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  • 'Democracy is nothing but tyranny of the majority. '
    Sir Winston Churchill


    • (Stewart @ Sep. 23 2006,14:52) History is full of examples of what happens when the poor/stupid people have no say in their lives.
      We have a lot of stupid people here that voted for Bush. He didn't give them a sandwich though, just planted the thought that the terrorists are coming and you need protection. I crack up when they tell us that we haven't had a terrorisit attack since 9/11. Ok, not on American soil but how about Bali, Madrid and London? If his intelligence agencies are so in touch, wouldn't he have picked up on those? He thinks we fight terrorism with soldiers. I think we fight terrorism with spies.

      Oh yeah, and gay marriage is terrorism too, the breaking of traditional family unit. Scare the rednecks with homosexuals moving into your neighborhood and turning your children into gays. We could probalby learn a lot from the Thais about tolerance and acceptance.

      Wish our military would do a coup de tat. Instead of Disneyland, we all go to Ladyboyland. Politics play no part, it would be all about making your genitals feel good.


      • (stogie bear @ Sep. 21 2006,07:39) Reading some of the worlds reactions on this 'coup' has made me wonder why the political organisations and governments around the world have made such an issue over this and why the Thais have welcomed the takeover with literally open arms.

        At first I just thought that the governments were ill-informed and the Thai people were just used to this sort of thing!

        But those are not the reasons, I don't think...

        For the Thai people this military response has ended months of political uncertainty as Thailand had blundered through it's political life recently with a 'caretaker prime minister.' Now, suddenly, all the soldiers with flowers on their guns, yellow arm bands of peace and patriotic fervour and clearly thought out vision and plan for the future suddenly ended all of that.

        The coup was a well orchestrated stroke of genius and was perfectly timed.

        So - this must be sending shudders down your spine if you are a politition, eh? That a country with a solid economy and democratically elected government the size of Thailand could be usurped with open arms in one day by some well intentioned Muslim soldier...

        So; governments and political bigwigs all over the world are saying "No no no... this is all wrong!" But clearly it isn't. The people want it and it looks like it'll actually do wonders for democracy in the long run. So BEWARE you polititions out there... this kind of revolution may be coming to a country near you too, sooner than you think!

        Fuck the 'political process!' It's these wolly minded, cowardly crooks that spend a lifetime worshipping the political process that have invited this sudden change.

        And if Kofi Annan and all the other political dreamers out their are reading this... It's time to put those school books down and listen to what the people want.

        What they don't want is a fake democracy run by crooks!

        You never know... That distant rumbling outside your expensive office may be someone coming up the road to turf you out and find a replacement tenent!  
        Bravo Stogie! Well said!!!


        • (vangough05 @ Sep. 21 2006,08:20) I fucking knew Koffi Annan read this site, i just knew it. I don't feel so much of a perv now


          • (slappy111 @ Sep. 21 2006,20:26) Need some advice from those of you who are in LOS now.  Scheduled to arrive in BKK 10/7.  Should I postpone or keep the date?  Are NEP and KC3 still biz as usual or have the girls taken a break also?  Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
            I arrive10/7 also&fully expect business as usual w/exception,maybe less pervs&more GG&LB to go around!!!See you there


            • (ohnoriceagain @ Sep. 23 2006,20:32) it would be all about making your genitals feel good.
              one of the sacraments of secular humanism or perhaps one of the key secrets to a great life!  


              • (stogie bear @ Sep. 23 2006,16:36)
                History is full of examples of what happens when the poor/stupid people have no say in their lives.
                There are many MORE examples of what happens when they do!

                sadley thailand is now a laughing stock that keeps shooting itself in the foot
                Who's laughing? The coup is the best thing to happen to the credibility of Thai politics in 10 years!

                Political types will tell you it's wrong to have a coup because they are scared to death it will happen to them!

                I was out and about all over Bangkok yesterday and the day before and it's very much business as usual and Thais are generally very happy with what has happened.

                With that crook Thaksin in exile and the rest of the crooks in government out of the way it's actually stabilised the country in many ways. If people are laughing then they are farangs that don't understand what's happening.
                lay of the sauce stogie  or is it chairmen mao these days?            


                • Stogie has hit the nail on the head, you really need to be here to understand, but everyone is happy now. And much less apprehensive about the future. Thaksin was trying to cause conflict between the South, Bangkok/Central and the North. That was his formula for maintaining power, everyone realized this even his supporters.


                  I think even the foreign goverments realize this, their "condemnation" has been nothing more than lip service, and The coup has quickly fallen out of the headlines.
                  "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                  • Stogie has hit the nail on the head, you really need to be here to understand, but everyone is happy now. And much less apprehensive about the future. Thaksin was trying to cause conflict between the South, Bangkok/Central and the North. That was his formula for maintaining power, everyone realized this even his supporters.
                    I think even the foreign goverments realize this, their "condemnation" has been nothing more than lip service, and The coup has quickly fallen out of the headlines.
                    It probably IS good for Thailand that Thaksin is gone for all the well documented reasons. But if "everyone is happy now", surely that means they were unhappy before and would have voted him out of office? As allstart says, what happens when the same political party wins power again next year?

                    But my point was broader than Thailand. My point was by not condemming a military coup, you are asking for trouble elsewhere when some general doesn't like what is happening in his country.....Indo? Burma? Vietnam? Philippines? You are kicking the idea of democracy in the goolies. What do you then say to those generals?

                    Bye for now....I have another book to read
                    Mister Arse


                    • I guess they'll just have to convict Thaksin of crimes in abstensia so he never returns.


                      • In theory they will have a new constitution that will prevent a
                        PM from acting as Thaksin has...
                        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                        • You are kicking the idea of democracy in the goolies.
                          Good. Democracy isn't a privilidge of life. And in most countries it wouldn't work anyway.

                          Democracy elected Hitler! Look at the mess Germanys in these days also. The last 20 years of 'democracy' has destroyed that country.

                          Democracy for the rest of Europe is on the way out too. Nations are being crippled with drugs, Muslims and crime and the 'democrats' are powerless to control the streets. And if you are an American, well, you've NEVER had democracy. And you won't while there is a right wing Christian still breathing in that Godless land.

                          But there's always New Zealand!


                          • was it not thaksin who rised  out of ashes from the last coup ?he was good to start with then like most pm`s thought he was untouchable and could do what he the same will happen again in ten years !? as for all the commies here who think a coup is a good idea ,i can see your point of view but remember the last coup that ended in blood spilled ,and i cant agree with the army banning political meetings over the last few days,what about freedom of speech?


                            • Thai Coup music video


                              • (allstar88 @ Sep. 24 2006,17:28) was it not thaksin who rised  out of ashes from the last coup ?he was good to start with then like most pm`s thought he was untouchable and could do what he the same will happen again in ten years !? as for all the commies here who think a coup is a good idea ,i can see your point of view but remember the last coup that ended in blood spilled ,and i cant agree with the army banning political meetings over the last few days,what about freedom of speech?
                                Its like the leftists here in the U.S.,Germany,France,U.K.!Its only free speech when its THEIR free speech!

