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The Real Irish History

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  • The Real Irish History

    Here's a little history lesson lads, from a little thing I researched a couple of years back. I called it "Adam Eve, & Me", where I traced my blood line as far back as I could. It starts at number 1 which is Adam & Eve, all the way up to my Irish family name. I will not put all of it in as it's too big. Just from number 12 and shows who is the descendant of whom.

    My point is that, we all come the same point of origin "The Middle East" long before there was any such thing as an Irish, or British nation, and after the last Ice Age, when there was just a few hunters& gatherers in any piece of land. Give your self time to read this! And learn something for a change. I only did the Irish side but it's the same story for any one that thinks they are English or British.

    What gives mankind the right to draw lines on Mother Earth and say this land belongs to us? Surely it's the other way round, mankind belongs to Mother Earth! Mankind is just a venereal disease on Mother Earth, and some day she will shrug us off her shoulders.

    12. Magog, מגוג, Μαγωγ, magowg, [ ma'gog ], is the second of the seven sons of Japheth mentioned in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10. It means "from Gog". The root, Gog, means "mountain". Magog is also the name of a mountainous region between Cappadocia and Media.
    Magog is also often associated with apocalyptic traditions, mainly in connection with Ezekiel 38 and 39 which mentions "Gog of the land of Magog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal."

    Josephus identified the offspring of Magog as the Scythians, a name used in antiquity for peoples north of the Black Sea. According to him, the Greeks called Scythia Magogia (Ant., bk. I, 6). It has also been variously conjectured that Magog's offspring were the progenitors of the Slavic peoples known to history.

    According to some Irish traditions, such as the Irish Chronicles, the Irish race is a composite including descendants of Magog. Baath (Boath), Jobhath, and Fathochta are the three sons of Magog. Partholón, Nemed, and Iobath are Magog's descendants. Magog was supposed to have had a grandchild called Heber, who spread throughout the Mediterranean.

    There is also a Hungarian legend that says the Magyars are descended from twin brothers named Hunor and Magor, who lived by the sea of Azov in the years after the flood, and took wives from the Alans. According to the version of this legend in the mediaeval Chronicon Pictum, this Magor is Magog, son of Japheth.

    Magog: From whom descended the Parthians, Bactrians, Amazons, etc.; Parthalon, the first planter of Ireland, about 300 years after the Flood; and also the rest of the colonies that planted there, viz., the Nemedians, who planted Ireland, Anno Mundi 3046, or 318 years after the birth of Abraham, and 2153 years before Christ.

    The Nemedians continued in Ireland for 217 years; within which time a colony of theirs went into the northern parts of Scotland, under the conduct of their leader Briottan Maol, from whom Britain takes its name, and not from "Brutus," as some persons believed.

    From Magog were also descended the Belgarian, Belgian, Firbolgian or Firvolgian colony that succeeded the Nemedians, Anno Mundi, 3266, and who first erected Ireland into a Monarchy. (According to some writers, the Fomorians invaded Ireland next after the Nemedians.)

    This Belgarian of Firvolgian colony continued in Ireland for 36 years, under 9 of their Kings;

    when they were supplanted by the Tuatha-de-Danann , who possessed Ireland for 197 years, during the reigns of nine of their kings; and who were then conquered by the Gaelic, Milesian, or Scotic Nation (the three names by which the Irish people were known), Anno Mundi 3500.

    This Milesian or Scotic Irish Nation possessed and enjoyed the Kingdom of Ireland for 2885 years, under 183 Monarchs; until their submission to King Henry the Second of England, Anno Domini in 1186.

    13. Boath, one of the sons of Magog; to whom Scythia came as his lot, upon the division of the Earth by Noah amongst his sons, and by Japhet of his part thereof amongst his sons.

    14. Fenius Farsa (also Phoeniusa, Phenius, Fénius; Farsaid, Farsaidh, many variant spellings) was a legendary king of Scythia who shows up in many legends of Irish folklore. According to some traditions, he was the creator of the Ogham alphabet and the Gaelic language.

    In the Lebor Gabála Érenn (11th C), he is said to be one of the 72 chieftains who built Nimrod's Tower of Babel, but traveled to Scythia after the tower collapsed.

    According to the Auraicept na n-Éces, Fenius journeyed from Scythia together with Goídel mac Ethéoir, Íar mac Nema and a retinue of 72 scholars. They came to the plain of Shinar to study the confused languages at Nimrod's tower. Finding that they had already been dispersed, Fenius sent his scholars to study them, staying at the tower, coordinating the effort.

    After ten years, the investigations were complete, and Fenius created in Bérla tóbaide "the selected language", taking the best of each of the confused tongues, which he called Goídelc, Goidelic, after Goídel mac Ethéoir. He also created extensions of Goídelc, called Bérla Féne, after himself, Íarmberla, after Íar mac Nema, and others, and the Beithe-luis-nuin (the Ogham) as a perfected writing system for his languages. The names he gave to the letters were those of his 25 best scholars.

    Auraicept claims that Fenius Farsaidh discovered four alphabets, the Hebrew, Greek and Latin ones, and finally the Ogham, and that the Ogham is the most perfected because it was discovered last.

