor if anything happened to her. So if that is, in fact, the case, it means that there was some type of forethought. Perhaps this man wanted to kill his wife for a profit. It's just a little bit suspicious, given everything else that we've seen.

          Granted, I wasn't there and I wasn't in court. But it strikes me as a little odd. I find it very interesting that this husband is now remarried to somebody else. So I'd like to know a little bit more about that relationship.

          KING: In fairness, Mark, suspicion isn't proof.

          GERAGOS: Suspicion isn't proof. We're sitting here halfway around the world. We don't know. And we don't know what the facts are. Obviously, the prosecutor does.

          KING: Jane, it seems logical, as a good reporter, have you called the prosecutor?

          VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, no, I think there's a time difference, Larry --

          KING: Why not?

          VELEZ-MITCHELL: -- but let me say this --

          KING: So what?

          VELEZ-MITCHELL: I feel the reason they didn't go through with this prosecution is because it would be horrific publicity potentially for Australia. We see what these international crimes do in terms of bad publicity. Look at the Natalee Holloway case in Aruba. They claim they wanted to spare the victim's family the anguish of a trial. But the family says, hey, we wanted a trial and we told them so.

          So I don't really believe that they wanted to spare the victim's family.

          GERAGOS: How does this resolution -- how does dropping it down to a manslaughter help the publicity for Australia? That doesn't --

          VELEZ-MITCHELL: Because it's a one-day story.

          GERAGOS: -- true to me --

          VELEZ-MITCHELL: Otherwise, it was a trial that would go on and on and on.

          LUDWIG: I actually have a question for Mark. Because it was tried in Australia, does that mean it cannot be tried here in the states?

          GERAGOS: Well, you know, that's an interesting question. There are -- there are ways, and I've handled cases, where people have been prosecuted overseas. They bring them back here. Then they prosecute them once again. Double jeopardy does not necessarily apply in all cases, depending on who the prosecutor is.

          KING: Didn't know that. You learn something new here every night. We'll be right back with more. Don't go away.


          KING: We're back with Dr. Robi Ludwig, Jane Velez-Mitchell, Mark Geragos. Jane, we've been showing a film of sorts, a grainy film of what happened under water. I don't know who took that. Will you explain this a little for us, what's in that spotlight?

          VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, what's amazing, Larry, is that this didn't happen in some isolated area. When they go on these dives, there's a lot of people there. So it's almost like a tourist spot. And you see one of the divers actually posing for a photo, and then in the bottom corner, which you have encircled, there is the victim. There she is lying at the floor of the ocean, presumably either dead or in the process of dying, because they did bring her up and try to resuscitate her. And at that point, they said she was lost.

          So there is the woman. Part of the problem is that there were many different stories that this man told to different people, according to prosecutors. He said one thing to police investigator, which was caught on videotape. He said another thing to friends in Alabama. He allegedly said another thing to people on the boat.

          KING: Jane --

          VELEZ-MITCHELL: -- inconsistent stories.

          KING: The guy in the picture is not the husband?

          VELEZ-MITCHELL: No. That's my understanding. Look, they've got masks on. I can't say for sure who is who. But there had been reports that there was a shot of the husband swimming away with the wife in the background, what you see there. But we don't believe that's the photo. It looks like that's some kind of tourist.

          KING: Dr. Ludwig, it boggles my mind. Wouldn't you want to talk to the prosecutor?

          LUDWIG: Yes.

          KING: Who else to talk to? Why did you give him a year?

          LUDWIG: Yes, exactly. I have to say, I saw the news -- this news story this morning, and I was absolutely shocked that this guy would only get, you know, a year, even 11 months. I found it mind- boggling. It seemed like there was so much more to the story.

          Again, I was not there. Just everything about this story -- and the fact that the family really feels that their daughter's husband was the killer also speaks volumes, because very often families are initially in denial.

          KING: Can't we assume the family spoke to the prosecutor? Mark, what's your guess here? We got to guess, we don't know --

          GERAGOS: My guess, immediately, when I see this, number one, the prosecutor allows a plea to a manslaughter, which means they think they've got problems with their case. There's no reason why they just give it away. I love Jane, but it's not because they're worried about tourism in Australia.

