(rocky1 @ Jun. 16 2009,00:15) Anyhoo , hope the sermons are over, and i was expecting more, I knew the risks before i partook, thats why i was careful as possible and i moved around alot.
Personally speaking for myself if i didn,t take any risks in life you would have to poke me with a stick to see if i was actually still alive.
For example when i,m not doing ladyboys i,m burning round alpine mountains on my 1000cc sportsbike. Only a low barrier or old stone wall between me and a very deep plunge down the side of a cliff face so a wrong move or lapse in concentration can mean death, but you will be pleased to know i dont smoke yabaaaaaah while wheelying a fireblade at 100+mph
as that would be certain-death stupid.
What does everyone i know that does not ride say to me. " oh sell that bike before it kills you
People that do ride say" fantastic ,when are you going(to risk Death) again"
I have also motorcycled across foreign countries on my own, some areas i,ve ended up in accidently were quite hostile, i could have been robbed and my throat cut or i could have sat indoors and watched those countries on tv from my armchair, but thats not adventure and i,m glad i,ve done all of it.
Back to my original post and question.
Has anybody had a similar situation and how did you deal with it?
Personally speaking for myself if i didn,t take any risks in life you would have to poke me with a stick to see if i was actually still alive.
For example when i,m not doing ladyboys i,m burning round alpine mountains on my 1000cc sportsbike. Only a low barrier or old stone wall between me and a very deep plunge down the side of a cliff face so a wrong move or lapse in concentration can mean death, but you will be pleased to know i dont smoke yabaaaaaah while wheelying a fireblade at 100+mph
What does everyone i know that does not ride say to me. " oh sell that bike before it kills you
People that do ride say" fantastic ,when are you going(to risk Death) again"
I have also motorcycled across foreign countries on my own, some areas i,ve ended up in accidently were quite hostile, i could have been robbed and my throat cut or i could have sat indoors and watched those countries on tv from my armchair, but thats not adventure and i,m glad i,ve done all of it.
Back to my original post and question.
Has anybody had a similar situation and how did you deal with it?
I was going to take a pass on giving you a long-winded sermon because you're right. You knew the risks when you mixed p4p sex and drugs in a foreign country, and so if you want to be a moron, that's your business.
But then you had to go an give that lame "I'm an XTREME DUDE!! I need to FEEL ALIVE!!" bullshit as an excuse for stupid behavior.
You're a junkie.
You need to get "high" in order to "feel alive". High on drugs or high on adrenaline or high on risky sex, whatever it is, you're gonna "do it to the xtreme!" Meh.
What? Waking up breathing every morning isn't enough "stimulation" for you?
Seriously, the first time you take a tumble off that mountain, you'll be sitting in a ravine crying like a bitch until some poor slob has to do his JOB and risk his neck to rapel out of a helicopter to save your sorry ass.
That's what irritates me the most about you adrenaline junkies. You're selfish. You don't give a shit about anything except your next high.
You don't care about the family or friends you'll leave behind after your faceplant yourself at the bottom of some gully. You don't care about the rescue personale who'll have to put their own lives on the line just to haul your carcass out.
Worse still, you don't give a flying fuck about what happens if you LIVE through a nasty accident and burden your family with an invalid or comatose vegetable. Think they want to wipe your ass for another 30 years? Think they'll enjoy making decisions about whether to bankrupt themselves keeping you on life support or pull the plug on you?
Nah, of course you don't. You're too busy burning around alpine mountains on your 1000cc bike proving what a "fuck'yah!" rebel you are, when the reality is that you haven't got the balls to just commit suicide in a straight-forward fashion.
Am I being too harsh? No.
Junkies like you need a good swift kick in the ass. Not that it'll do you much good, but you still deserve it.
The reason "xtreme dudes" tool around mountains on fireblades is because they know there's always a helpful forest ranger within cellphone range.