    Phoeniusa Farsaidh (or Fenius Farsa) was King of Scythia, at the time when Ninus ruled the Assyrian Empire; and, being a wise man and desirous to learn the languages that not long before confounded the builders of the Tower of Babel, employed able and learned men to go among the dispersed multitude to learn their several languages; who sometime after returning well skilled in what they went for.

    Phœniusa Farsaidh erected a school in the valley of Senaar, near the city of Æothena, in the forty-second year of the reign of Ninus; whereupon, having continued there with his younger son Niul for twenty years, he returned home to his kingdom, which, at his death, he left to the oldest son Nenuall; leaving to Niul no other patrimony than his learning and the benefit of the said school.

    15. Niul, after his father returned to Scythia, continued some time at Å“othena, teaching the languages and other laudable sciences, until upon report of his great learning he was invited into Egypt by The Pharaoh Cinqueris.

    The Pharaoh Cinqueris, gave him the land of Campus Cyrunt, near the Red Sea to inhabit, and his daughter Scota in marriage; from whom their posterity are ever since called Scots;

    It was this Niul that employed Gaodhal Gael, son of Ethor, a learned and skilful man, to compose or rather refine and adorn the language, called Bearla Tobbai, which was common to all Niul's future generations, and afterwards called Gaodhilg (or Gaelic), from the said Gaodhal who composed or refined it; and for his sake also Niul called his own eldest son "Gaodhal."

    16. Gaodhal (or Gathelus), the son of Niul, and ancestor of Clan-na-Gael, that is, "the children or descendants of Gaodhal".

    Gaodhal in his youth ended up in Egypt and was stung in the neck by a serpent, and was immediately brought to Moses, who, laying his rod upon the wounded place, instantly cured him; whence followed the word "Glas" to be added to his named, as Gaodhal Glas (glas: Irish, green; Lat. glaucus; Gr. glaukos), on account of the green scar which the word signifies, and which, during his life, remained on his neck after the wound was healed.

    And Gaodhal obtained a further blessing from Moses, namely a prophecy, that no venomous beast can live any time where his descentants should inhabit; which is verified in Creta or Candia, Gothia or Getulia, Ireland, etc. And also the prophecy that one day his descendants would live on a happy western island free of serpents.

    The Irish chroniclers affirm that from this time Gaodhal and his descendants did paint the figures of Beasts, Birds, etc., on their banners and shields, to distinguish their tribes and septs, in imitation of the Israelites; and that a "Thunderbolt" was the knowledge and awareness in their chief standard for many generations after this Gaodhal.

    Goídel Glas, the eponymous ancestor of the Gaels, who created the Gaelic language by combining the best features of the 72 languages then in existence.

    17. Asruth, after his father's death, continued in Egypt and governed his colony in peace during his life.

    18. Sruth, soon after his father's death, was set upon by the Egyptians, on account of their former animosities towards their predecessors for having taken part with the Israelites against them; which animosities until then lay raked up in the embers, and now broke out in a flame to that degree, that after many battles and conflicts wherein most of his colony lost their live, Sruth was forced with the few remaining to depart the country; and, after many traverses at sea, arrived at the Island of Creta (now called Candia), where he paid his last tribute to nature.

    19. Heber Scut (scut: Irish, a Scot), after his father's death and a year's stay in Creta, departed thence, leaving some of his people to inhabit the Island, where some of their descendants likely still remain; "because the Island breeds no venomous serpent ever since." He and his people soon after arrived in Scythia; where his cousins, the descendants of Nenuall (eldest son of Fenius Farsa, above mentioned), refusing to allot a place of habitation for him and his colony, they fought many battles wherein Heber (with the assistance of some of the natives who were ill-affected towards their king), being always victor, he at length forced the sovereignty from the other, and settled himself and his colony in Scythia, who continued there for four generations. (Hence the epithet Scut, "a Scot" or "a Scythian," was applied to this Heber, who was accordingly called Heber Scot.) Heber Scot was afterwards slain in battle by Noemus the former king's son.

    20. Baouman; king of Scythia, but in constant war with the natives.

    21 Ogaman; king of Scythia, but also in constant war with the natives.

    22. Tait, Also king of Scythia, but in constant war with the natives. So after Tait's death his son, Agnon left Scythia and took to the sea.

  • #2
    23. Agnon and his followers took themselves to sea, wandering and coasting upon the Caspian Sea for several (some say seven) years in which time he died.

    24. Lamhfionn and his fleet remained at sea for some time, after the death of his father Agnon, resting and refreshing themselves upon such islands as they met with. It was then the Cachear, their magician or Druid, foretold that there would be no end of their voyages and travel, until they should arrive at the Western Island of Europe, now called Ireland, which was the place destined for their future and lasting abode and settlement; and that not they but their descendants after three hundred years should arrive there. After many traverses of fortune at sea, this little fleet with their leader arrived at last and landed at Gothia or Geulia-more recently called Tunisia, where Carthage now known as Tunis was afterwards built; and, soon after, Lamhfionn died there.

    25. Heber Glunfionn was born in Gothia, where he died. His descendants continued there to the eighth generation; and were kings or chief rulers there for one hundred and fifty years-some say three hundred years.

