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More of Pattaya's finest - Naked & beautiful II

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  • (PigDogg @ Aug. 30 2010,12:25)
    (pacman @ Aug. 29 2010,22:46) OKAY! Who's up for some naked pictures of Pooky?
    She took off her clothes and she was a girl!    

    Somehow she looks much older in those pics than she looked the other night she passed by on W.S.
    ...she is a girl!..............isn't she....
    Attached Files


    • sir i love your photos of karn she is so beautiful. i love your report.

      thank you for your HARD work.
      "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
      He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
      General George Patton Jr


      • Nice to meet you and Steff tonight Paccers...(shame to have missed Juri , i thought he was still here). AnywayI just decided to head back to BKK right now as i really need to see my travel agent before midday to sort out some future travel plans. Hope to catch you next time for a beer or two in Pattaya.

        keep up the good work here , hopefully this thread will become the Paccers blogspot


        •    Thanks Tomcat, another forum stalwart I can now say I have met. I look forward to those beers, whenever that may happen. And I googled that website you mentioned. Very impressive!

          I have never considered having a blog, I just post whenever I feel the urge. And most times I never know what is going to come out. As the actress said to the bishop.
          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


          • Damn Pac... I awaiting updates and they are few and far between.... what have you been doing over there


            A worthy trip report


            • My question exactly Azza...
              Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


              • A timely rebuke from Azza & Deepthroat to pull my finger out. I haven't written on a daily basis because it would involve detailing the mundane aspects of life here & frankly, it isn't all that interesting. Apart from regular sexual interludes with gorgeous exotic creatures & who wants to read about that?

                Ohh, you do...    

                There are so many girls here who cannot possibly be getting a regular customer. I wish I had the energy (and the money) to oblige but I do what I can.

                There have been a number of BMs come to town lately, Richard is back to see his terak, Om. Steff has jetted in for his 5th visit this year & all 4 of us are meeting for dinner this evening. I do enjoy these meals & I think they do much for Om's understanding of farang ways. I already mentioned the redoubtable Tomcat, another surprise for me that he was such a regular guy. Who knew? And Petesie is here spreading his largess to all & sundry. It is nice to see him again.

                Meanwhile down on Walking Street & Beach Road, there is a new target for local violence, Iranians. It seems their behaviour is beyond the pale, they have no respect for the girls & the locals are retaliating. I don't blame them, these guys are out of control. Just because they have limited contact with their own females & zero idea of appropriate conduct when here in LOS, they are acting like Pattaya is one giant brothel & any girl is fair game for their deplorable manners.

                There is now a very visible police presence walking around in an effort to prevent more of them going to hospital. Perhaps they need to show a film clip of some of these victims on inbound flights to LOS from the Middle East. At least then they can't say they had no idea. Personally I like the way justice is dispensed around here but I wish never to be on the receiving end of it. I continue to be unfailingly polite & smiling at everyone. Better to be gormless with teeth than macho without...      

                At least they aren't clogging up the bars & Go Gos, being loyal to their faith, they don't drink. Imagine what they would be like if they were wandering around pissed? Blimey, it doesn't bear thinking about. I wonder where Iranians fall on the definition of 'farang'? I have always been told it means foreigner but if you check Wikipedia it translates as 'foreigner other than Asian'. That's odd I thought, that they would have different words for the same thing. Where does a 'khon tong chat' (a foreigner) end & a farang start? So I asked an ex-pat of some 35 years.

                "Do you really want to know what farang means?" he asked. Err, yes, that was my question. "It is derogatory swear word that the authorities have been obliged to make respectable given its extensive use. It means 'N****R'." I don't need to spell out the offensive term, everyone knows the word.

                One more thing I never knew about LOS. At least I know which side of that fence sit the Iranians. So every time farangs are referred by officials, it is with a nod & a wink to the locals. Imagine trying to keep something like that secret back in the West? Impossible for even a moment. Here, they would die before they told you. Thais are both open & inscrutable, they really are unlike anywhere I have ever been. Maybe I need to check other places before I am qualified to make that comment.

                I liked this paragraph from a letter published in the Bangkok Post this week:

                Thais are often uniquely incapable of learning about their own country, being too deeply entangled in the characteristics of Thai-ness that prevent them from seeking the truth. They are hampered by superstition, the importance of image over substance & of social harmony over truth, a natural tolerance of social ills, & a willingness to smooth things over instead of addressing ugly problems head on.
                The Post publishes many such letters, I am amazed they don't draw more official scrutiny. Some of their articles fly in direct contrast to the type of control the Thais want over everything. I suspect they have some sort of understanding, they leave the Post alone providing the Post doesn't comment on certain matters that are not to be mentioned. There can be no other explanation for the freedom of the press they enjoy here. Their letters to the editor is essential reading if you want to understand what is going on here.

                I loved the revelation that in the Thai army, there are no less than 550 Generals (or higher rank). This compares to the US where there just over 300 Generals for 1.5 million troops. But with rank comes face & nothing else matters more to a Thai than face. And how could they have a squad of 180 snipers yet one senior soldier admitted only 10 of them could shoot straight? Unbelievable but ability is the least reason to promote anyone.

                If they want to get some sharp shooters, I suggest they look in the local pool halls. Some of the most natural potters I have ever seen. The best of them have wonderful eyesight & could beat anybody on their day. Though they are cursed with that Thai inability to look ahead, they just fire away & to hell with the consequences. If they ever studied the game & learnt the tactics, then they would be impossible to beat. I noticed Richard teaching Om the wisdom of a careful game. Good advice or not? We shall see.

                I will post pics soon, I promise.
                Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                • A quick update. I have just arrived back at the Penthouse after walking the gauntlet of girls on WS. I resisted temptation despite the best efforts of some favourites.

                  Two in particular need mentioning, the beautiful Julie from Laos is back in business after getting silicone added to her arse, something she did not need. I told her a few weeks back in my room that she was perfect as she was. Of course she didn't accept that. It is almost as if they mistrust us so much that any reassurance from a farang is reason enough alone to do it.

                  But we don't need reminding how insecure they are so next she'll want a nose job, then a chin implant, then more silicon, then....

                  The other girl I saw tonight after a few days absence is the sweet little Now, now with milk. She has added a lovely large set of knockers that are proudly on display down on WS as I write this. She does look great & I stopped to admire her new assets. These need to be revealed to the world & I hope she lets me take more than a few pics this time. I am sure she will want everyone to see how good she looks so pics shouldn't be a problem.

                  First shot is Julie, then Now. Both girls look the same-same but different.
                  Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                  • Nice post PAC (322)..... Now on with the bloody to speak  


                    A worthy trip report


                    •    Beat you by one minute...      

                      Any guesses who this rock hard arse belongs to? She has an amazing body, a somewhat less amazing face but she was fun. I was at the end of a long night when I made the decision to take her home. Not my usual style but when I ran my fingers over her I kinda lost the plot...
                      Attached Files
                      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                      • Hey what the he'll you doing up now posting?? Get back to shagging


                        A worthy trip report


                        • Maybe he has a Blackberry & is doing both?

                          I always figure that when my girl starts texting while I'm shagging her it's time for me to hang it up......


                          • I wonder did PAC come home empty handed after a late night stroll along coconut bar??


                            A worthy trip report


                            • congratulations to Pacman for surpassing 10,000 views on this thread!

                              Thanks for the insights and photos! Also guys, he needs to pace himself as it seems he's in for the long haul this visit!

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                              • nobody wants him back here in oz... That's the honest truth


                                A worthy trip report

