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  • #76
    I think there was a DAMN good reason for going to Iraq; when the Vice-Prez is actually the Prez because the little boy-like doofus who stole the election with the help of his daddy's supreme court picks can't even tie his own shoes without help, the Vice gets a lot of power. And, just coming off the corporate board of Halliburton/KBR [who, ummm, give supplies and material to WAR operations] said Vice Prez has a no-bid contract to offer to all his pals at said company, I can see why he and all his corporate lackeys would LOVE to throw a war!

    Wasn't hard to convince Georgie to go in after that, hell Saddam wanted his Daddy killed after all .... but if we used that measuring stick to go fight wars all the time, IE because some foreign despot doesn't like our sitting president, we'd be in wars all over the globe and even more young kids would be coming home missing limbs or dead.

    Still haven't heard the final reason du jour why we invaded Iraq, as put forth by the Bush admin before they left office..... and still feel bad for Colin Powell, who had to go out and present that fake BS to the UN security council, therefore tarnishing a once-great career forever.
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


    • #77
      (JaiDee @ May 08 2009,17:41) I think there was a DAMN good reason for going to Iraq;   when the Vice-Prez is actually the Prez because the little boy-like doofus who stole the election with the help of his daddy's supreme court picks can't even tie his own shoes without help, the Vice gets a lot of power.  And, just coming off the corporate board of  Halliburton/KBR [who, ummm, give supplies and material to WAR operations] said Vice Prez has a no-bid contract to offer to all his pals at said company, I can see why he and all his corporate lackeys would LOVE to throw a war!

        Wasn't hard to convince Georgie to go in after that, hell Saddam wanted his Daddy killed after all .... but if we used that measuring stick to go fight wars all the time, IE because some foreign despot doesn't like our sitting president, we'd be in wars all over the globe and even more young kids would be coming home missing limbs or dead.

          Still haven't heard the final reason du jour why we invaded Iraq, as put forth by the Bush admin before they left office..... and still feel bad for Colin Powell, who had  to go out and present that fake  BS to the UN security council, therefore tarnishing a once-great career forever.
      or the famous declaration "if you are not with us, you are against us!!!"

      I wish there were some unmarked black UN helicopters and airplanes with commandos onboard which would go to kidnap the Bush gang, Cheney, Wolfowitz and the other Pearles to take them to "undisclosed locations" where they would be indefinitely held without trial and "interrogated" using techniques that "technically aren't torture" about the hundreds of thousands deaths they caused...

      Do you think such actions would be inhuman?

      Then, from a geopolitical viewpoint, the 1990 and 2003 campaigns make sense.

      Saddam has formerly been a good ally of the west, but who was no longer useful.
      In 1990, CIA lured Saddam into attacking Kuwait.
      The US needed that provocation to impose US military bases to the Saudis.
      But Saddam needed to remain a threat for the bases to be maintained, so GB senior stopped the attack on Saddam, while the whole world thought the best thing would be to wipe out the dictator.

      13 years later, once the Saudis were on the solid grip of the US, Georgie's gang successfully used a totally unrelated event (2001 WTC attack by terrorists) to fabricate a case against Saddam.

      We know that the only reason was to protect US oil supply and to make some serious bucks in the process, for the pockets of the Bush gang and their Saudi friends.


      • #78
        The US does not torture!!

        ooops, forgot..... when the Khmer Rouge do this type of shit it's called torture, but for the United States of Hypocrisy it's just called "enhanced interrogation techniques" LOL. Try telling that to the people who get subjected to it.
        Attached Files
        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


        • #79

          counter insurgency is a nasty war with no clear cut rules. If you want to play by a rule book you may as not get involved as they enemy is just going to use that rule book against you. If your going to war give your troops the means to win or else don't send them at all.

          If anything the former administration should be applauded for at least not leaving the guys doing the nasty stuff swinging at the mercy of left wing lawyers and monday morning quaterbacks. It's always happended but usually politicans like to pretend they don't know it's going on (see one nancy peloci). Sure they want to sleep safe in their beds at night and be protected but they don't want to know the nasty stuff done in our name. I challenge anyone to name a single succsessfull counter insugency campaign that did not involve a bit of nasty stuff.
          Beer Baron


          • #80
            The only thing is we can't pick and choose, RE torture; we either say we don't do it EVER and back up our standing in the Geneva conventions or we do it and join the rest of the club; certainly the assholes in the Taliban or Al-Queda do that shit and worse so if we are fighting them than perhaps it should be time for us as to do it as well.

            But for Bushie and Cheney to say all along "the US does not use torture'' just by changing the name to ''enhanced interrogation techniques'' is a farce; call it what it is fer crissakes. We either get on the torture bandwagon [war is hell anyway, who can ever follow any clear-cut rules?] or we get off, there is no half-and-half bullshit.
            Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


            • #81
              I think it's pretty obvious. Why give the enemy a propaganda coup. They tell enough shit about the west anyway, why give them more ammunition. I think you are getting a little too black and white in a very grey area. Plus when did a politican ever tell the truth anyway?
              Beer Baron


              • #82
                If thousands of lives are saved by hosing down some raghead im all for it. War is not cricket.

                As far as i am concerned Civilization is but a thin veneer. The law of the jungle is never far away. Just look at the recent History of the Balkans which descended into mass murder and genocide.

                I remember watching a documentary about the war with Japan in Malaya. A visiting US General said to the British Officer " where do you keep all the prisoners then"

                The British Officer just said " Ahem...shall we have some lunch"

                Dig a little down and humans are pretty nasty...on all sides.


                • #83
                  Personally my greatest concern is the lack of privacy that we all face these days.

                  From Mobile phones that know when you are coming close to a Starbucks and send you a text telling you of thier specials, to ATM machines that monitor (and film) your movements, GPS tracking devices etc...

                  I am a lover of anonymity.

                  I LIKE no one knowing WTF I am.

                  Its why I ride motorbikes ALONE.

                  There is too much snoopin going on, and we are allowing it to happen through the politics of keeping us credit-stressed and fearful of our neighbors. One of the most oft heard (and painful) quotes heard on this forum is "some of my best friends are gay" Well some of my best friends are muslims, jews, irish, seppos and even (heaven forbid) kiwis.

                  My job has taken me around the world to some real shitholes. And smiles and genuine friendships and care has been the rule rather than the exception.

                  There is only Good and Bad. Race and religion dont come into it.

                  But Mr. Murdoch and his neo-con peers like us fearful.

                  Because that keeps us toeing the line.

                  I have divorced my country, because it has become a parody of what was once the greatest (not the largest or strongest or richest I might ad) but greatest place to be. (Australia.)

                  And now it is violent and intollerant and selfish.

                  Thanks Rupe, Little Johnny, Bushes 1 and 2.

                  I hope you are proud.

                  Rant over.

                  "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                  • #84
                    (alan1chef @ May 07 2009,14:59) The US went into Iraq to expand their empire???? you REALLY believe that? If so, then I have some beachfront property in Arizona you'll love! Also, anyone who says we went into Iraq because of the oil has succumbed to the worn out cliche used by liberals for the last 40 years. When you cannot find the real reason...or don't want to believe the real reason...or just want to be loved by your fellow say OIL...over and over and over again.
                    Ah fantastic Alan,

                    There I was feeling all pissed off because I agreed with your gardening tips, and again you give me  a reason to remember that you are without a doubt the most ill educated, and ignorant poster here.
                    As usual you use others for you avatars (and boy are you scraping the bottom of the barrel with Rove; who's next? Jeffrey Darhmer? Maybe you went to the same cooking school.)
                    Just saying that Mr Perkins is wrong and you are right is not making an argument. He was there, you were not. He argues his case in a book. You aresimply say he is wrong. PROVE IT YOU DUMB FUCK!
                    Simply stating you are right because you you have been sucking the smegma from neo-cons since you were dick high does not make you right.
                    YOU are the reason that most poor americans wonder why they are cordially disliked world wide. Most yanks are great people, but cunts like you think we all want to be you.
                    We do not. We want to be US, and left alone by neo fasict ignorant, gun toting right wing lunatics like you.
                    No wonder you love the Philippines... its the everything a right winger could desire: Corrupt, cheap labour and no chance of political change.

