You have never met me and still you judge...

How can you hold so much hatred for someone you have never met? Why do you judge people you don't know?
You see... YOU are the one with double standards and YOU are the one with two sets of rules!
You have no compassion at all and your bleak and naive outlook makes you blind to your own ravings.
While you sleep walk through the pot parlors and brothels of Amsterdam spare a thought for the people who are lucid and experienced enough to see the future... your future.
While you are ranting on about Hitler and the historic echoes of a bleak and distant past, things are happening NOW in your life that are more important.
Tell me this... would your fantasy world of dreamy stupidity work in Iraq or Iran or China or Russia or Africa or...
You should grow up and start aiming your energies into something that will make your world a better place and not a stagnant pond of failed ideas and suicidal politics.
Me? I don't care, because you are right...
I have NO compassion... especially for the bloody idiots who think that 'being nice' is going to make the world a better place!
You are right... I WILL drop down dead in Thailand or somewhere like it.
You are right - I am a selfish, self serving, hollow and shallow person.
But I'm finding a way to live a happier, safer, longer life than you sleepwalking fools in Eurodisney!
Hey - keep hating me and start a club. There's enough of you out there!
