(pacman @ Aug. 08 2010,14:32) :upOnly when we in the west understand what we are up against will we make sense of this strange behavior. Strange to us, not to them.
Aren't you making some grand assumptions here? All you have seen is the result: A man getting clubbed by a couple of ladyboys weilding stilletos.
You ASSUME it is because he told them to fuck off.
How do you know he didn't dud one of them in a short time room, refusing to pay? Or not pay his bar bill? Or grab her tit? or ?? A myriad of offences.
It surprisesd me you would make such a lop sided assessment with little factual evidence.
Or are you assuming because he is of your tribe he is right? White is right?
Its not war. Its cultural difference. Who says you or westerners are right?
Sorry, but this has been below your usual balanced standard.
ALSO: I work with Thai's and Asians every day. Vietnamese are not so different to Thais. I dont know who your business friend is who allows plumbing to be placed on the wrong side of walls etc, but I suggest he is a failure. If I allowed such fuck-ups in the work place I would not be here to write about it.
You CAN point out errors and mistakes. No problem at all. What you cannot do is belittle people or swear or yell. It should be done in private. It should be done as improving education. And it should be done with grace. Perhaps a better way all round?