    33. Brath was born in Gothia. Remembering the Druid's prediction, and his people having considerably multiplied during their abode in Geulia, he departed thence with a numerous fleet to seek out the country destined for their final settlement, by the prophecy of Cachear, the Druid above mentioned; and, after some time, he landed upon the coast of Spain, and by strong hand settled himself and his colony in Galicia, in the north of that country.

    34. Breoghan (or Brigus) was king of Galicia, Andalusia, Murcia, Castile, and Portugal all of which he conquered. He built Breoghan's Tower or Brigantia in Galicia, and the city of Brigantia or Braganza in Portugal, to which he called after himself; and the kingdom of Castile was then also called after him Brigia. It is considered that "Castile" itself was so called from the figure of a castle which Brigus bore for his Arms on his banner. Brigus sent a colony into Britain, who settled in that territory now known as the counties of York, Lancaster, Durham, Westmoreland, and Cumberland, and, after him were called Brigantes; whose descendants gave formidable opposition to the Romans, at the time of the Roman invasion of Britain.

    35. Bilé; was king of those countries after his father's death; and his son Galamh [galav] or Milesius succeeded him. This Bilé had a brother named Ithe.

    36. Milesius, in his youth and in his father's life-time, went into Scythia, where he was kindly received by the king of that country, who gave him his daughter in marriage, and appointed him General of his forces. In this capacity Milesius defeated the king's enemies, gained much fame, and the love of all the king's subjects.

    Milesius growing greatness and popularity excited jealousy in the king. Who, fearing the worst, resorted to privately dispatching Milesius as openly, he dare not attempt it. Finding out of the king's intentions in his regard, Milesius slew him, and then left Scythia and retired into Egypt.

    With a fleet of sixty sails he arrived in Egypt. Pharaoh Nectonibus, then king of Egypt, being informed of his arrival and of his great valor, wisdom, and conduct in arms, made him General of all his forces against the king of Ethiopia which then was invading his country.

    Here, as in Scythia, Milesius was victorious, he forced the enemy to submit to the conqueror's own terms of peace. By these exploits Milesius found great favor with Pharaoh, who gave him, being then a widower, his daughter Scota in marriage; and kept him eight years afterwards in Egypt.

    During the short stay of Milesius in Egypt, he employed the most ingenious and able persons among his people to be instructed in the several trades, arts, and sciences used in Egypt; in order to have them taught to the rest of his people on his return to Spain.

    The original name of Milesius of Spain was "Galamh" (gall: Irish, a stranger; amh, ), which means, no stranger, meaning that he was no stranger in Egypt, where he was called "Milethea Spaine," which was afterwards contracted to "Miló Spaine" (meaning the Spanish Hero), and finally to "Milesiius" (mileadh: Irish, a hero; Lat. miles, a soldier). At length Milesius took leave of his father-in-law, and steered towards Spain, where he arrived to the great joy and comfort of his people, who were much harassed by the rebellion of the natives and by the intrusion of other foreign nations that forced in after his father's death, and during his own long absence from Spain.

    With these and those he often met, and, in fifty-four battles, victoriously fought, he routed, destroyed, and totally extirpated them out of the country, which he settled in peace and quietness.

    In his reign a great drought and famine occurred in Spain, of twenty-six years' continuance, occasioned, as well by reason of the former troubles which hindered the people from cultivating, and fertilizing the ground, as for want of rain to moisten the earth.

    At this time Milesius's wife Scota, and his uncle Ithe, spied Ireland from the top of the Breogan's Tower 900 kilometres north of Corunna, Galicia in Spain. The Breogan's Tower was built by Breogan the father of Ithe.

    But Milesius superstitiously believed the famine to have fallen upon him and his people as a judgment and punishment from their gods, for their negligence in seeking out the country destined for their final abode, so long before foretold by Cachear their Druid or magician, as already mentioned.

    The time limited of 300 years, by the prophecy for the accomplishment was now nearly, if not fully, expired. To make amends for his fault and to comply with the will of his gods, Milesius, with the general approbation of his people, sent his uncle Ithe, with his son Lughaidh [Luy], and one hundred and fifty stout men to bring them an account of those western islands, who, accordingly, arriving at the island since then called Ireland, and landing in that part of it now called Munster, left his son with fifty of his men to guard the ship, and with the rest traveled about the island.

    Informed, among other things, that the three sons of King Cearmad Milbheoil of the Tuatha Dé Danann called MacCuill, MacCeacht, and MacGreine, did then and for thirty years before rule and govern the island, each for one year, in his turn.

    And that the country was called after the names of their three queens - Eire, Fodhla, and Banbha, respectively: one year called "Eire," the next "Fodhla," and the next "Banbha," as their husbands reigned in their regular turns, by which names the island is ever since indifferently called, but most commonly "Eire," because that MacCuill, the husband of Eire, ruled and governed the country in his turn the year that the Clan-na-Milé (or the sons of Milesius) arrived in and conquered Ireland.

