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If YOU were the boss...

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  • If YOU were the boss...

    What immediate changes would you bring about if you were the Prime Minister/President/King/Dictator of your country...

    I know it's sad, but I think about this more than I should do. (And I'll bet I'm not the only one who whiles a way some sleepless nights doing the same thing!)

    There's a multitude of changes I'd make but here are some...

    (I'll add more when I think of them.)

    Nationalise the water industry and make it free.

    It's a scandal that an Island surrounded by water like the UK is charging money to have water in each house. This should be part of every British residents rights. free running clean water.

    Some Brits shell out a small fortune in water rates. I pay about 1 pound a month in a third world country and I've never had a problem with it.

    Nationalise the trains, gas, electric and oil supplies. The billions wasted on shameless profiteering has to stop and this is the only way.

    Remove every illegal immigrant and their families forcibly and set large cash bountys for civic minded people who turn them in.

    Life in prison for anyone who uses a knife or a gun or a weapon during ANY CRIME.

    Life in prison will mean LIFE. YOU WILL DIE IN PRISON if you are sent to prison for life.

    If you can't speak English to a decent degree you'll never be allowed to enter or stay in the country.

    Phase out social welfare hand outs especially cash payments.

    The extreme poor will recieve food, shelter and clothes at way-stations and never ever again have vouchers or cash.

    Prisons will become horrible places to be. Satellite TV and nice food will be a thing of the past. We should be learning from the third world about prisons. Especially Columbia... They run fantastic places where you probably wouldn't survive more than a year.

    The academic syllabus in schools will be replaced with proper lessons like how to operate a bank account and how to negotiate through the mass of beaurocracy that the government and companies put out to scam the people. Exercise will be compulsory and there will be lots more of it. More lessons in healthy eating and dieting.

    Cannabis and other low grade drugs will be decriminalzed and police resources will be spent on catching criminals not pot heads.

    Public disorder will carry heavy fines and time inside. drunks and druggies who want to abuse themselves can do so but keep it away from normal folk who just want to go shopping in peace!

    The National Health service will go back to basics. The whole beaurocracy will be dismantled and we'll start hiring doctors and nurses again. We'll save billions on useless office staff. Prescriptions for basic medicines will be free for everyone like they are in Wales.

    Strict new rules on ALL churches...

    These will become ADULTS ONLY. (Although children over 16 may attend with a legal guardian.) Children caught in or near churches will be handed over to social servies for evaluation and maybe permanently sperated from their parents.

    Religeon and all it's manifestations will be kept away from minors the same way bars are. Parents caught breaking these laws will be tried for child abuse and risk losing their children to foster homes.

    More soon...

  • #2
    Nationalise the beer industry and make it free.

    Life in prison for anyone who would have got detetion or lines at school.

    Life in prison will mean LIFE. YOU WILL DIE IN PRISON if you are sent to prison for life.

    Stop social welfare hand outs especially cash payments.

    Prisons will become horrible places to be. punishement would include 1 week with Tony Blair for minor offences commited inside

    Scrap the 3 Rs and bring in WAR  Writing Reading and Arthimetic


    • #3
      Have a Pattaya Style Soi 6 in every City


      • #4
        Get our troops out of Iraq.

        Abolish the penny.


        • #5
          I agree with everything except the concept of not speaking
          Fluent english!! Why ban people just cos they cant speak english perfectly?
          I know those who cant speakit properly and it's their first language!!
          [Including me!]
          If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


          • #6
            (PigDogg @ Apr. 02 2007,00:43) Abolish the penny.
            Your got yer Mother in a whirl
            Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


            • #7
              abolish having to press fing 1 for english. if you can't speak/read english you can't work. freind of mine married a man from norway and she couldn't work until she could pass a test that proved she could speak and read the language well.

              get rid of illegals 1st offense prision second instant death (yea i know harsh but they would stop coming)

              get rid of welfare life recipents

              if she can't support her kids and keeps having more fix her so she can't have more. same for men

              child pedo's instant death

              middle east sorry 5 years to fix problems this means no more killing each other and us, if not glass parking lot for them..i know once again harsh but they have been doing this for thousands of years and still can't get it right.


              • #8
                Have two polling booths one for people who think the Earth is flat and created by god 10,000 years ago; and another for the rest of us. Then burn all the ballots collected in the first.
                "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                • #9
                  Get rid of the Fox Noise Channel and comedian Rush Limbaugh.


                  • #10

                    The more things change, the more they stay the same...
                    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                    • #11
                      if i ruled thailand.
                      1. all ladyboys would recieve a 20,000 baht monthly
                      stripend from the government. that would take the
                      pressure off them to have to hustle you in clubs.
                      they would only sit with, or go with you if they liked
                      2. ladyboy clubs ;but only ladyboy ones; could stay
                      open 24 hours.
                      3. there would be no clothing rules for the ladyboys
                      while in the club.
                      4. farangs with legal residence in thailand would
                      recieve a free life time membership to ats.

                      a less serious recomdation would be that there would be an inforceable international law that nobody under
                      the age of 40 could serve in any military organization.
                      every war in the world would stop over night.


                      • #12
                        Ban the greens and labour ,bleading heart wankers who want to save every poor sole in the world. charity starts at home how about helping out poor pensioners in our own country
                        Ban any more muslim immigration to out country look at france and holland. kick out any muslim who is convicted of any crime in the 1st 10 years as a migrant.
                        swap our women and lbs for asian ones, on a weight for weight one of ours for 3 of there's.
                        prison will be nasty and tough with work for there keep, ie breaking rocks mail bag sewing and graffiti and litter eradication.
                        stop employing women in top jobs because of there gender.
                        keep our troops in iraq till the jobs finnish, dont cut and run like a bunch of wining greenies.
                        Deffinatly give free beer and travel to any person who has fought for the country.
                        repeal the wilderness act so 4wd horses and bikes can go in national parks.
                        give fre trips to australia to blokes like kahuna, he can single handedly improve our GDP bye 10 % in a month by being here.
                        finally keep all women at home and out of sight, why? because they are aufull to look at . lol
                        no boat people to be allowed to be prcessed in australia send em to japan they need people like we need a fuck.
                        god there are so many thyings id do
                        finally make it illegal to bring the Koran into australia just as it is illegal to bring a bible into saudi
                        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                        • #13
                          Funny how there are numerous references to immigration in this thread....NOT

                          I would regulate religion & its fanatics a hell of alot more than it is now.

                          Legalize prostitution in the UK.

                          Bring back the death penalty.

                          I would change the marriage laws in the UK immediately, so that you don't have this scam where by someone can step out with 50%+ of what they have not contibuted a single penny to. If you came in with nothing, you leave with nothing. Watch how many western women wouldn't be interested in marriage then!

                          The list is endless............

                          You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                          • #14
                            Broadband/Fiber/Cable laying gets nationalised so everyone benefits from a fat pipe. One trench to lay everything. Sick to death of competing bastards digging up the footpath & road every second week.


                            • #15
                              Bring back national service where you are tought to respect the country and the flag
                              To many students are taking soft subjects. The UK has a massive shortage of technical minded people.
                              If you want to study art , history or politics you have to go private and pay the full fare....for at least the next five years.
                              Throw out the communists in charge of education. Today i just read that the holocaust and the Crusades will not be taught in some schools for fear of upsetting the muslims. revisionist history has no part in secondary education ....

