The Middle East!
Ever since I was a kid watching the BBC 1 news the lead story has been "Today in the Gaza Strip" or "Overnight in Lebanon..." or "Bethlehem gets bombed!"
And still 40 years on it's not changed a bit! I couldn't care less if those violent twisted God-lovers all slowly blow themselves to Kingdom come!
I have absolutely NO interest whatsoever in this arsehole end of the world and I'm bloody annoyed that it gets in the way of more important news stories like who won the lottery and Anjelina Jolie having a baby in Namibia!
With all the focus on these Middle Eastern lowlives I'm missing the latest installment of Michael Jacksons amazing life, so I wish they'd drop a few nukes on each other and be done with it.
Then we can retire about 10,000 journalists and turn the place into a gambling mecca for rich retires!
But of course if there was really no interest then it wouldn't be slamdunking every nnews broadcast, but I just don't see it...
Am I missing something here, or has the press and media vastly overstated its' importance and our interest in it?
Does anyone out there think that this IS a vital and important news item? I'd love to here from you if you do so I can get what I'm missing!
Ever since I was a kid watching the BBC 1 news the lead story has been "Today in the Gaza Strip" or "Overnight in Lebanon..." or "Bethlehem gets bombed!"
And still 40 years on it's not changed a bit! I couldn't care less if those violent twisted God-lovers all slowly blow themselves to Kingdom come!
I have absolutely NO interest whatsoever in this arsehole end of the world and I'm bloody annoyed that it gets in the way of more important news stories like who won the lottery and Anjelina Jolie having a baby in Namibia!
With all the focus on these Middle Eastern lowlives I'm missing the latest installment of Michael Jacksons amazing life, so I wish they'd drop a few nukes on each other and be done with it.
Then we can retire about 10,000 journalists and turn the place into a gambling mecca for rich retires!
But of course if there was really no interest then it wouldn't be slamdunking every nnews broadcast, but I just don't see it...
Am I missing something here, or has the press and media vastly overstated its' importance and our interest in it?
Does anyone out there think that this IS a vital and important news item? I'd love to here from you if you do so I can get what I'm missing!