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Thailand lb vs Phillipines lb

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    • (Hilbie Paratodos @ Nov. 15 2009,12:13) ... u sound like your def not getting good boom, you in the kingdom, hows the weather?

      my cock is my cock, my opinon my own, if i want to bang hotter pussy n mussy shouldnt bother u- last thing i want is a bunch of thai bastards relocateing to the phil, so yeah thai pussy is INSANE!!!! da best-

      and all u luving it up in thai all the best all the time, enjoy yourself
      For a while, I was wondering where one might find Donald Rumsfeld's speechwriter.

      No need to look any further.
      "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
      I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


      • you're being harsh with Hillbillie Parodonthosis...


        • Y Abba your just upset because u pay for boring hookers to ride your 5 inch thrill, me im mad because with all the free pussy i got in thailand i want my money back i never spent, how do u live with yourself treating my loss with so little compassion? if the women werent so boring in bed i would of never looked for ladyboys to find the fire they are sorely lacking..

          just a fact of life, most asians arent going to fuck your brians out like a latina- they aint got it in there blood.
          hilbie paratodos


          • The sex-tourism minister of the philippines, has now spoken.

            P.S. Have you considered contacting your Phillipino congressman, to
            have the following words, added to your flag:

            * "latino blood"
            * "fire"


            "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
            I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


            • its funny how when ever i get under someones skin people think hilbie stands for hilbilly, well abba i can say this , i dont know u, i dont know your work, but i can tell your very talented and im never wrong about theese things.....

              to all those thaied down with little dirty nang fahs   , enjoy yourself
              hilbie paratodos


              • (Hilbie Paratodos @ Nov. 22 2009,11:41) its funny how when ever i get under someones skin people ... well abba i can say this , i dont know u, i dont know your work, but i can tell your very talented and im never wrong about theese things.....
                1. Do not flatter yourself.
                2. Flattery will get you nowhere. ("well abba i can say this , i dont know u, i dont know your work, but i can tell your very talented" ... )

                Well, except, that I am willing to pay your cover charge, for the "Five baht Bash", at the ballroom located under Marine Disco.

                For more information, check out post no. 209,
                "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
                I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


                • abba i really appriciate that but im not in the kingdom and really dont plan on returning any time soon, ive kind of grown out of the novelty of the place, i had some really good times there but am really bored with the thais, i used to wish that would never happen but it has, when i reflect on being there for almost 3 years i didnt meet anybody that wasnt a sell out in some sense of the word, i mean there prostitutes so what do u expect, but i just dont respect the culture as i once did or the mentality of the people, and i know alot of your older guys are more then happy to pay for play as youve had wives that were white yard animals apes or just shy of it that got much more then a 1000 baht out of you and gave u none of the joy theese thais do and there is tons of wisdom in this , as a matter of fact i think people with this history enjoy thailand the most-

                  did u ever hear the joke that ive posted somewere on here before about the three brains for sale one of them thai  to the man the seriously damaged his?
                  hilbie paratodos


                  • (Hilbie Paratodos @ Nov. 24 2009,09:34) .... for almost 3 years i didnt meet anybody that wasnt a sell out in some sense of the word, ...

                    There is a saying:

                    One gets, what one deserves.

                    So, I guess we now have enough info, to figure you out.

                    P.S. Please start "The Hilbie Paratodos  thread".

                    P.P.S. One of the rules there, might be that you can delete posts where you are referred to as Hill-billy Paradonthos etc.
                    "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
                    I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


                    • (Hilbie Paratodos @ Nov. 24 2009,09:34) ...and i know alot of your older guys are more then happy to pay for play as youve had wives that were white yard animals apes or just shy of it that got much more then a 1000 baht out of you and gave u none of the joy theese thais do and there is tons of wisdom in this , as a matter of fact i think people with this history enjoy thailand the most-
                      I have to disagree with that. There's a good number of us Asians from Singapore, Malaysia, Korea and Japan, to name but a few countries, that enjoy Thai ladyboys and are not tied up with white wives.

