I like hookers - at least ther are generally honest about wanting money for sex, they don't do the ' not tonight headache crap', some are real fun, some brilliant sex workers, and, if you get a street girl early enough in her career, can be a sweet real person.
Plus that in Asia they'r cheap.
i wouldn't suggest marrying a longtime bargirl - but there are always exceptions - people don't fit into boxes all that easily.
On the medical front, buying a copy (or making a copy, in Thailand) of the big, english language MIMS that the pharmacies have, would allow you to choose medication available in Los. Better still, the BNF, from England, as it has drugs in sections according to type of illness. That is - the British National Formulary.
Plus that in Asia they'r cheap.
i wouldn't suggest marrying a longtime bargirl - but there are always exceptions - people don't fit into boxes all that easily.
On the medical front, buying a copy (or making a copy, in Thailand) of the big, english language MIMS that the pharmacies have, would allow you to choose medication available in Los. Better still, the BNF, from England, as it has drugs in sections according to type of illness. That is - the British National Formulary.