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  • I'm just a little bit right of Hitler. The soft twat lost it towards the end and Europe has been fucked ever since.
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    World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


    • Yeah and you Brits would goose stepping and speaking German now if the USA had not rode to your rescue.
      “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
      ― Henry Ward Beecher

      "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


      • (Bumpa STIKKA @ May 19 2010,22:28) I'm just a little bit right of Hitler. The soft twat lost it towards the end and Europe has been fucked ever since.
        I wish I thought you were joking.
        Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


        • I'd guess Adolf would have noticed Bumpa is a non-Aryan right away and locked him up in a Stalag somewhere.
          “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
          ― Henry Ward Beecher

          "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


          • The problem with Sully's Snake analogy is..... the "Snake" was happily sunning itself some way OFF the path, but then you HAD to SEEK it out, POKE IT with a stick. The "Snake" said FUCK OFFF, leave me alone, I'm way off your path, not in your road, why do you poke me with a stick? Are you stupid, or just a recidivist paedophile?? But no, one again you blame the "Snake" and keep poking it with a stick. Finally the "Snake" say's, 'FUCK YOU', enough of your silly stick, your silly bluster, your nothing but a recidivist paedophile and I'm going to bite you. Not once, but as many time as required to get you to just FUCK OFF. Stay on the path, mind your business and I won't bite. "Snakes" aren't as stupid as you think.


            • (Jake_Sully @ May 19 2010,19:46) I don't fully agree with you tourot and here's why.

              I think war was initially needed but would not be needed anymore if we hadn't bungled the job. Clearly when we go to war, we can't fight a politically correct war. It would be like fighting an enemy that has an ak-47 and is shooting at you but you are fighting with 1 hand and 2 legs tied behind our back because of how we appear to the outside world. We're never going to win a war that way.

              The only way is a complete and utter destruction of the region in question. Put the people to the sword. Think the vietcong would think twice about this? How about the russians or chinese when someone had attacked them on 9/11? It may not be politically correct but its survival.. survival of the fittest.

              But I will say this.. the iraq war was never needed. It was stupid. The afghanistan war could have, should have been dealt with in 4 weeks but now we have to deal with pakistan as well. Goes to show our lovely politicians don't have a clue. And young kids, americans of all walks of life, religion, skin color are dying and losing their limbs because our politicians are lost in a politically correct quicksand and bungling the job.

              An analogy would be, a poisonous snake is trying to bite us. We (or in this case the US government politicians) are more concerned about how it looks on camera and are trying to fight it with our bare hands getting bitten and poisoned. Sounds dumb doesn't it to not use stilts and a cane?

              This isn't dueling pistols at dawn, this is war. You never want to fight fair. You want to sneak up behind your enemy, and club 'em over the head.. If we are not prepared to do what is necessary to win a war, we shouldn't have gone to war in the first place. There's a reason why peace is desirable.

              Oh btw I'm moderate socially liberal, fiscally conservative and I despise politicians for sending our jobs overseas.
              I think those two go hand in hand. Our govt has passed free trade agreements that do nothing but fuck over the American working class, and the only jobs left for a lot of kids getting out of high school in the so called rust belt is join the military. So they can go fight some senseless war to help multi national corporations pillage another nation of their resources and make use of their cheaper labor.

              99% of senators and congressmen only care about one thing. Doing whatever it takes to get reelected.
              There are few good ones like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, but they are few and far between.
              “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
              ― Henry Ward Beecher

              "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


              • (Torurot @ May 20 2010,05:19) The problem with Sully's Snake analogy is..... the "Snake" was happily sunning itself some way OFF the path, but then you HAD to SEEK it out, POKE IT with a stick.  The "Snake" said FUCK OFFF, leave me alone, I'm way off your path, not in your road, why do you poke me with a stick? Are you stupid, or just a recidivist paedophile??  But no, one again you blame the "Snake" and keep poking it with a stick.  Finally the "Snake" say's, 'FUCK YOU', enough of your silly stick, your silly bluster, your nothing but a recidivist paedophile and I'm going to bite you.  Not once, but as many time as required to get you to just FUCK OFF.  Stay on the path, mind your business and I won't bite.  "Snakes" aren't as stupid as you think.
                Is your snake different from mine? What were you referring to?

                Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                • It should be reasonably clear. You said your self that the US had no business attacking Iraq for it's NON-EXISTENT WMD or any other bogus excuse, NOR did it have any valid reason to attack Afghanistan (NONE of the supposed 911 actors were from Afghanistan) NOR does it have a valid reason for attacking any of Pakistan. Sure you understand "blow-back", and therefore you understand the "Snake" analogy. Don't fuck with people that are not fucking with you.


                  • If we didn't go into Afghanistan in 2001 we would have looked like a bunch of pussies; after all, they were harboring the clown who killed more people in one day than we lost at Pearl Harbor, and I doubt anyone thinks declaring war against Japan was a bad idea, now or then.

                    But in retrospect it looks like a huge mistake, monday -morning quarterbacking and the benefit of hindsight and all that. We can't get out, we installed a corrupt fool to lead that rats nest, it still has the lowest standard of living in the world and one of the worst literacy rates and the Taliban are stronger than ever and will NOT go away. Hell, Osama went into pakistan probably 3 months after we entered afghanistam, so in reality we have been fighting in that useless country, which looks like the freaking moon, for no reason for almost 9 years now.

                    Iraq is another story.....that was just George and his pals wanting revenge on Saddam for trying to pick off his dad. The world now knows that they not only had no WMD's, but they had absolutely NO connection to 9/11 and were never a training ground for Al-Queda soldiers; until AFTER we invaded! Foolish war, both of them really, but Iraq really pisses me off and every time I see a young man missing a leg or an arm or who didn't come back at all I feel horrible; Saddam was an asshole and a tyrant but there are many of those people all around the globe and we don't go invading them, we should've just left that country alone
                    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                    • BTW, a lot of people have voted in this poll, much more than in the usual polls on this forum; and Liberals come out firmly in first place.  Not surprising, I guess, that open-minded Ladyboy-Lovers would select that option; just by definition we are a group of guys who want to experiment and try new things and remember the definition of being conservative, as defined by;  

                      1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

                        People who want to limit change do NOT screw ladyboys!! {for the most part}

                      I voted Moderate myself, I try to see both sides of all issues and then decide on which side I will come down on..... although 8 years of that comedian/retard from Texas sure made me lean a bit more to the left.
                      Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                      • (JaiDee @ May 21 2010,16:32) If  we didn't go into Afghanistan in 2001 we would have looked like a bunch of pussies; after all, they were harboring the clown who killed more people in one day than we lost at Pearl Harbor, and I doubt anyone thinks declaring war against Japan was a bad idea, now or then.

                            But in retrospect it looks like a huge mistake, monday -morning quarterbacking and the benefit of hindsight and all that.  We can't get out, we installed a corrupt fool to lead that rats nest, it still has the lowest standard of living in the world and one of the worst literacy rates and the Taliban are stronger than ever and will NOT go away.  Hell, Osama went into pakistan probably 3 months after we entered afghanistam, so in reality we have been fighting in that useless country, which looks like the freaking moon, for no reason for almost 9 years now.

                                   Iraq is another story.....that was just George and his pals wanting revenge on Saddam for trying to pick off his dad.  The world now knows that they not only had no WMD's,  but they had absolutely NO connection to 9/11 and were never a training ground for Al-Queda soldiers; until AFTER we invaded!  Foolish war, both of them really, but Iraq really pisses me off and every time I see a young man missing a leg or an arm or who didn't come back at all I feel horrible; Saddam was an asshole and a tyrant but there are many of those people all around the globe and we don't go invading them, we should've just left that country alone  
                        I never believed any of Ws reasons for us needing to invade Iraq. Was against it before it happened from the first day it was ever suggested. I sat in my room in Yensabai Mansion in 2003 and watched the invasion unfold all with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

