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If YOU were the boss...

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  • #16
    Abolish the $1 bill. This would force people to utilize the $2 bill and the $1 coins that the mint prints in varying styles every other years to entice people to use them. Get rid of the $1 bill and people would use the $2 bill and $1 coins.

    Limit the number of appeals for those on death row. Two is sufficient.

    Make prison a place of "hard labor" -- either the buggers worked or they starve.

    Limit the welfare rolls to those with disabilities which prevent them from working. Laying on your back showing your crack and ending up with numerous little bastards running around one's crib is not "disability." If the bitch has that much energy she can sit on the US border guarding a 100 yard stretch to help fight illegal immigration.

    Conditional Citizenship rights. One does not become a full citizen until that have accomplished at least 2 years service to the established citizenry. Such service could be military, Red Cross, road work crews, or guarding a 100 yard stretch of the US border to help fight illegal immirgration.

    Legalize Asian style massage parlors in the US to relief the stress of the average working US male (saw a CNN newscast stating the US is becoming a nation dependent on anti-depressants - wonder why).

    Limit military actions to going in - kicking the crap out of an offending party -- destroying everything they possess and departing as quickly as entering.

    Legalize multiple marriage. One to a GG and one to a LB.


    • #17
      bring back the ducking stool and burn witches!!
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Burn Her!
        Attached Files


        • #19
          I'd pretty much live like the King of Swaziland.

          Ya know, the whole annual reed dance with 10,000 naked girls dancing for me, picking a new wife every year, that sort of thing.

          Would there be anything to consider after that.

          Ask yourself who is happier: the king of Swaziland or Bill Gates.

          Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

          Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


          • #20
            I think you guys overthink the whole "If I were King" issue. A lot of kings have already come before us and figured this stuff out. Just pull an example of one you like, especially if you can find one whose life tops the King of Swaziland. I dare you.

            Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

            Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


            • #21
              -ban any further Islamic immigration into Australia.
              - no migrants without English language skills.
              - throw open Australias doors to ALL Europeans, with English language skills, under a new Immigration category "WISHING TO ESCAPE EURABIA".
              - tell all the multi-cultural gurus who believe that a mix of cultures/religions, etc is beneficial about the Asian control of the heroin trade,Muslim youth gangs raping women,hugh tax avoidance amongst communities ( once again Asian/Middle Eastern) and the use of Government services ( read welfare).
              - Jail all David Hicks supporters for being naive supporters of Islamic terrorists.It's time the West woke up and realized that our so called "laws & human rights" drafted years ago, are being used by our enemies both internally & externally to weaken our resolve.How does a supporter of the Taliban/AlQaeda style of government & law ( just take you out and hang you from a crane in the town square) deserve the benefit of laws created by the west ,when they have aligned themselves with the terror of Islamic law?
              -Deport all so-called muftis/sheiks and other charlatans that hate Western society and our values.
              - no more phony asylum seekers.
              - no more Somalian immigration.In fact no more immigration from backward, fucked up, violent, worthless societies like Somalia, where the local sport is dragging dead bodies through the streets,pulling them to pieces and setting them alight.
              - legalize all drugs, regulate them for quality purposes & tax them.
              - legalize all forms of prostitution.
              - start dismantling the public health system, which over the next 20-40 years is going to be overburdened with the baby boomers reaching their death beds, of which I will be one.Future taxpayers will not be able to afford the overblown expense in the future.
              - Resign from the dis-United Nations and tell them to go fuck themselves.When Iran,Burma,North Korea, China, all corrupt Asian/African/South American nations have a say in World affairs, contribute little to the budget,complain about Western Governments, side with each others evil regimes, to prevent actions being taken, then why be part of it?If they aren't prepared to overthrow and physically eliminate Mugabe,Burmese dictators,Kim Jong Il,Iranian terrorist leaders and actually allow them to be part of the club, then that's a club I don't want to belong to.
              - hold a national survey regarding the allocation of taxpayers money.This survey would contain all the categories currently funded by Government and taxpayers could indicate THEIR prefered use of OUR money.
              - withdraw Australian troops/police from East Tomor/Soloman Islands, etc and leave these ungratefull bastards to sort out their own problems.
              -don't sign any phony Kyoto agreements unless the WHOLE world is involved.Fucking Greenies are just the remnants of the dismantled Socialist/Communist alliance, dressed in sheeps clothing.If China & India, some 1/3 of the population ,are not part of any agreement then how relevant can it be.The Eurosocialists are destroying their own Countries and trying to bring us down to their level, while failing to reach their Kyoto targets, in a BIG way.

              I could go on all day, but that's a start.