Likewise, the reason FUCKING IDIOTS do drugs in a foreign country is because you are under the mistaken impression that you can cry like little girls to your embassy and Momma will pressure the big, bad corrupt third-worlders into letting you go with a slap on the wrist. Wrong!
I bet 90% of those Sir Edmund Hillary wannabes never venture more than an hour's drive from civilization (and a modern hospital) for their "adventures". (by the way, you want to be a real adventure junkie? Join the Coast Guard and go jump from helicopters to save fishermen in the North Atlantic. At least then you'd be using your addiction to benefit humanity rather than only yourself)
Likewise, these "adventure rebels" come to Thailand looking for a taste of some "third world" seedy shennanigans. Except that Thailand is about as "lawless" and "third world" as Cleveland, Ohio.
"Motorcycling across foreign countries" doesn't impress me. You may wow the townies back home with that shit, but any expat knows that "foriegn countries" aren't any more or less civilized than England or the States. Heck, there are parts of Miami that are more "hostile" than Iran or Pakistan. So your "gotta-have-adventure"-schtick doesn't impress this crowd. We've been there, done that. The girlies back home might "ooh-and-aah" over your "motorcycling adventures", but we all know that the biggest threat you face when motorcycling around Thailand is potholes. Whoop-de-fucking-doo.
Sure, you can still find that infamous "Bangkok Dangerous" kind of trouble here, but first you have to fuck yourself up on drugs and then hold a big sign over your head that reads: "PLEASE FUCK WITH ME!!"
So just because you "almost got your throat cut" that doesn't make you Steven-fucking-Seagal. It just makes you an idiot for not having the common sense to avoid those situations in the first place.
Honestly, I don't know why I bothered ranting. You, and the thousands of other idiots like you, are not going to stop coming to Thailand based on anything I say. You'll just call me an arrogant prick and continue on with your self-indulgent quest for "stimulation".
But did it ever occur to you that the reason you do all this stupid shit to "feel alive" is because YOU'RE NOT?
You say that getting high while tooling around a mountain on a bike is "certain death stupid", but you don't have any qualms about getting high with a p4p ladyboy? What the fuck is wrong with you? It's the same kind of thing!! How braindead do you have to be to not see how DUMB that is??
Right now, you're just a junkie on autopilot, lurching from one meaningless "stimulation" to the next meaningless "stimulation". Find religion, go to work for an NGO, volunteer at a soup kitchen, raise a family, become an EMT, join the neighborhood watch, clean the environment, etc... whatever. It doesn't matter. Just find something to give your life meaning and you won't feel so compelled to overdose on stimulation just to feel alive.
But don't come on a p4p forum and expect to get advice on how to deal with an unwanted, HIGH ladyboy, because the only answer to that question is to not be stupid enough to put yourself in that situation in the first place.
Many posters have already told you that, and you've dismissed them all as "sermons", but they're right! If you insist on putting yourself in dangerous situations, then you have to MAN-UP and face the consequences when shit hits the face.
When your bike flips over a ledge on a mountain. Be a man, and drag your broken ass back up out of the ravine yourself. When a drug-crazed ladyboy flips out and calls the boys in brown, be a man and do your 30-year sentence in BangKwang Central without complaint. Heck, write a book about it, and donate the procedes to charity so your life won't be a complete fucking waste.
P4P sex is inherently risky. We all know that, and anyone who whines about it is being a little bitch. Compounding that risk with drug use (that can lead to a lengthy prison sentence) is just dumb, dumb, dumb. Do a risk/reward assessment on your behavior and TRY to convince me that what you're doing makes sense. It doesn't.
I'm not being a prude. If people want to get high and fuck ladyboys, that's their business. But don't try to justify it as some sort of "xtreme sport". That's just lame.
If you want to be half-assed about your suicide attempts, that's your perogative, but don't ask us for advice when your lame flirtations with death go awry.
Just hop on your "fireblade", scream "Freebird!", and tool off into the sunset, you "rebel", you.
By the way, this has not been a sermon. In xtreme-parlance, this as been "an elbow off the top rope!"