    And Ithe being further informed that the three brothers were then at their palace at Aileach Neid, in the north part of the country, engaged in the settlement of some disputes concerning their family jewels, Ithe directed his course to Aileach Neid, sending orders to his son to sail about with his ship and the rest of his men, and meet him there.

    When Ithe arrived where the (Tuatha Dé Danann ) brothers were, be was honourably received and entertained by them. And finding him to be a man of great wisdom, and knowledge, they referred their disputes to him for a decision.

    That decision having met their entire satisfaction, Ithe exhorted them to mutual love, peace, and forbearance, adding much in praise of their delightful, pleasant, and fruitful country, he then took his leave, to return to his ship, and go back to Spain.

    No sooner was he gone than the brothers, began to reflect on the high commendations which Ithe gave of the Island. And, suspecting his design of bringing others to invade it, they made a decision to prevent him from doing so.

    They pursued Ithe, with a strong party, overtook him, fought and defeated his men and killed him, before his son or the rest of his men, which was left on ship, could come to his rescue.

    The place, from that fight is called "Magh Ithe" or "The plain of Ithe" (an extensive plain in the barony of Raphoe, county Donegal). And when his son, having found him in that condition, brought his dead and mangled body back into Spain, and there exposed it to public view, thereby to excite his friends and relations to avenge his murder.

    (Note: that all the invaders and planters of Ireland, namely, Parthalonians, Neimhedh, the Firbolgs, Tuatha Dé Danann, and Clan-na-Milé, where originally Scythians, of the line of Japbet, who had the language called Bearla-Tobbai or Gaoidhilg (Gaelic) which was common amongst them all. And consequently not to be wondered at, that Ithe and the Tuatha Dé Danann understood one another without an Interpreter - both speaking the same language, though perhaps with some difference in the accent).

    The exposing of the dead body of Ithe had the desired effect, as Milesius made great preparations in order to invade Ireland, to avenge his uncle's death, and also in obedience to the will of his gods, signified by the prophecy of Cachear the Druid.

    But, before he could effect that object, he died, leaving the care, and charge of that expedition upon his eight legitimate sons by his two wives before mentioned. Milesius was a very valiant champion, a great warrior, and fortunate and prosperous in all his undertakings: witness his name of "Milesius," given him from the many battles (some say a thousand, which the word "Milé" signifies in Irish as well as in Latin) which he victoriously fought and won, as well in Spain, as in all the other countries and kingdoms be traversed in his younger days.

    The eight brothers were neither forgetful nor negligent in the execution of their father's command, but soon after his death, with a numerous fleet well manned and equipped, along with their mother Scota and nine brothers of Ithe, set forth from Breoghan's Tower of Brigantia (now Corunna) in Galicia, in Spain, and sailed to the coasts of lnis-Fail in Ireland, where they met many difficulties and various events before they could land.

    This was caused by the diabolical arts, sorceries, and enchantments used by the Tuatha Dé Danann , to obstruct their landing, for, by their magic art, they enchanted the island so as to appear to the Milesians or Clan-na-Milé in the form of a Hog, and no way to land on it (and so the island, among the many other names it had before, was called "Muc-Inis or "The Hog Island"). And in addition raised so great a storm, that the Milesian fleet was then totally dispersed and many of them cast away, resulting in five of the eight brothers, sons of Milesius, lost their lives.

    That part of the fleet commanded by Heber, Érimón , and Amergin (the three surviving, brothers), and Heber Donn, son of Ir (one of the brothers lost in the storm), overcame all opposition, landed safe, fought and routed the three Tuatha Dé Danann Kings at Slieve-Mis, and thence pursued and overtook them at Tailten, where another bloody battle was fought. Where the three (Tuatha Dé Danann ) Kings and their Queens were slain. And their army was utterly and without mercy, defeated and destroyed, so that they could never later give any opposition to the Clan-na-Milé in their new conquest, and having then sufficiently avenged the death of their great uncle Ithe, gained the possession of the country foretold them by Cachear, some ages past, as already mentioned.

    Scota, the mother of Heber, Érimón , and Amergin, died some time during the battle of Tailten, and was buried near the capital at that time was called Tara.

    (Note; Scota, in Irish mythology, Scottish mythology and pseudohistory, was an Egyptian princess to whom the Gaels traced their ancestry, explaining the name Scoti, applied by the Romans to Irish raiders, and later to the Irish invaders of Argyll and Caledonia which became known as Scotland.)

    (Note; Scoti or Scotti (Old Irish Scot, modern Scottish Gaelic Sgaothaich) was the generic name given by the Romans to Gaelic raiders from Ireland. Some of them, from the nascent Kingdom of Dál Riata, in what is now Ulster, settled in Argyll (Earra-Ghàidheal, meaning Coast of the Gaels), where they extended Dál Riata. In time the name became applied to all the people within the regions successive generations conquered, hence the modern words Scot and Scotland.)

    (Note; Eber and his brother Érimón , fought the Tuatha Dé Danann in battle at Taillte and killed the three kings and the three queens of the Tuatha Dé Danann . The survivors of this battle escaped into the hills, which may be the foundation of later stories about enchanted folk and fairies living under the Irish hills.)

