I'm a hippy when it comes to bleedin' yuman roights! Give 'em cash and houses and even knives and guns to help them murder people. FFS!
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Political leanings
Anti-government anarchocapitalist libertarian.
Both political parties are just wings of the same state. Until people learn some real economics and real history soon, we'll all be taking Hayek's Road to Serfdom which is the destination of center of the road politics. Mind you Hayek's note a shadow of Mises and Rothbard.
The only good politics is less government interference so people can get on with their lives and associate with whoever they want.
Anyone who has the sense to realist leftist socialism is a disaster and right wing social conservatism is ridiculous needs to be looking toward the libertarian direction.
Best start to knoweldge is Henry Hazlitt's 'Economics in One Lesson'. Several online versions available for those interested. Then graduate to www.mises.org
(pacman @ May 05 2009,19:19)I could take issue with you on a number of these stances, all I will say is:
Be careful what you wish for.
One thing I will add concerns the question of paying income tax - the best way to avoid tax minimisation schemes that unfairly favour the big corporations is to to do away with income tax completely.
This has been well argued by smarter men than I but either a deposits tax or a broad goods & services tax takes care of government revenue far more fairly & effectively.
Imagine a world where no-one needs to fill in a tax return, where the tax lawyers have to find a real job instead of dreaming up ways to defraud the state...
The increase in efficiency in the way a country would run is staggering. In the US alone, it is calculated that such a plan could fund their own health care scheme.
Not before time, what a joke that the so-called biggest economy in the world stands alone in not being able to provide the type of free health care that EVERY OTHER first world country takes for granted.
About your big corporations concern, I think I have a similar stance:
No taxes at all for revenues under a certain level and cap taxes at 20% of a person's net revenues in general.
Introduce progressive tax on corporations, based on consolidated assets or turnover. The bigger it is, the more taxes it must pay, starting at 0% for very small companies and up to 66% of profits for very large corporations.
what's the other issues?
P.S. maybe a found a definition for me (thank you ladyboyluva):
anti-corporation right-wing liberal democratic-capitalist-dirigist. LOL
Manarak, I am not keen on debating the merits of every one of your ideas, it can quickly degenerate into a point scoring exercise.
It is only my opinion versus yours.
To issues of national security I am in broad agreement, though I don't care much for the discriminatory policies against the immigrants you say should be free to visit
everyone can travel everywhere
One line that did strike me as inconsistent is this:
double income households (i.e. where both partners/parents work and live under the same roof) without children get their tax cap raised to 50% of revenues. This is to encourage child birth and to easen the upward pressure on real estate prices and rents.
Just how that eases property prices is beyond me but I am sure you will explain it. The main consequence I see from such a policy is an increase in the numbers of unwanted children. Social engineering designed to force population growth has never been a good idea.
Anyway, good luck to you on at least thinking about the type of society you want, with modifications it could be one version of Utopia.Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.
I voted liberal as the option for being a liberal lunatic was not on offer!
Having just moved house I do believe in the death penalty for estate agents, conveyencing solicitors and removal men. Does that make me a bad person?You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.
You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992
Conservative, But I'm not naive enough to think they hold all the answers. I'm as scared of Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter as the rest of them. I also don't hate or demonise liberals. In fact I'd say most of my close friends are liberal.
It's just I'm usually taking the conservative side on most arguments. But like most it's not straight down the line. If you compromise your personal views for the sake of a political party I'd rather not listen, but if it's what you honestly believe fair enough, who am I to judge if your not harming anyone.Beer Baron
(geezer @ May 05 2009,21:53) who am I to judge if your not harming anyone."I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"
Jaidee 2009
The other white meat
I'm about as far as left as you can get.
I think Marx was pretty much right on just about everything. The bourgeois steal their profits from labor in the form of surplus value and the police and military are their to keep the rabble in line. The system also relies on commodity fetishism to keep people buying a bunch of shit they don't need in order to keep the whole mad parade humming along. All of that combined with religion and nationalism are effective means of control.
Like the rest of the civilized world we need a national health plan in this country.
Also, free higher education for ANYONE who wants it.
The military industrial complex has fucking run amok and needs to be strictly controlled and reigned in.
The prison industrial complex in this country is probably one of the most unfair and cruel systems in all of the western world. To begin with the profit motive needs to be taken out of the equation.
TAX THE FUCK OUT OF the big boys in the financial sector. Fuck it, NATIONALIZE the Banks permanently.
Legalize ALL drugs for people over 18; tax them accordingly.
You should be able to marry whoever the fuck you want.
That's all I have time for at the moment."Bankin' off of the northeast wind
Salin' on a summer breeze
And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
-Harry Nilsson
As I say I'd have to be considered a Mod because I hold positions which would make a Lefty cringe and also piss of conservatives. IE, I am pro-abortion and pro-death penalty but also anti- gun-laws; the 2nd ammendment to the constitution was written when we had wild fucking indians running 75% of this country and the average folk NEEDED to be armed! These days; what, we need an AK-47 to go hunt down a deer?
I also hate the way the liberals coddle prisoners instead of lock 'em up as they should be ...... ''oh, he can be rehabilitated''.....bullshit, you do the crime you serve the time. Liberals wanna counsel these fuckers to death and that ain't working. On the other hand, I think we should clear the jails of anyone convicted of minor drug charges, IE posession, and do away with ''3 strikes and you're out'', which can really harm someone for life if they just steal a loaf of bread the 3rd time around.
Anti-war, anti-imperialism, anti- intrusions on personal freedoms and FOR talking with people like Chavez and Iran and Cuba, like Obama, hated Bush and Cheney, etc......all positions a lefty would like. But also anti-big-government and never have been a bleeding-heart type; as I said originally I supported Reagan and never really liked Clinton or his skanky wife, I think the only reason I even moved to Moderate is because how badly Bushy fucked things up around here since 2000.
I am very interested now in seeing the Republican party self-destruct. Michael Steele is a joke as the RNC chairman, and they literally have NO ONE else; Mitt Romney? John Boehner? Bobby Jindal? And, of course the biggest joke out there; Sarah Palin?? Classic shit you can't even make up when the leader of your party is some obese, pill-popping demigod who spews forth vile invectives on his radio program 3 hours per day and people sit around saying "you go, Rush" and THAT is the Republican party these days!Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
(sev7en @ May 05 2009,22:08)(geezer @ May 05 2009,21:53) who am I to judge if your not harming anyone.Beer Baron
(geezer @ May 05 2009,22:29) Ain't it funny how the further you go on each side the more they start to become the same.
(geezer @ May 05 2009,22:29)
True, and the irony is that individaulism is suppose to be a core part of the right where as on the left the state is more important. Ain't it funny how the further you go on each side the more they start to become the same.
The left stole the term liberal early last century btw as liberalism was generally accepted as an indivualist doctrine.
The left - right spectrum has been twisted and folded so much it doesn't make sense.
You've got Government ruling business (Socialism) v Business Ruling Government (Fascism) with the alternative of having limited government, which stops the other two from developing.
The state (big government) lovers of course try to slot the small government types in with right wing moon bats which is absurd.
The so called moderate or middle ground inevitably marches directly toward bigger and worser government which is a combination of socialism and fascism. That's where the US is going unfortunately and Obama's taking it there with perhaps greater alacrity than his bumbling predecessor.
(geezer @ May 05 2009,16:29) Ain't it funny how the further you go on each side the more they start to become the same.
My first thoughts were it was just like being in any other right wing police state - and I've seen a few of them also.
RR.Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.
"I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."