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The one thing ladyboys should never do

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  • #46
    Originally posted by (post-op lover @ Aug. 12 2005,10:17)
    but she was mentally defective
    I find this hard to believe about a post-op


    • #47
      Originally posted by (GenSEX @ Aug. 10 2005,21:31)
      Ah, Ok... I just re-registered under the name GenSEX...

      Y'all... from here on out, Popdork is now GenSEX!

      And JaiDee, it was Belle putting the moves on ME during that Pang photoshoot.  I swear!
      I shall not mention anything about her less than sweet smelling breath...

      oh, wait.. I just did.

      You don't have to worry about me and your gf. I havent even SEEN her since I've been back. And I think I have adopted your "been with a friend already, then not really interested" policy. Take Noon for examply... I have completely no interest in her... yet she is attractive.. I guess the only reason I can come up with is our mutual friend who is always on and off with her.


      • #48
        Yeah, I hear ya.....  I just can't see going somewhere that my friends have been. Funny, these girls sleep with hundreds of guys a year who are much worse than the guys we hang out with, but touch my buddy and you are off-limits!!  strange but true  

          The girl I like has left the scene at least for now, that is why you haven't seen her; she is just doing the school thing and living at home for a while.   But once they get the taste of 20-40K per month and being fawned all over by falangs with cash, can they ever really leave the scene forever? Probably not, until age pushes them out.


        • #49
          stardust i reckon if you negotiate a price 1500 then pay 200-400 less or more on performance you would have a real sceen on your hands. If she under performoes and you give her say 1200 after neg 1500 she will get a real shitty happening.
          i just negotiate my usual 1000 bhat for short time(very few girls will argue with 1000 + bar fine 600) not a long timer well rarely and its 2000 if i do .and then if the bitch is a crap performer i just pay her and never and i repeat never take her again,TIT.
          I'm not a tight bastard and sometimes will buy a girl a meal or a drink if she is nice and easy to be with. As we know ladyboys are like girls some good some bad and some just ordinary. the good ones get all the customers the superstars who dont perform get alot of one time customers and the ordinary ones. well they get the crumbs. its a mean world we have the money and they want out moneyTIT
          cheers donnnnny
          ps the more money one gives the more they will want until the time comes when its just to expensive to take em.


          • #50
            stardust  i reckon if you negotiate a price  1500  then pay 200-400  less or  more  on performance you would have a real sceen on your hands. If she under perform's  and you give her say 1200  after neg  1500  she will get  a real shitty happening.ouch whatch the flying ashtrays
            Ijust negotiate my usual 1000 bhat for short time(very few  girls will argue  with 1000 +  bar fine 600)  not a long timer   well rarely  and its 2000 if i do .and then if the  bitch is a crap performer  i  just pay her and never  and i repeat  never take her again,TIT.
            I'm not a  tight bastard and sometimes will buy a  girl  a meal or a drink if she is  nice and easy to be with. As we know ladyboys are like girls  some good some bad and some just  ordinary. the good ones get all the customers the superstars  who dont perform get alot of one time customers and the ordinary ones. well they get   the crumbs. its a mean world  we have the money and they want out moneyTIT
            cheers   donnnnny
            ps the more money  one gives the more they will want until the time comes when its  just to expensive to take em.