    Heber and Érimón , the chief leading men remaining of the eight brothers, sons of Milesius , divided the kingdom between them (allotting a proportion of land to their brother Amergin, who was their Arch-priest, Druid, or magician; and to their nephew Heber Donn, and to the rest of their chief commanders), and became jointly the first of one hundred and eighty-three Kings or sole Monarchs of the Gaelic, Milesian, or Scottish Race, that ruled and governed Ireland, successively, for 2,885 years from the first year of their reign.

    After their conquest, and the island mainly divided between Eber and Eremon, Eber taking the southern half and Eremon the north.

    Eber was unhappy with this division, feeling that his half was inferior, and went to war against his brother, but was defeated and killed. In one version of the story, it was Eber's wife who was discontent. She wished to possess the hill of Tara, which lay in Eremon's half, but Eremon's wife would not give it up, and so battle ensued.

    When Eber was slain, high kingship of all Ireland fell to his brother. However, for many centuries afterward, the Eremonians, descendants of Eremon, and the Eberians, descendants of Eber, continued to fight with each other. And the Eberians also fought with the Ithians, descendants of Miled's uncle Ith, over control of Munster.


    • #3
      This is part of a chapter from a book I wrote 3 years ago

      First Foreigners in Ireland
      In the beginning of Irish culture there were seven foreign visitors throughout a few thousand years;

      1 €“ The Fomorians (Nephilim blood line) Where described as giants, ugly, evil and magically powerful. They were black as they came from Africa, and ruled over the original inhabitants with war and tyranny. It has been suggested that they represent the gods of chaos and wild nature and evil, as opposed to the Tuatha Dé Danann who represent the gods of goodness and of human civilization.

      2 €“ Cessair & Fintan She was daughter of Noahs son Bith and his wife Birren. According to legend, when her father was denied a place in the ark by Noah, Cessair advised him to build an idol. This idol advised them that they could escape the Deluge in a ship. Cessair, along with three men, Bith, Fintan and Ladra, and fifty women, set off and sailed for more than seven years. They landed in Ireland at Dún na mBarc, forty days before the Flood. The women were shared out between the three men, until Bith and Ladra died leaving the 50 women to Fintan. This was too much to handle for Fintan as he took off from the settlement. This settlement was wiped out with the Flood, only Fintan survived, as he must have been more inland, and as the legend goes, as he had magical powers, transformed into several animals, probably hiding from the Formorians until the forth visitors landed, were he transformed back to a man, and told his story to them. He was the advisor to the king of the forth settlers the €˜Fir Bolg' and was known as €˜Fintan the Wise'. This settlement came from the Middle East.

      3 €“ The Partholonians. Partholón was the leader of the third group of people to settle in Ireland, the first to arrive 312 years after the Deluge. He was the son of Sera, the king of Greece, and fled his homeland after murdering his father and mother. At the time of Partholón's arrival there were only three lakes, nine rivers and one plain in Ireland. He cleared four more plains, and seven more lakes erupted from the ground. Three years after arriving, Partholón defeated the Fomorians, led by Cíocal, at Magh Ithe, in the first battle fought in Ireland. Partholón's people brought ploughs and oxen, dairy farming, husbandry, houses and ale, and are said to have buried their dead in "long graves" in "stone heaps". Partholón died there after thirty years in Ireland, and the rest of his people died there of plague, 120 years later in the month of May. This settlement came from Greece and Mediterranean Islands.

      4 €“ The Nemedians. Nemed was among the forth wave of Invaders to Ireland. He traveled from Scythia near Greece, with thirty four ships and thirty persons in each one of them. As he approached Ireland he was attacked by the Fomorians who had already laid claim to the Northern Islands around Ireland. Nemed won three battles over them and sent them back to their homes. After they had settled on the northern region of Ireland, Nemed died of a sickness. Then the Fomorians took their revenge and enslaved the people of Nemed and oppressed them greatly.

      Then the Fomorians put even more pressure on the people of Nemed, they demanded of every household three full measures of the cream of the milk, of the flour of the wheat, and of butter, to be brought to Conaing's Tower on Tory Island. Liagh the female steward of the Fomorians, enforced this tax throughout Ireland.

      This was the final straw for the men of Nemed. Three warriors, sons of Nemed, raised an army and traversed the waters and took Conaing's Tower and killed Conaing. But Morc the Fomorian brought reinforcements from Africa to Tory Island and struck back at the sons of Nemed so that they conceded defeat and decided to fare away from Ireland and back towards the land of their ancestors in the east. Most of them fled Ireland and whoever was left was in servitude to the Fomorians until the coming of the Fir Bolg two hundred and seventeen years afterwards.

      It is interesting that they came from Scythia as this was a small country which was surrounded by hostile forces in ancient times they were constantly at war with the Greeks and their women were not allowed to marry until they had killed a man in battle.

      Children of both sexes were trained in the arts of war from the age of seven. It is supposed that the legends of the Amazonian Women came from contacts with the Scythians who were not a patriarchal culture. Women were held in equal esteem with men, it is interesting as the Celtic peoples were also a non-patriarchal culture in contrast to the Greek and later the Roman Cultures in the ancient world.