              • #22
                I see one common theme here is immigration policy.  Seems like Mexcians and Muslims who can't speak English and work illegally really piss people off.

                I wonder what the Thais think of us?  Most ex pats don't speak very good Thai and often work illegally too.

                Man, if middle aged Muslims fucked our nieces and nephews then that would REALLY get people's goat!    


                • #23
                  (PigDogg @ Apr. 04 2007,12:59) I see one common theme here is immigration policy.  Seems like Mexcians and Muslims who can't speak English and work illegally really piss people off.

                  I wonder what the Thais think of us?  Most ex pats don't speak very good Thai and often work illegally too.

                  Man, if middle aged Muslims fucked our nieces and nephews then that would REALLY get people's goat!    
                  They probably don't mind us too much, as we pay out rather than being paracites & we don't preach terrorism, ( apart from the loonies at the entrance to NaNa! ) & niether do we turn into suicide bombers & fanatical loonatics the minute some petty totally insignificant thing insults our religion. We also don't burn the Thai flag in the streets as soon as we are upset. So all in all, I don't think we are that bad.

                  Immigration is an issue because successive weak do-gooder governments have failed to stem the huge in-flow of criminal dross low lifes lowering the quality of peoples lives who actually are living there generally law abiding & paying there taxes. In comes the immigrant, virtually above the law, on free hand outs paid by them. People / governments wonder why there are problems.

                  You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                  • #24
                    You know this is why this forum is different - threads like this!

                    There is a whole difference between coming to a country and making a contribution as a tourist or a paying student - which will probably cover all aspects of my first trip to LOS (picking up on the jargon there) as I will be a tourist paying to study LBs in detail - as opposed to shipping in getting a cash handout so that you can preach the destruction of the people giving you handouts.

                    In my view anyone poncing on the system, advocating terrorism or supporting the London Congestion Charge should be shipped off to some hellhole like Turkmenistan (been there - trust me on this) to find out what the true meaning of a shit lifestyle is. I would also send their entire family with them to make sure that there are none of the buggers left over!

                    Furthermore I would make all anti car whingers travel from Dartford to Cheam by public transport. This 40 minute drive takes 2 1/2 hours by train who are they kidding?

                    And another thing - supporters of reducing carbon footprints by not flying should
                    a) learn to do maths 5% of 3% man induced carbon emissions is fuck all.
                    b)go on holiday to Skegness - they deserve it
                    c)ask why the government is saying don't fly while promoting an open skies policy - did I hear the cry more taxes anyone?

                    None of which answers the original question of what I'd do if I were King, so I will have to settle for having a harem of LBs at my beck and call.

                    Out of interest, as we all seem to be to the right of centre on most issues, where do all the lefties hang out that like LBs? is there a Muesli Eating Ladyboys site somewhere?
                    You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

                    You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


                    • #25
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        old thread I know but it got me thinking...

                        1 - I'd implement a Country Exchange, by force if necessary. A bit like Council house exchanges, except we swap with somewhere hot and sunny, e.g. pack all our things and ship the whole country off to Kenya and they can come live here in the cold, if you don't like it you can stay here with them but Nationality is revoked.

                        2 - Have a Government LB/FB Program, a bit like East German athletics back in the cold war era. Potential FBs/LBs are plucked out of school at a young age and groomed, errr trained, to be the perfect woman. At 19 they would work in a Government brothel institution for 2-3 years.

                        3 - Everybody would work (except me, I'm the King!) State Benefits would need to be earned by collecting the rubbish, sweeping the streets, cleaning public toilets etc, Elderly, sick and infirm would be exempt of course.

                        4 - Surround myself with gorgeous FBs/LBs, make that an entire Regiment of hot FBs (trained to SAS standards) to guard my Palace and me, uniforms would be made from black latex and leather, muahahaha.

                        5 - Nationalise everything essential, water, gas, elctricity, trains, busses etc

                        6 - Move no.4 to no.1, move no.1 to, errr, ummm, ahhh nevermind I'll get some advisor to sort it out later.
                        I've made kathylc  


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            Give England independance from the UK
                            Send all Scottish and Welsh politicians back to where they came from
                            Shoot all politicians that fail a lie detector test
                            Bring back public hanging in Hyde Park for all Muslim terrorists
                            Export all do-gooders to Iran
                            Send all eco-warriors to China
                            Transport the work shy to North Korea
                            Expel all illegal immigrants and failed asylum seekers to Brussels
                            Remove all immigration controls on Thai LB's


                            • #29
                              (terryw @ Nov. 01 2007,22:26) Bring back public hanging in Hyde Park for all Muslim terrorists
                              I think you mean Tyburn....

                              Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                              "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                              • #30
                                Tyburn was at Hyde Park Corner

