Every time i come in Bkk i stayu in the Atlanta and i think it s a great hotel , it s the oldest one in Bkk , there is a charming atmosphere , a great swimming pool in a nice garden , friendly staff , no sextourists allowed (very important in Bkk) , very good food , and the price is just around 4 or 500 bath but you need to make a reservation ahead cause it s very hard to get a room there at most times
Chok dee khrap !
Chok dee khrap !
This was written by some bird on the lonely planet site
Not sure if this is can be deemed academia -i just want to have a little rant
€˜Sex tourist' has increasingly become a derogatory term associated with men who travel to Thailand on their own. Usually middle-class women harp on about €˜sex tourists' every time Thailand is mentioned; but I've noticed many men saying it too.
The same hypocritical guys you watch porn and love to hear stories of debauchery...
How many times have you been at a bar when somebody says
€˜Thailand is great, I love the beaches, cooking and people but I can't stand those fat sex tourists'
The irony is you never hear these people refer to Paul Gauguin, Van Gough or any of the acclaimed painters as sex tourists.
A lot of painters, musicians and writers throughout history have been inspired by prostitutes on their travels. Some of the great works of art today wouldn't exist without the sex and companionship of hookers.
Thailand is one of the last places on earth were men can have a good time without those pc morally superior fucks throwing their oar in. They want Thailand turned into mecca for hippies, families and fat chicks to do cookery.
Do we complain or ridicule women when they go out to sri lanka, Kenya or wherever for a bita cock?...... They can have everywhere else but leave us Thailand and maybe Brazil and pi