      5 €“ Fir Bolg. The Fir Bolg was the fifth wave of invaders to Ireland. Two hundred years after the departure of the Nemedians the Fir Bolg arrived in an uninhabited Ireland. The descendants of a group of Nemedians who had settled in Greece they fled Greece for Ireland to escape the enslavement the Greeks had forced them to suffer. The Fir Bolg divided Ireland into five provinces, Connacht, Ulster, Leinster, and the two Munsters. They were the first of the invaders to have established a kingship. And one of their most illustrious kings, Eochaid mac Erc is said to have been the first to establish the administration of justice in Ireland. For some strange reason them and Fomorians entered into alliances, so there was no battles with them, and they seem to live peacefully until the next wave of visitors landed.

      6 €“ The Tuatha Dé Danann. Described as very supernatural, fare and highly intelligent race came from Islands near Norway. Arrived on the west coast and in a meeting with the Fir Bolg and asked of some land for their settlement. The Fir Bolg refused, and that led to a war, even after they inspected one another's troops to ensure a fare fight. The Fir Bolg was defeated, but as they fought well the Tuatha Dé Danann in respect to them were asked to select any quarter of Ireland which the Fir Bolg were quite happy to do so.

      The King of the Tuatha Dé Danann was Nuada which lost an arm in the battle and since he was no longer perfect, he could not continue as king as the law was the ruler must be perfect in mind and body and was replaced by (half-Fomorian) Bres, who turned out to be a tyrant.

      The physician Dian Cecht replaced Nuada's arm with a working silver mechanical one and he was reinstated as king. However, Nuada was dissatisfied with the replacement so he turned to Dian Cecht's son Miach, who replaced it with a new hand of flesh and blood. Dian Cecht slew his own son out of jealousy.

      (Note; Evedence here of what we call today as modern mechanics and surgery.)

      Now Bres didn't like the idea of getting replaced so he sent word to his Fomorian family, they in turn invaded Ireland in force, and the Tuatha Dé then fought the against the Fomorians, which they destroyed and the little survivors of the Fomorians fled for the last time, never to return. The Tuatha Dé Danann peacefully ruled as they were greatly admired, until the seventh wave of invaders came.

      7 €“ The Milesians. The Milesians or Sons of Míl Espáine were the final inhabitants of Ireland, and were believed to represent the Goidelic Celts. The Milesians dwelt in Spain where one of their number, Bregon, had built a great tower. One day, while gazing from his tower, Bregon's son Ith sighted a far-off land across the seas. This land was unknown to his people and Ith set sail to find and explore it. Ith landed on the west coast of Ireland and there met its three Tuatha de kings, MacCuill, MacCecht, and MacGrene, grandsons of the Dagda. They greeted Ith, but when he praised Ireland very highly they became afraid his people would invade their land and they killed him. His companions returned to Spain with his body and his kinsmen, the sons of Mil, set sail to exact revenge on the Tuatha de Danaan.

      Just as the Partholonians and the Tuatha de before them, the Milesians landed in Ireland on Beltaine. Upon landing it is said that Amergin, poet and Druid of the Milesians, chanted a great lay given in the Lebor Gabala Erenn. When the Milesians arrived at Tara the three Tuatha de kings requested that the Milesians leave Ireland in peace for three days. Amergin agreed that they would withdraw their ships the distance of nine waves. They would then return and try to take the land in battle. The druids of the Tuatha de raised storms and mists to prevent the Milesians return. However, Amergin chanted a magical lay which dispelled the storms and mists and the Milesians were able to land. After a great battle the Tuatha de were defeated. The division of the land was given over to Amergin, the Milesian druid. The land below was give to the Tuatha de and ever after this the Tuatha de lived below the hills or sidhe, while the Milesians built their society above.

      The Reason for this Epic in Irelands History
      If you have read the seven waves of invasions closely, you will find a most extraordinary fact here. Which is the Cessairians €“ Partholonians €“ Nemedians - Fir Bolg - Tuatha Dé Danann €“ Milesians all spoke the same language, all except the Fomorians which was a totally different race and culture. As soon as each of the six races set foot on dry land, meeting each other for the first time, they had not trouble communicating with each other without the use of interpreters, with only a slight difference in dialect.

      And to think they had the same language but coming from unrelated lands as the Middle East - Greece and Mediterranean Islands - Scythia - Norway €“ and Spain.

      The point is that all six civilizations were of the same Divine Blood-Line, the LEMURIAN or €˜Sons of the Serpent' as in fact the Tuatha Dé Danann was actually known as.

      St. Patrick (400ad €“ 500ad) went up the mountain €˜Croagh Patrick', in County Mayo. He was known to have fasted on the summit of Croagh Patrick for forty days in the fifth century. It is said that at the end of the 40-day fast, he threw a bell down the side of the mountain, banishing all the snakes and serpents of Ireland. And as he returned to the foot of the mountain, he explained to his followers waiting there...."Behold I have cast out the serpents from the land "

      And his followers there shrugged their shoulders and complained "What's he talking about, we don't and never had snakes in this land in the first place"

      Now you know what Serpents he was talking about

      This example of what happened in Ireland, of the power struggle between the two €˜Divine Blood-Lines' happened all over the world.