          They think they've got a problem with the case. They give a manslaughter. Then the judge takes the step of actually only imposing less than the maximum, about 25 percent of the maximum. So obviously the judge is on board with this as well. And what this means is -- and it's my gut feeling from doing this, at least in the states. If this was in the states, this means there was a problem with the case, problems with proof.

          KING: Doesn't that concern you, Jane, the prosecutor agrees to it and the judge agrees to it? Doesn't that tell you something --

          VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, rotten plea deals -- I think rotten plea deals happen all the time. I think it is hard to prosecute a case when the crime occurred underwater. It's a complex case. There are all sorts of explanations about why somebody would drift to the bottom. So it's a very intangible situation. It's not like a shooting or a mugging. Something that happens underwater, probably one of the reasons why this man allegedly did what he did.

          KING: Dr. Ludwig --

          VELEZ-MITCHELL: -- where he did.

          KING: Right. If he confessed, does he fit the profile a killer spouse?

          LUDWIG: Well, yes, he certainly does, on many levels. Number one, if he wanted his wife to increase her insurance policy, that means that he was thinking about financial gain. And if he somehow planned it in advance, I mean, that's somebody who has sociopathic tendencies, somebody who does not have a conscience, is missing that part in the brain that says, hey, this is the wrong thing to do.

          I wish I knew more about this man's history, because that would certainly fill in some of the blanks and some of the questions that I have about him.

          KING: Thank you all very much. I hope we find out more by talking to the guy or --

          GERAGOS: Or the prosecutor.
          Direct Link to Transcript of CNN Larry King Live on Carradine


          • #65
            Attached Files


            • #66
              So his hands are not tied behind his back
              And police say nobody is seen entering or exiting the room on
              the CCTV..
              Anyone still want to go for the bargirl/boy ninja theory or can
              we let this one rest in peace?
              Forgot how this forum works  


              • #67
                Interesting the ex-wife's comment about 'deviant' behaviour. They should ask the grieving present wife and then let the matter rest.


                • #68
                  Here is the official website to him :David
                  i love t-girls


                  • #69
                    now this is a funny piece  

                    Here is the link :Carradine killed by kung-fu assassins
                    i love t-girls


                    • #70
                      I think he had hotsex with some freelancing yabahead lbs from soi 11 and it all went wrong. The lbs had to bribe the cops to get off.

                      Getting off while getting off in Bkk at 72 with a thaihooker isn´t a  bad way to go compared to fade away in seniorcitizens home in the west. He´s (was) rock n´roll.  
                      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                      Jaidee 2009

                      The other white meat


                      • #71
                        the thai press can be sick at times


                        • #72

                          there's not much too see on the photo.

                          and I don't think all the half-assed cover-up, autocensorship and hiding of unpleasant sights does any good in our western societies.


                          • #73
                            (manarak @ Jun. 08 2009,22:49)
                            there's not much too see on the photo.

                            and I don't think all the half-assed cover-up, autocensorship and hiding of unpleasant sights does any good in our western societies.
                            i was thinking more about his family


                            • #74
                              A British newspaper (well, The Daily Mail... ahem) "reports" today that he was found wearing stockings and a wig. I will refrain from tasteless humour at this juncture. You can make your own jokes about ladyboys hanging around in that hotel...


                              • #75
                                (allstar88 @ Jun. 09 2009,17:18)
                                (manarak @ Jun. 08 2009,22:49)
                                there's not much too see on the photo.

                                and I don't think all the half-assed cover-up, autocensorship and hiding of unpleasant sights does any good in our western societies.
                                i was thinking more about his family
                                there are always good, righteous reasons to distort reality.

                                and what is it you don't like about the pic?
                                no genitals showing, face is blacked out... just a guy hanging from his tied wrists in a hotel closet!
                                it is not even possible to recognize him!

                                do you think his family would not have found out about the truth behind a "controversial death"?

                                what does the pic change, really?

                                but I think it is the same kind of logic who makes US opinion think that if a man fucked his secretary, he'll be a bad president!

                                no photo = Carradine good man, honor of family safe!
                                photo = Carradine low life, honor of family ruined!

                                Now, that's also the same thinking as with Muhamad/Mohammed drawings in the exes of fundamentalist muslims.

                                if people were less stuck-up about what truth is "worthy" to be told, there would have been less wars!

                                hey those emoticons are great!

