So you've paid your 500 quid (or whatever they do where you live) and it's time to face the electorate...
How are you gonna convince them to vote for YOU?
Here you have a chance to list the top 5 things that YOU would do if you got elected boss of the country...
#1 - Put a 1,000 quid bounty on all illegal immigrants and benefit cheats. Move them to the Falklands.
#2 - Move ALL refugees and immigrants to the beautiful Falkland Isles while their applications aretossed in the bin reviewed.
#3 - Cancel all payments from the social welfare system. from now on it's friends and families who pick up the slack. NOT honest tax payers.
#4 - Scrap early prison release schemes and make anyone convicted of a crime that involves any kind of weapon a mandatory 20 years. Prisoners should be about 6 to a cell, minimum... on the Falkland Isles.
#5 - Stop all foreign aid and any money leaving the country and close down 50 embassies.
I would also...
...nationalize water and make it free. Nationalize railways. Legalize pot/hash. Hang traffic wardens in public. Make it illegal to use the core part of a tomato in sandwiches. Leave the EU. Force administrators out of hospitals. Give cops a better wage and the freedom to kick the shit out of law breakers. Disband the Health & Safety board. Scrap the equality laws. Start 100 pounds a year dog license, (cats free.) Bring back all soldiers currently serving abroad. Give Ireland back to the Irish. Scrap copyright laws. Force that cunt Geldof to get a hair cut or rescind his knighthood. Make fat people pay more for airline tickets. Bring back corporal punishment in schools and the 11+. Make 'political correctness' illegal with 30 days for each offense...
...there's so much more!
How are you gonna convince them to vote for YOU?
Here you have a chance to list the top 5 things that YOU would do if you got elected boss of the country...
#1 - Put a 1,000 quid bounty on all illegal immigrants and benefit cheats. Move them to the Falklands.
#2 - Move ALL refugees and immigrants to the beautiful Falkland Isles while their applications are
#3 - Cancel all payments from the social welfare system. from now on it's friends and families who pick up the slack. NOT honest tax payers.
#4 - Scrap early prison release schemes and make anyone convicted of a crime that involves any kind of weapon a mandatory 20 years. Prisoners should be about 6 to a cell, minimum... on the Falkland Isles.
#5 - Stop all foreign aid and any money leaving the country and close down 50 embassies.
I would also...
...nationalize water and make it free. Nationalize railways. Legalize pot/hash. Hang traffic wardens in public. Make it illegal to use the core part of a tomato in sandwiches. Leave the EU. Force administrators out of hospitals. Give cops a better wage and the freedom to kick the shit out of law breakers. Disband the Health & Safety board. Scrap the equality laws. Start 100 pounds a year dog license, (cats free.) Bring back all soldiers currently serving abroad. Give Ireland back to the Irish. Scrap copyright laws. Force that cunt Geldof to get a hair cut or rescind his knighthood. Make fat people pay more for airline tickets. Bring back corporal punishment in schools and the 11+. Make 'political correctness' illegal with 30 days for each offense...
...there's so much more!