      In some occasions there would be the odd one of the Tuatha Dé Danann would seduce some of the women of the Fomorians , and that produced a better off spring of giants, just like when Balor, King of the Fomorians locked up his daughter Ethnui in a tower to prevent her getting pregnant, then Cian of the Tuatha Dé Danann with the aid of some magic entered the tower and seduced her. She became pregnant and produced Lugh a good natured godlike being. And of course Lugh's son was Cúchulainn.

      Another interesting point about the Partholonians. The origin of this tribe is unknown. Both the West, which would be across the Atlantic Ocean, as the Greek Scythian area is mentioned in this matter. Several theories are dealing with this contradiction.

      There is some dispute about the word Sera to start with. Some assume that Partholon's father was named Sera, while others translate this word as West. Both sentences, Partholon came from his father and Partholon came from the West, are grammatically correct and plausible.

      Other scholars assume a Christian conspiracy. In their opinion the legends stated that the origin of the Partholonians was Tír na nÓg, Land of the Young. This of course was unacceptable for the Christian writers who changed not only the Partholonian homeland, but also the homeland of the Nemedians and all of their descendants.

      The scribes picked the mythological homeland with great care, because the people of the Scythian area were considered the descendants of Noah just like Bith and his daughter Cesair.

      The journey of the Tuatha de Danaan have clearly racked the brains of the Christian scribes. Other scribes got themselves into a jam. They consequently used the Scythian area as, religiously correct, point of origin of several mythological tribes, although the oral mythology stated that the tribes came from Tír na nÓg, (Land of the Young).

      In case of the Tuatha de Danaan they made a slip of the pen by writing that the Tuatha de Danaan came from Falias, Glorias, Murias and Finias, which are the mythological Four Cities of Tír na nÓg. These cities were hidden from the mortal eye and after the departure of the Tuatha de Danaan the cities fell in decay and were eventually destroyed by natural disasters or fire.

      Both the religiously correct version as the mythological version show great respect for the skills and powers of the Tuatha de Danaan. Not only did they master profane arts and crafts like poetry, music, forging and warfare, but also magic. The Tuatha de Danaan could go back and forth in time and between worlds. They could manipulate the weather and changing their appearance was a piece of cake.

      Even the Christian manuscripts admit the non-human nature of the Tuatha de Danaan. The scribes had to lean over backward to avoid blasphemous terms like demigods to describe the Tuatha de Danaan.


      • #4
        (paultain @ Apr. 29 2009,11:04) My point is that, we all come the same point of origin "The Middle East"
        Actually this is wrong. The Human race came out of Africa which is pretty much fact. Obviously it snaked around before the Europeans evolved .

        The Genetic make up of the UK shows that around 17.5% of then population have genetics markers from that are identified with the Basque peoples who crossed the land bridge during the last ice age..

        Others who came after such as the Saxons etc have less markers.


        • #5
          Read it first tomcat then comment......... its not wrong I researched it for 2 years


          • #6
            The Fomorians came from Africa


            • #7
              Nobody really knows who the formorians were or where they came from

              you referenced a lot of legends and foundation myths - not exactly history. Much (maybe all) of what you write is taken from Leabhair na Gabhala - the book of invasions .... written hundreds of years after supposed events occurred. Did it take you two years to copy and paste from an existing text?

              Still, thanks for trying to patronise me  
              No honey, no money!!


              • #8
                2 year etymology mick, not just studying the Irish side of it.......... I can see you didn't read it


                • #9
                  (paultain @ Apr. 29 2009,06:20) This is part of a chapter from a book I wrote 3 years ago

                  4 €“ The Nemedians. Nemed was among the forth wave of Invaders to Ireland.  He traveled from Scythia near Greece, with thirty four ships and thirty persons in each one of them.  As he approached Ireland he was attacked by the Fomorians who had already laid claim to the Northern Islands around Ireland.  Nemed won three battles over them and sent them back to their homes. After they had settled on the northern region of Ireland, Nemed died of a sickness.  Then the Fomorians took their revenge and enslaved the people of Nemed and oppressed them greatly.

                  Then the Fomorians put even more pressure on the people of Nemed, they demanded of every household three full measures of the cream of the milk, of the flour of the wheat, and of butter, to be brought to Conaing's Tower on Tory Island.  Liagh the female steward of the Fomorians, enforced this tax throughout Ireland.

                  This was the final straw for the men of Nemed.  Three warriors, sons of Nemed, raised an army and traversed the waters and took Conaing's Tower and killed Conaing.  But Morc the Fomorian brought reinforcements from Africa to Tory Island and struck back at the sons of Nemed so that they conceded defeat and decided to fare away from Ireland and back towards the land of their ancestors in the east. Most of them fled Ireland and whoever was left was in servitude to the Fomorians until the coming of the Fir Bolg two hundred and seventeen years afterwards.

