from today there is a new law in effect in norway. all form for payment regarding sex is illigal.
in theory, every form of a financial transaction that will directly lead to sex is forbidden. including gifts over a certain ammount.
it's only illigal to be on the paying end though and the law applies also for norwegian citizens abroad, living abroad or traveling abroad.
and also all sexual activites, including watching someone masturbate.
to sell sex though is legal.
first time offence if there is no pimping or other serious criminal activity involved, there will be a fine for 9000nok(1000‚¬/60.000thb).
the good thing is that the streetwalkers from nigeria and eastern europe will travel elsewhere. they were really a pest in the city center of oslo. moving from the traditional red light district into the main streets in the center.
hopefully a few eastern european gangs will leave too.
if the main thing was to fight organized crime i'm all for it, and most probably are. but if the police will use manpower to be on a moralcrusade for the feminists its insane. especially when all types of crime in oslo are rising, and the city is the heroin-capital of europe.
police said that also will target independent escorts operate from their home or hotelroom by call them and
make a deal and establish that the particular girl is selling sex. later on they
inted to make uninvited visits to these apartments and any male in this room will be considered a john.
most will certainly agree on a fine and not bother to
fight for their cause in the court, obviously. so, instead of
chasing bad guys the police can make themself look good by collecing fines like any traffic warden.
my guess though is that in the first few months there will be some actions just to show the public and politicians that they indeed will enforce this law. before summer old bill will turn the blind eye.
the funnier side of this new law is that doesn't solely exclude non-prostitutes, as there is no real definition of a
prostitute. this mean if you buy an expensive gift for your date, fiance, wife or friend, and later on having sex with this person. this will be illigal too since it was the gift of such a financial propotion that led to sex.
hopefully there will be som ballsy guys out there daring their case in the court. could be a spectacle. but from other countries with the same regulations, it shows that men in the west, cowards as we are, accept any fine, instead of giving the femi-nazis the piss.
i will start my criminal career in los in a few weeks ....
in theory, every form of a financial transaction that will directly lead to sex is forbidden. including gifts over a certain ammount.
it's only illigal to be on the paying end though and the law applies also for norwegian citizens abroad, living abroad or traveling abroad.
and also all sexual activites, including watching someone masturbate.
to sell sex though is legal.

first time offence if there is no pimping or other serious criminal activity involved, there will be a fine for 9000nok(1000‚¬/60.000thb).
the good thing is that the streetwalkers from nigeria and eastern europe will travel elsewhere. they were really a pest in the city center of oslo. moving from the traditional red light district into the main streets in the center.
hopefully a few eastern european gangs will leave too.
if the main thing was to fight organized crime i'm all for it, and most probably are. but if the police will use manpower to be on a moralcrusade for the feminists its insane. especially when all types of crime in oslo are rising, and the city is the heroin-capital of europe.
police said that also will target independent escorts operate from their home or hotelroom by call them and
make a deal and establish that the particular girl is selling sex. later on they
inted to make uninvited visits to these apartments and any male in this room will be considered a john.
most will certainly agree on a fine and not bother to
fight for their cause in the court, obviously. so, instead of
chasing bad guys the police can make themself look good by collecing fines like any traffic warden.
my guess though is that in the first few months there will be some actions just to show the public and politicians that they indeed will enforce this law. before summer old bill will turn the blind eye.
the funnier side of this new law is that doesn't solely exclude non-prostitutes, as there is no real definition of a
prostitute. this mean if you buy an expensive gift for your date, fiance, wife or friend, and later on having sex with this person. this will be illigal too since it was the gift of such a financial propotion that led to sex.
hopefully there will be som ballsy guys out there daring their case in the court. could be a spectacle. but from other countries with the same regulations, it shows that men in the west, cowards as we are, accept any fine, instead of giving the femi-nazis the piss.
i will start my criminal career in los in a few weeks ....