                    Go get some cooking tips off Jeffrey D now... Wanker

                    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                    • #85
                      (f0xxee @ May 10 2009,19:56) YOU are the reason that most poor americans wonder why they are cordially disliked world wide.
                      If you gave every one in the world a vote on a second passport my guess is that 70% would put the USA as top. So they all want to go there but dislike the people eh... bullshit

                      You havent even offerd your own reasonable opinion but derated Alan Chief... is that the best you can do.

                      As soon as the wanker icon is used its a sure sign that one has lost the plot...if you want to let steam off , go and boil your kettle

                      I would edit your post pronto


                      • #86
                        Hey Tomcat,

                        Good thing you are not me then.

                        I made the point that Perkins writes a book to prove his point. Alan simply states he wrong. No further logical argument except that statement.

                        Your GUESS is that 70% of persons would like the USA passport as their second. My GUESS is they would prefer an EU passport.

                        No I think the people of the US are not disliked. But the overbearing blowhard policy makers that govern your country (I am assuming you are American) are.

                        Get this through  your head TC: Manifest Destiny is an outdated philosophy.

                        The rest of the world do NOT like you foreign policy faux pas. Or the recession your banks have created. Or your Genetically Modified Crops. (ask a farmer in India about Monsanto some time). Or the state of fear that exists due to your inability to accept that others may not share the same beliefs you do....

                        We want the right to be us, not a satellite state.

                        You "guess" we all want a US passport?

                        You need to get out more. See what the world thinks of your country post Clinton.

                        PS: : You would edit my post if you were me? How kind of you. Your condecension is duly noted and disregarded.

                        And if you are boiling the kettle it's white, 2 sugars.[U]

                        "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                        • #87
                          (f0xxee @ May 10 2009,19:28) I am a lover  of anonymity.

                          I LIKE no one knowing WTF I am.

                          Its why I ride motorbikes ALONE.

                          I am with ya' on these things, Foxee, hell I do*everything* one telling me what to do or when to wake up or where we are going for dinner or beers, etc.....  if I wanna see people there is a time and a place for that as well, but being alone and ANON is the way to go IMO.  

                               I agree with most of the rest of your rant also,  the USA has become a worldwide joke between 2000 and 2008 and anyone who doesn't see that is just plain blind.  Cheney led us into 2 wars we can't possibly win, fueled a worldwide recession and left office with the highest unemployment rate in 28 well as leaving a republican party with 21% admitted membership.   Easily the worst president ever, now he's not even getting along with that fool from Texas who was the prez in name only for those 8 years; Lil' Bushie is upset because  Darth Vader ruined his ''legacy'', whatever the hell that was going to be.

                                        We are back on track now, we finally have a liberal and open-minded prez in there and the Repubs are all getting old and senile, they have no future and the morons who listen to Rush and Hannity and those fools are in a minority these days, watching Fox news until the nascar events come on.  I only wish Obama would pull the plug on Afghanistan as well as Iraq, neither one is winnable and the Taliban won't go away.  Am I the only one out there who read  "Ghost Wars"?
                          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                          • #88
                            It may well have been 70% support for the US once, there is no way they are so popular today.

                            2 terms under George W Bush has cost the US their moral authority & turned so many traditional supporters against them. I saw it happen here in Oz, a PR nightmare.

                            Barack Obama has his work cut out to convince their allies that the US is on the right track. He does have enormous support though & he is a smart guy. We love him here, thank god.

                            The biggest danger he faces is the threat of assassination. They killed Kennedy, let's all hope that it doesn't happen again...
                            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                            • #89
                              (pacman @ May 10 2009,22:01) cost the US their moral authority & turned so many traditional supporters against them.
                              when you tell the morons on the right about this, they just say "so what, who cares what the rest of the world thinks about us?"

                               These are the same people who spend their summer vacations at Disney World or the Indy 500; remember, only 18% of all US citizens hold a valid passport {true}.

                                     But for a guy who travels around the world 1/2 the year and who used to get well-received back in the 90's   {kind of like "oh,'re an American?"} and who is now treated with disdain in the very same places {kind of like "oh,'re an AMERICAN!!!??}, it got very tiring under Dick and his retarded stepson.

                                      No we are back to being respected and will hopefully try and get our standing back on the world stage.
                              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                              • #90
                                (JaiDee @ May 10 2009,06:35) open-minded prez
                                Extremely important.

                                How can one make the proper decisons if one is unwilling to examine and weigh the facts?