                  It is interesting that they came from Scythia as this was a small country which was surrounded by hostile forces in ancient times they were constantly at war with the Greeks and their women were not allowed to marry until they had killed a man in battle.
                  Children of both sexes were trained in the arts of war from the age of seven.  It is supposed that the legends of the Amazonian Women came from contacts with the Scythians who were not a patriarchal culture.  Women were held in equal esteem with men, it is interesting as the Celtic peoples were also a non-patriarchal culture in contrast to the Greek and later the Roman Cultures in the ancient world.
                  Calm down Paultain you can see where suspicions arise..
                  except for "forth wave" for "third wave" it's very similar na
                  Great read though...

                   Namedian Myth

                  Forgot how this forum works  


                  • #10
                    Hehe screwed the link up,sorry....

                    Sons: Starn, Iarbonel the Soothsayer, Annind, and Fergus Red-Side

                    Warriors: Cessarb Luam and Luachra

                    Nemed was among the third wave of Invaders to Ireland. He travelled from Scythia near Greece. He travelled towards the right from the mountains of Ural until he came to the Ocean of the North then he turned left towards Europe until he came to Ireland with thirty four ships and thirty persons in each one of them. As he approached Ireland he was attacked by the Fomorians who had already laid claim to the Northern Islands around Ireland. Nemed won three battles over them and sent them back to their homes.

                    After they had settled on the northern region of Ireland, Nemed died of a sickness. Then the Fomorians took their revenge and enslaved the people of Nemed and oppressed them greatly. Conaing the Fomorian king had many ships at Tory Island in the north. He forced great tribute upon the children of Nemed, to the extent that two-thirds of their children, and of their corn, and of the milch cows of their region were taken by the Fomorians every year at the feast of Samhain.

                    Then the Fomorians put even more pressure on the people of Nemed, they demanded of every household three full measures of the cream of the milk, of the flour of the wheat, and of butter, to be brought to Conaing's Tower on Tory Island. Liagh the female steward of the Fomorians, enforced this tax throughout Ireland.

                    This was the final straw for the men of Nemed. Three warriors, sons of Nemed, raised an army and traversed the waters and took Conaing's Tower and killed Conaing. But Morc the Fomorian brought reinforcements from Africa to Tory Island and struck back at the sons of Nemed so that they conceded defeat and decided to fare away from Ireland and back towards the land of their ancestors in the east.

                    Most of them fled Ireland and whoever was left was in servitude to the Fomorians until the coming of the Fir Bolg two hundred and seventeen years afterwards.

                    It is interesting that they came from Scythia as this was a small country which was surrounded by hostile forces in ancient times they were constantly at war with the Greeks and their women were not allowed to marry until they had killed a man in battle.

                    Children of both sexes were trained in the arts of war from the age of seven. It is supposed that the legends of the Amazonian Women came from contacts with the Scythians who were not a patriarchal culture. Women were held in equal esteem with men, it is interesting as the Celtic peoples were also a non-patriarchal culture in contrast to the Greek and later the Roman Cultures in the ancient world.

                    Stories, Myths and Legends associated with the Nemedians

                    Dindshenchas - Teamhair (Tara)

                    The Story of Nemed

                    The Fir Bolg

                    The Story of the Tuatha De Danann

                    The Hidden House of Lugh

                    Forgot how this forum works  


                    • #11
                      Nice one Naang.

                      But they forgot the second wave Cessair & Fintan, which Fintan turns up later with the Fir Bolgs, and was respected as a wise man and adviser, Fintan told his story to them. etymology Nemed = Noah, when he landed on the west coast and greated, he said they came from land that sunk beneath the sea to the west.


                      • #12
                        But then Noah of the bible is really Gilgamesh which was writen in 2600 BC on clay tables........... the bible was put together 360 AD


                        • #13
                          Noah, when he landed on the west coast and greated, he said they came from land that sunk beneath the sea to the west.
                          New Orleans?
                          Forgot how this forum works  


                          • #14
                            I think this thread is a load of BOLLOX.
                            i love t-girls


                            • #15
                              Naang Faa,

                              I wouldn't think so, as it sank beneath the sea, and doesn't exist now, but your probably in the right direction, as he landed on the west coast, and said he came from the west, which is only the Atlantic and no land. But remember maybe there was land in those days, in the Atlantic, and was destroyed. What would it put you in mind of?

                              Maybe its the land thats recorded in books such as;

                              Book of Genesis, Book of Job, Book of Revelations, Book of Isaiah, Book of Ezekiel,  Ramayana, Bhagavad-Gita, Mahabharata, Norse-Edda, Aryan Vedas, Codex Chimalpopoca, Mayan Codex, etc etc

                              From the people such as:

                              Kachinas, Hopis, Utes, Toltecs, Miztecs, Aztecs, Quiches, Aleutians, Seminoles Mattoles, Tepanecas, Mikados , Sumerians, Greeks, Chinese, Babylonians Akkadians, Indians, Celts, Egyptians, Etc.

                              That named it:

                              Antilla, Amenti, Arallu, Attala, Atvantika, Elysian-Fields, Aztlan, Azatlan, Atlantia, Atli, Asgard, Avalon (Arthurian), Arcadia, Arktos, Argatha, Shangri-la, Hyperborea (celtic' extreme north), Tula (tutonic people), Rutas, Thule, Hesperides, Hy-Brazil (celtic €˜ land of everlasting youth')