                        As for Afghanistan, history has shown no foreign power has ever conquered and controlled that place. It was foolish to think we'd be any different. The best way to take out Osama would have been through subversive means not with a force of military might. Anyone should have known it beforehand too. Our govt wanted any excuse to invade. Up till Aug 2001, we were negotiating with the Taliban govt for the right to build a natural gas pipeline from the Caspian Sea across their country. In Aug 2001, the Taliban ended talks because they didn't think we were negotiating in good faith. Then, how convenient, next month all the reason in the world to invade falls right into our laps and we got our pipeline anyway. Well, not our pipeline. The multi national corporations pipeline. Osama was in bad health around that time and IMO there is a good chance he has been dead since maybe as far back as Dec 2001. If as I believe, he is dead, our govt knows it at some level, and is withholding that from us to continue to pretend we are over there trying to find him.

                        Obama is now a bigger war prez than Bush was. After promising he'd get us our of there, he has escalated things. McCain would have been no different though and maybe worse.
                        “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                        ― Henry Ward Beecher

                        "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                        • (Lefty @ May 21 2010,18:09) there is a good chance he has been dead since maybe as far back as Dec 2001. If as I believe, he is dead, our govt knows it at some level, and is withholding that from us to continue to pretend we are over there trying to find him.
                          He has made audio and video tapes which have been verified as being made as late as 2005 or 2006; I think that was about the last time we heard from that guy, and probably ever will. He probably looks deathly ill right about now so any new tapes would just make him look like a senile old man.

                                  Also, if he died the Al-Queda freaks would probably want that to get out and make him a martyr to his followers, and have a parade somewhere in Waziristan which would be covered on the world news, etc...... that would make Al-Queda stronger than ever, actually and would give them even more new recruits to strap bombs to themselves.

                            Which flag would drape his casket? He's been a man with no country since he left Saudi Arabia in the late 80's to fight the Soviets.

                                 Me thinks he's alive somewhere and kinda feeble and ailing despite being only 53 years old .....he's in Waziristan and protected not only by his own people but also by enablers within the Paki government who are making big coin to keep his location secret, and of course since they are only psuedo-allies of ours [and don't really like us] they certainly ain't gonnna tell US!  He will die in a few years and the big parade similar to what goes on in Palestine almost daily will surely happen for this clown also.
                          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                          • (JaiDee @ May 21 2010,10:57)   Which flag would drape his casket? He's been a man with no country since he left Saudi Arabia in the late 80's to fight the Soviets.

                            The Jolly Roger. Bloody Pirate


                            • (Torurot @ May 21 2010,04:48) It should be reasonably clear.  You said your self that the US had no business attacking Iraq for it's NON-EXISTENT WMD or any other bogus excuse, NOR did it have any valid reason to attack Afghanistan (NONE of the supposed 911 actors were from Afghanistan) NOR does it have a valid reason for attacking any of Pakistan.  Sure you understand "blow-back", and therefore you understand the "Snake" analogy.  Don't fuck with people that are not fucking with you.
                              Ah I thought so but in this case my version of a snake isn't the same as yours. My reference was to al-quaida and taliban controlled strongholds.

                              Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                              • If you want any indication of how helpful Pakistan has been in finding Osama Bin Laden, consider that he needs kidney dialysis several times a week.

                                Even if he bought his own machine, someone must know where he is being treated. Or which cave the machine was delivered to.

                                It beggars belief that this happened without anyone knowing. The supplier of filters, etc must be giving them to someone.

                                I go with the idea that Bin Laden died some time ago & he is more important to Al Queda as a living symbol than a dead martyr.

                                No proper confirmation has been declared that his latest announcements are actually him. US experts think it may be him.

                                Al Queda were given official status by America in an ironic twist. They were a bunch of terrorists financed by Bin Laden who would most likely have been absorbed by the greater army of Jihadists but after 9/11 when someone needed to be identified as the perpetrators, America came up with the name Al Queda.

                                That was not a name they adopted till after 9/11. Then of course they proudly answered to the name of Al Queda, the group responsible for the worst attack on American soil in history.
                                Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.

