The new Batman is Incredible. A must See.
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What GOOD films have you seen recently?
Great suggestion Bigmick - that's a terrific film. It was originally written for stage and sometimes that shows through as it's a little bit static. But no worse for that, as the dialogue and tensions between the characters is fantastic. It's an all star cast and they clearly revelled in doing it.
It was written and directed by David Mamet, who has made some brilliant movies, although I think he's gone off the boil a bit lately. But check out House of Games, all about conmen, starring Joe Mantegna, and Things Change, with Joe Mantegna again, Don Ameche and William H. Macy, about an old shoe shine guy who gets mistaken for an ultimate Mafia superboss - or, as they call him in the movie, "the man behind the man behind the man behind the man." Very funny and endearing. He also did The Heist with Gene Hackman, but I found it so-so.
I adore the movies but I haven't seen a new one for ages that has really moved, gripped and inspired me. Maybe I'm just getting old and cynical. I was very disappointed with No Country For Old Men - it's not a patch on earlier Coen Brothers films like Fargo. I thought There Will be Blood was bollocks. And I didn't really rate The Departed, even though it was Scorsese and it had all the very top guys in it.
The only new film I've seen lately that really got to me was a Chinese film called Beijing Bicycle, about (you'll be amazed to hear) bike couriers in Beijing. Very funny, uplifting and poetic. Check it out if you can find it!
(jaime24 @ Jul. 19 2008,21:26)yeah tried to see it tonite, but the cinema was full, and whish i was in BKK so i could see it on the imax, as its so bloddy expensive to see it on the imax here in melbourne
Central World was playing it every 30-40 minutes, the only "downside" is they cut down the number of previews/commercials before the movie to fit in more screenings. BUT I was looking forward to seeing the trailer for 'The Watchman' which they did not show here."Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon
Back to great films that you may not have seen.
True Love - "early" Tarintino
The Man who would be King
and in the 'classics' category
The Killing -
In Harms Way -"Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon
(Otho @ Jul. 19 2008,09:03) Great suggestion Bigmick - that's a terrific film. It was originally written for stage and sometimes that shows through as it's a little bit static. But no worse for that, as the dialogue and tensions between the characters is fantastic. I
If you nod off watching this and woke up, you might think you were watching Death of a Salesman (except for the obscenities)No honey, no money!!
(Snick @ Jul. 19 2008,10:56) Back to great films that you may not have seen.
True Love - "early" Tarintino
The Man who would be King
and in the 'classics' category
The Killing -
In Harms Way - honey, no money!!
(Snick @ Jul. 19 2008,13:47) The new Batman is Incredible. A must See.
Great movie but so so dark! this is not a kids flick at all...
And Heath Ledgers portrayal of the joker is chilling!!
10/10 for mine....
Bring on a third installment from the Nolans!!
Hi Pacman,
I saw No country for old men. I enjoyed bits of it, but did not understand the waffle at the end.
I thought the plot was going strong until about three quarters of the way through when the director decided to become a bit arty about presenting the pivotal scenes. As a result, the viewer was left trying to guess what had happened.
Also the way the plot ended I did not find entertaining.
So for me, it was a great movie wasted.
I dont think it deserved any accolades it received.
Thanks janabiyah, my sentiments exactly.
I went with such high expectations that my disappointment was exacerbated by all the hype the film received.
On a positive note, I endorse the recommendation for Casablanca. Just a perfect movie ...
Where are the Humphrey Bogarts & the Peter Lorres of today?
We get served up with a bunch of Nancy-boys who are supposed to have all this life experience. Eeeek.Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.
(janabiyah @ Jul. 20 2008,17:32) I saw No country for old men. I enjoyed bits of it, but did not understand the waffle at the end.
I thought the plot was going strong until about three quarters of the way through when the director decided to become a bit arty about presenting the pivotal scenes. As a result, the viewer was left trying to guess what had happened.
Also the way the plot ended I did not find entertaining.
So for me, it was a great movie wasted.
I dont think it deserved any accolades it received.You men eat your dinner, eat your pork and beans
I eat more chicken, than any man ever seen, yeah, yeah
(bigmick22 @ Jul. 21 2008,13:35) You seen The Maltese Falcon?
Bogart was Sam Spade, while Peter Lorre was Joel Cairo, a weird little shifty-eyed crook with a nervous giggle.
The performance I found mesmerising was Sydney Greenstreet as the Fat Man, his diction & delivery get me every time. Not a stereotypical bad guy he created his own sense of menace by his mere presence.
For some reason he reminds me of Stogie ..
Another Sam Spade flick in the same genre & worth watching is The Big Sleep.
The wise-cracking dialogue between Bogart & a 19 y.o. Lauren Bacall has rarely been surpassed.
Not surprising really that inspite of their age difference, the two later married. Their chemistry was caught on screen for all to see.Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.