(f0xxee @ May 10 2009,19:56) neo fascist , gun toting, right wing lunatic
No announcement yet.
Political leanings
(JaiDee @ May 10 2009,22:36) only 18% of all US citizens hold a valid passport {true}.
I didn´t know that,but no problems believing it.
Ignorance."I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"
Jaidee 2009
The other white meat
As usual foxxee...ranting and raving without a clue. That pic I used before was Rush Limbaugh...not Karl Rove...and the one I am using now ...it's a famous chef....I'll leave you to figure it out.
I did not argue Perkin's points because most are fiction, made up to sell books and movie rights...he offers no real evidence that what he says is factual. To claim that the US went into Iraq to expand their empire is simply absurd. If GW went into Iraq to finish off what his father did not...so be it. I am happy that Saddam is history. The more of those loonies we kill, the better off the rest of the countries of the world will be, even if they do not appreciate it publicly.
Tomcat...would love to take you up on that beer sometime...
Oh, yes, I do know something about gardening...thanks for your acknowledgement of that. The fact that we do not agree on politics does not bother me one bit....check the posts prior to the Presidential election last year and you will see that I usually go it alone from the right side of the aisle around here. I am used to all the left-wingers venting after one of my political posts.
By the way...I would prefer we left the rest of the world alone...but the governments of rest of the world all want the US to do their dirty work in exchange for economic favors. You may not agree, however I think that the free trade agreement between Australia and the US had made Australia better...
(Tomcat @ May 10 2009,23:53)(f0xxee @ May 10 2009,19:56) neo fascist , gun toting, right wing lunatic
Think i 'm not allowed to post pics of my uniform anymore.....My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror. ~W. Somerset Maugham
Can i join? I'm same same plus i'm a part time faggot.
Think i 'm not allowed to post pics of my uniform anymore.....
I thought it was interesting to see :-)
BTW, I got one as well, with original dirk, hat and boots but it is not black.
That quote about gun-toting reminds me of the 7 years I lived in Montana...everybody drives a truck with a gun rack in the back window. It's no big deal...just part of their everyday life.
I train rifle with a .22 LR in the garden
For Thailand, I wanted a small 9mm for bedroom protection and an MP5 (the 5.56 short retractable version with 3-shot bursts, with some accessories) for house protection.
But I read that this will be difficult.
(alan1chef @ May 11 2009,08:15) ........in Montana...everybody drives a truck with a gun rack in the back window. It's no big deal...just part of their everyday life.
RR.Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.
"I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."
I thought it was around 9%.
USA, 5% of the world population, 95% of the worlds problems.
It may be the dream of the "third" world to get a US passport, but not so for those from the "first". Remember back in the 18th century the peasants thought the streets of London were paved with gold. When you live in a shck with no services, and raw shit running past your front door most anything will look better.
(sev7en @ May 11 2009,00:48)(JaiDee @ May 10 2009,22:36) only 18% of all US citizens hold a valid passport {true}.
I didn´t know that,but no problems believing it.
Now that a passport is needed, the percentage of people w/ a passport will go up."Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon
(Torurot @ May 11 2009,16:13) USA, 5% of the world population, 95% of the worlds problems.Beer Baron
I was staying away from this thread, because usually get into close minded idiots like my brothers who I constantly remind they voted for Bush TWICE!
Have to side withthe points that Foxee, JaiDee and Pacman have made.
and Chef its you thinking and like minded people which fuel why so many people hate Americans. That whole attititude of "We live in the greatest country in the world" Its bullshit, how the fuck would they know, becuase Fox News said so? How about when GW talks about the middle east as "They hate us because we love our freedom" Like they don't? they love freedom just as much or more, but have never been free really, especially of American imperealism.
Its like Ron Paul has said we don't need to be over there to begin with, they hate us because we are there, why do we have to meddle withthere buisness. U.S. now has a long history of interferring with any government they didn't see fit. In Central America they have gone down and toppled regimes, or sponsorred the overthrowing of governments by assassanations or outright bribes to top government officials. they offered them the gun or money and these officials took life over death.
meanwhile they spoon feed school kids and adults alike how the U.S. is this great champion of human rights, and play themselves off as World peacekeeper. They only seem to help or assist a country when its to their advantage.
After WWII the world looked up to the U.S. for all the right reasons. now they are looked down upon because of such a horrible track record from that point. Corruption, unjust wars, economic advantages used to squash competition.
So to answer the original question from the poll, i would have to put other as a Ron Paul supporter. However a guy like him will never get elected, primarily becuase of the pro-Israel lobby. currently both parties are in bed with it. Its a death sentence politically if your not in bed with it. Ron Paul would not give the U.S.'s unwavering support like the Republicans and Democrats have. So he is portrayed by media and his own (Republican) party as "out there" why? because he is a threat to the most powerful lobby in the world and a threat to one of the U.S.'s biggest buisnesses - military
and one more thing...Cheney and Rumsfeld should be tried as war criminals. How did Cheney become the most powerful VP ever? and is it any coincidence that his old company Haliburton gets most of the milittary contracts? Most of them are no-bid contracts. I could go on for days about that whole administration and Bush the worst President since Warren Harding. What a proud legacy. The last thing the U.S. needed was a nother Bush. GW went out on a beer run and became President. The Democrats aren't ammune either, a Presidents Wife running for the countries top job? Thats like Victoria Beckham playing for L.A. after her husbands done.Attached Files
seems like the Chef has an uphill battle on his hands, but we should give him credit for at least sticking with his convictions and not caving into the majority in this thread. Not picking on him in particular, but I really don't see how ANY american citizen can look at the last 8 years and look at where we are today because of the policies enacted by that moron and say "Oh ya, that was a great 8 years".
Political chatter is way cool, this thread reached 6 pages in 3 or 4 days and has a lot of different thoughts and opinions; along with religion there is nothing that gets people chatting more.Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
USA, 5% of the world population, 95% of the worlds problems.
Poverty in India?
Hunger in Ethiopia?
Nuclear weapons in North Korea?
Genocide in Darfur?
Ethnic cleansing in the Balkans?
I guess these are all America's fault as well?
America is far from perfect, but overall more a force for good than evil over the decades.
And can someone tell me what Obama's "new" foreign policy is actually going to look like? Not the nice soft words, but real actions on the ground?
Seems to me the US is still bombing Pakistan and Afghanistan, is still not doing anything to pressure Israel to move towards the 2 state solution or stop building settlements, Iran is still building centrifuges, North Korea keeps testing missiles.....and never ever will the flow of oil from the middle east be allowed to stop whatever it costs, just like every administration of both persuasions for decades before it (as pointed out earlier in this thread)
Where is this wonderful new set of actions that is going to change people's perception of the US? It all looks same same to me....except Obama is a better communicator and public speakerMister Arse