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  • #16
    What happened Stogie ? Bad day ?


    • #17
      Ahh, SB is simply being grumpy as he is staring down the bleak reality of a 6 week visit back to the home country, cold, damp, dreary lb-less UK!

      I do agree though, we do have many BM who are English as second (or further) language, so being a bit flexible might be useful!

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      • #18
        Dieter, hell, what about Mirimark?

        Anyone,,,,notice,,we havne't herd from him,,,im awile?

        Probably got flippin' caned.

        Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

        Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


        • #19
          (stogie bear @ Nov. 30 2007,20:38) The only people who can get away with breaking the rules are those members who have been here a while.


          • #20
            stogie..... I am going _ _ K_ C _ Y_ _ _ _ _ _ NEXT TIME I C YOU


            • #21
              Good job SB, I agree completely with you. I am tired of trying to read posts that are written like the person has the language skills of a pre-schooler. Yes, I know that some of guys are not that well versed in the English and I try to cut them some slack but as for the rest. I think that if you missed the English classes in school that taught you how to spell, use grammar and form sentences maybe it might be a good idea to take a remedial course. There is simply no excuses for English speaking members to be so illiterate.


              • #22
                (stogie bear @ Nov. 30 2007,21:38) Happy Christmas from my teddy called Mohammed!  
                And a very Happy New Year to you from my Bear Bear "Osama" Been Laid In.

                Did you say grammar errors?
                Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                • #23
                  (Monkey @ Dec. 01 2007,01:40)
                  (Stewart @ Nov. 30 2007,17:30) PS - I believe 'Kings Birthday.' should have an ' between g and could we immediately delete this thread and get back to normal
                  some confusion here I think:

                  Just now I renamed a thread simply called 'Kings Birthday.'
                  Just now, I renamed a thread which was simply called 'Kings Birthday.'

                  My point entirely - I am a Jock, so it is my 2nd language!
                  Mister Arse


                  • #24
                    (Monkey @ Nov. 30 2007,23:10) I say old man! That's a bit harsh.

                    What about people for whom English is their second (3rd, 4th...) language?

                    This new policy is highly discriminatory. It is like spitting in the face of the downtrodden who have risked all to emigrate, and perhaps they don't speak English well. The good people who do not speak English are the backbone of society. So let's not blame them because they are victims. Besides, poor English spelling and grammar is nothing to get worked up about. The English language must become more like the languages of the 3rd world, just as the England is coming to resemble the 3rd world. English will change just as England must change.


                    • #25
                      Nobody's taking this too seriously, right? He's got a point with the subject headings - don't waste our time with a title that's too meaningless. And questions that are stupid or repeated are also too lazy to be worth anyone's time - the author has shown they're not willing to put in any time, so expect they'll be a useful contributor.

                      Look at this "Fishbox" forum for instance. One might think it's where we talk about post-ops, but nooooooo it's about crap like teddy bears and elections in some godforsaken country (God has forsaken all countries except for the US, which he forsake in 2000). But do we ever talk about post-ops? Nooooooo. Never. So, at least Stogie is trying to clean up the sloppiness here. Good for him!

                      Now, about those fishboxes.

                      Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                      Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                      • #26
                        I certainly hope stogie is not serious or every entry in this thread would have to be deleted for bad grammar, intentional or otherwise.


                        • #27
                          ...and if I have to use words like "bin", "que", "flat white", I will be in real trouble. I mean, we Americans already drive on the wrong side of the road, or so I was told on my last trip to Australia.


                          • #28
                            Browser war anybody? FireFox can have multiple spelling dictionaries, take your pick, British or American English, there is even an Australian version which I'm using now. Type a word "incorectly" (sp) and you get a red underline. Right click on it and a choice of possible corrections shows up, e.g. "incorrectly". No help with grammar, but many people now use txt language. English (all locations) is not static, and is a living, dynamic language. Usage dependent on location and audience amongst other factors.
                            Posted on: Nov. 30 2007,21:38 Did Grumpy just get up, or has it been a busy day. That is the question.

                            However it's not unreasonable for people to give SOME thought to topic headings, and use the farcking search button b4 (before) repeating questions asked 1000's of times before.


                            • #29
                              (Fred_Nguyen @ Dec. 01 2007,10:14) Besides, poor English spelling and grammar is nothing to get worked up about...
                              I agree. I'm not getting 'worked up' about it. I'm just saying that if there are infantile and poorly written thread titles and irrelevent or repetitive questions and posts then they'll be deleted.

                              There are plenty of forums where you can write like a child and post rubbish. This is not one of them.

                              The general demographic of this forum is of an educated and/or professional man in his 40s or 50's. I'm not going to allow the forum to become diluted in depth so we can increase the readership. It's not worth it.

                              Yes - there are many readers who suffer from poor English. Of course we don't trash the non-English speaking contributors. But everyone knows that a sentence or a name starts with a capital letter. This is universal.

                              Even the best of us make mistakes and no-one is going to pounce on every error a person types.

                              Maybe I'm wrong but I consider it a general courtesy to at least make an effort to get the post titles appropriate and correct.

                              It helps the readers decide whether or not they want to investigate the thread further. It's nice to at least spell a persons name right or get the message of your thread in the title. It also helps members when we search for information.

                              More often than not I'll edit the title myself if the content is worth reading. Many times though it's crap and not worth the members time to read through it... so out it goes.

                              This isn't a 'new' policy. I've always been discriminatory about the style and quality of posts on this forum.

                              Sorry for those who don't like it but there are other forums where you may feel more at home at if you don't like to make the effort to be understood and where the common courtesies and etiquette of the internet do not apply.

                              And in closing - we do not enforce any regulations too rigidly here so there is no 'book of rules.' But there are a common set of guidelines which make this forum easier and more fun for everyone to read.

                              Teddy sends hugs!


                              • #30
                                (ernesto01 @ Dec. 01 2007,03:30) What happened Stogie ? Bad day ?
                                indeed.... "bad hairday..."
                                all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read