                      At the end of the day it's what you make of the experiences that you have.
                      Tough luck if you didn't enjoy yourself. Were you perhaps expecting too much?


                      • Ok enough is enough...lived in Manila for 6 months and Cebu for 4 years so i do have a little experience here. Now i live in LOS

                        From my experiences i have just got to tell you i expect to get flamed for this but at least 85% of flips are scam artists. Even the flips i have working for me agree with that statement.

                        The only plus point is they speak english better than any other SEA nation.

                        I have a son in Cebu and on our last conversation he does not wanna go back (he is in school in Oz) and his mother says ok but she wants  1 mil pesos, so what the fuck does that tell you. . My son actually enjoys coming here for his hols and many times has asked to stay over..

                        They also scam in LOS but not to the same extent. as PI,

                        To put it bluntly Flips cant even lie straight in bed so believe me i would rather be in LOS.

                        I have to say there is about 15% straight flips out there but FFS dont go out there thinking you are gonna find a good Catholic girl (or LB) to wed and be happy.

                        Most of the LB's believe their own press (written for them by Hans Christian Anderson) and think they warrant Euro prices, Look at some of their site....1 Hr 200-300 $.

                        Anyone who knows me can never say i am a cheapskate but For FFS i wanna go out be happy and find a GFE not a fucking ladyboy on the meter.

                        Ok rant over i am out of here


                        • yes i got what i deserved, as a fairly intelligent person i found disatisfaction with thai idiots, not the worst thing to feel, its called sobriety, u drunk fools should try it, as it keeps me from lookin like the lonely cryin hearts thread of lost luv along with millions of baht some of u old fat slobs who couldnt even get a women to look at u yet buy into this pay for play nonsense like its real, yeah u fools got what u deserved, me i just got some free ass , and had some good times and now i want to try some were differant, i do agree that the phill are scammers like no other, ive got freinds their that i frequently talk to, the shit that they think they can get away with is quite pathetic, and i would never let my guard down for a second with them mooches either,  seems the poor me attitude runs throughout asia . the catholic aspect of the phil to me is disgusting , youd have to de-catholize those hoes if u found one u like, good luck with that, much better to go to a thai temple and give a monk smoking a cigarette n talking on a cell phone some soy milk and pour water on a plant and believe youll win the lottery next week- when i first arrived in thailand from hawaii i wondered why did i even come here? the joy of the people became infectious and a fondness grew from there, but the novelty wore off and since im not a drinker    to dumb myself down to enjoy something means the charm is gone and just the inhumanity and hopeless condition of the girls remains to used up by you whore mongers one after the other after the other with the other hearing what she told all the others previous to you untill theres and yours false hope is replaced with shame and nothing returns to nothing, but then again u guys are all queers, with your trip report photos of u taking it up the ass, i only dicked one ladyboy my entire time in asia,i generally find them disgusting,  what am i wasteing my breath for, you guys couldnt start a family if u wanted to, queer luv is inauspicious luv in the vedas in buddisht sutras, its a luv that doesnt beget life, and all the thais no this thats why katoeys are in buddhist writings are sort of pitied, so no wonder your so shameless, you dont have any need for it, what do u have to loose or gain but my entertainment when you people start threads about lost luv- you guys all get what you deserve, the thai katoeys are treating u just like the goverment treat the thais, hits em of with nothign but the dick and there luving it.

                          so yes, whores in thai are whores in phil-
                          hilbie paratodos


                          • Any chance you could add the occasional small amount of grammar?

                            Maybe then I could have half a chance of understanding what the fuck you are on about!!
                            Mister Arse


                            • (Hilbie Paratodos @ Nov. 24 2009,17:20) ive got freinds their that i frequently talk to, the shit that they think they can get away with is quite pathetic, and i would never let my guard down for a second with them mooches either,  
                              Good you all think so highly of one another

                              Forgot how this forum works  


                              • Is 'Hilbie Paratodos' really Stephen Leather?
                                My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham

