(smuttleydfs @ Nov. 05 2008,22:24) You have shown that although you "claim" to be a "libertarian" you have a major right wing lean that is "not" the Libertarian philosophies.
(smuttleydfs @ Nov. 05 2008,22:24) Feel free to debate eyemahk but bring something to the table
After watching your reaction on all these political threads to any alternative view of politics that is not 100% in line with yours, I think I will leave it to others to be the subject of your insults and contempt. I respect the political views of others (including yours) even if I can't find reason in them, so I guess I'll just say good luck.

On a side note and as a gesture of good faith, smuttleydfs, if you would like a copy of yesterday's Chicago Tribune (the one all the media is talking about), it is yours. I was connecting between flights at Sea-Tac yesterday and picked up a copy just for you. Just PM me where to mail it and I will take it over to the post office here in Waco and mail it.
