Age doesn't matter if you are talking about prostitution in the traditional sense of the word as understood by Western countries.
Sex for money in The West is simply a physical exercise. Your health is more a consideration than age.
But in Asia when you pay for a girl or a ladyboy then, like many of us, you will want a fulfilling experience of the mind as well as the body... The GFE (The Girlfriend Experience!)
You want to feel as if she is enjoying your company as much as you are enjoying hers.
To this end age does matter... but not much.
For tourists on holiday the following list of characteristics are foremost in a working girls mind... (and they ARE in order of importance!)
1 - Ability to pay. (This is where being Japanese comes in handy.)
2 - Cleanliness/being clean shaven/having fresh breath. It's hard to act all 'lovey dovey' to a dirtbag as Thais are fastidiously clean.
3 - How you dress. A ladyboy will spend hours on her appearance and is impressed when her customers make the effort to look their best.
4 - Your health/physical appearance. It's easier to be close to someone you are comfortable looking at.
5 - Your behaviour in the bar/public areas. Thai people are all about 'saving face' and 'style over substance.' You won't engage the attention of your chosen partner by acting weird, groping, shouting, etc... (That's where not being British comes in handy.)
6 - Drinking/smoking. If you drink then don't get drunk. If you smoke then find a ladyboy partner who smokes, too.
7 - Age!
If you just want a quickie in a short time room then of course none of these things (apart from NUMBER 1) rate highly on her agenda!
If you want her for the whole night then you'd better make sure she wants to be there for more than just the money. She'll wriggle out of any spoken promises if you aren't.
Of course; you are going to get who you want if the money/timing is right but to make the best of it and get the very best out of her then at least play your part and act like you are courting her.
It's always worked for me.
Sex for money in The West is simply a physical exercise. Your health is more a consideration than age.
But in Asia when you pay for a girl or a ladyboy then, like many of us, you will want a fulfilling experience of the mind as well as the body... The GFE (The Girlfriend Experience!)
You want to feel as if she is enjoying your company as much as you are enjoying hers.
To this end age does matter... but not much.
For tourists on holiday the following list of characteristics are foremost in a working girls mind... (and they ARE in order of importance!)
1 - Ability to pay. (This is where being Japanese comes in handy.)
2 - Cleanliness/being clean shaven/having fresh breath. It's hard to act all 'lovey dovey' to a dirtbag as Thais are fastidiously clean.
3 - How you dress. A ladyboy will spend hours on her appearance and is impressed when her customers make the effort to look their best.
4 - Your health/physical appearance. It's easier to be close to someone you are comfortable looking at.
5 - Your behaviour in the bar/public areas. Thai people are all about 'saving face' and 'style over substance.' You won't engage the attention of your chosen partner by acting weird, groping, shouting, etc... (That's where not being British comes in handy.)
6 - Drinking/smoking. If you drink then don't get drunk. If you smoke then find a ladyboy partner who smokes, too.
7 - Age!
If you just want a quickie in a short time room then of course none of these things (apart from NUMBER 1) rate highly on her agenda!
If you want her for the whole night then you'd better make sure she wants to be there for more than just the money. She'll wriggle out of any spoken promises if you aren't.
Of course; you are going to get who you want if the money/timing is right but to make the best of it and get the very best out of her then at least play your part and act like you are courting her.
It's always worked for me.