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Some people have money to burn...

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  • but indeed this could very much be the truth


    • (paultain @ Jan. 02 2009,13:04) "Listen mate, I will fuck anything that looks that good."

      So many Ladyboys so little time..


      • ok guys lets make it a lighter note, so whats the best deal youve ever had,and i dont mean freebies as i guess we all had em,i mean the least amount payed,me myself i was offered BJ by LB near Falling over pissed street for 50 baht,i didnt take her up on it as i only had 200 baht , all in twenties, in my pocket.


        • (doug @ Jan. 02 2009,15:52) If you're completely focused on the "PAY" in P4P, you're going to miss out on the "PLAY" aspect of it.  And if you can't afford the "P" in "P4P", stay home and save your pennies until you can!

          If you want to bargain-hunt, go to Chatuchak Market and haggle over knick-knacks you tosser!

          Damn, back in the States, girls will charge $200 for handjobs and get it!  But here, we've got guys trying to haggle a girl for a $10 discount off her normal $30 fee.

          If you can't afford to "overpay" for sex by $10, Stay home!!
          Why come to LOS then...???If u can PAY 4P LBs in States....
          OK OK.. LBs are more sexy in LOS...

          I bet you'll be still going to Disneyland if they trebled there ride pricess and you'll be giving them a $10 tip well...
          So many Ladyboys so little time..


          • fuckin happy new year


            • btw ill do handjobs for a lot less than $200............say $150 guys? 6 of those and ill have a flight to LOS


              • (robbo @ Jan. 02 2009,13:54) ok guys lets make it a lighter note, so whats the best deal youve ever had,
                Two weeks ago, while I was with PigDogg and Kahuna, I took a LB into the toilet of the Naklua beer bars so she could see my cock. She said she wanted to see it, and I am too shy to pull it out in front of PD and Kahuna. She had a taste too. I had to pay 5 baht for each of us (the fucker charged me even though she didn't use the toilet.) So that was 10 baht total. A worthwhile price to pay for laughs back at the bar.


                • (doug @ Jan. 02 2009,21:52) And if you can't afford the "P" in "P4P", stay home and save your pennies until you can!

                  And by that, I mean, stop trying to be nice in order to get a discount.  Stop trying to haggle to get a discount.  Stop trying to flirt/lie/mislead to get a discount.

                  Stop focusing on the TRANSACTION, and start focusing on the FUN and the SEX.
                  I guess thats what 50% of this forum must be doing.... sitting at home saving their pennies, thinking they can't afford to come to LOS.

                  Why not?... Being nice, haggling, flirting, telling lies, misleadings..... After all they do it to us!

                  Transaction is part of the fun!


                  • (paultain @ Jan. 03 2009,05:31) Transaction is part of the fun!
                    Yes, the transaction is part of the fun for some guys, I get that.

                    However, for some guys, it seems like the transaction is the whole point. They focus so much on getting the best deal possible, that the sex AFTER the deal has been struck is almost a secondary consideration.

                    If haggling is part of the flirtation and fun for you, then great. whatever floats your boat, dude. I'm just saying don't treat the experience like you're rummaging through the bargain bin at a flea market.


                    • (69billy @ Jan. 03 2009,02:16)
                      (doug @ Jan. 02 2009,15:52) If you're completely focused on the "PAY" in P4P, you're going to miss out on the "PLAY" aspect of it.  And if you can't afford the "P" in "P4P", stay home and save your pennies until you can!

                      If you want to bargain-hunt, go to Chatuchak Market and haggle over knick-knacks you tosser!

                      Damn, back in the States, girls will charge $200 for handjobs and get it!  But here, we've got guys trying to haggle a girl for a $10 discount off her normal $30 fee.

                      If you can't afford to "overpay" for sex by $10, Stay home!!
                      Why  come to LOS then...???If u can   PAY 4P  LBs in States....
                      OK OK.. LBs are more sexy in LOS...
                      I bet you'll be still going to Disneyland if they trebled there ride pricess and  you'll be giving  them a $10 tip well...
                      I think you misunderstood my post.

                      I'm not saying I'd pay $200 for a blowjob or that I think overpaying is a great thing.

                      I'd said that there are girls who charge that much, and they have guys lining up to pay for it. That's a statement of fact, not an endorsement.

                      What I don't get are the guys who quibble over $10 for short-time sex. I'm not talking about the guys who haggle for fun. I'm talking about the guys who take it seriously.

                      I think it's a dominance or self-esteem thing, so that's probably why I don't get it.

                      To me, "proving" that you can dominate a girl by paying less for sex is highly ironic. Likewise, I think some guys try to play for a better deal because they think it proves that she "really likes you", because she's willing to do you for less (or free).

                      I don't know. I guess I can't understand the point of basing my masculinity on how much a drug/sex-addict in a skirt is charging me to suck my dick.

                      Unlike a lot of guys, I did not come to Thailand for the sex. It's a perk of being here, of course, but I didn't travel halfway around the world to bargain-hunt for sex. Personally, I think that's the definition of "pathetic".

                      The ladyboys in Thailand are MUCH better looking than the men-in-dresses hanging around the average gay bar in the States, but that's why don't understand your logic.

                      You admit the girls are higher quality (in looks here).

                      You admit that they are hot enough that thousands of guys will fly halfway around the world to fuck them.

                      And yet you think $10 is too much to "overpay" for the hottest pieces of ass on the planet??

                      I guess its really all about volume versus value. If you're a guy on a budget, there are two ways you can go about this:

                      Method 1: Nickel-and-dime every girl you meet, because that extra $10 you save means you can fuck four girls this week instead of three.

                      Method 2: Save your money, so you can afford a nice, hassle-free evening with a quality girl every once in a while.

                      I'm not a rich guy, and I'm not advocating overpaying (in fact, I think guys who act like rockstars by spending their rent money on girls are idiots).

                      We're both on a budget, but I think you're a quantity man whereas I'm a quality man.

                      I've seen some of the girls you go with and I wouldn't touch them with bargepole. I'm sure they all have lovely personalities and probably fuck like rabbits, but having gobs of sex is less important to me than having a quality experience.

                      That's probably because I get gobs of sex already, so for me, the P4P experience is about the illusion of a high quality lifestyle that I, personally, couldn't afford to live on a daily basis.

                      I'm willing to save up for that and pay a bit extra for that because--for me--the anticipation is part of the whole experience.

                      I'm guessing you'd probably disagree with that or think it's stupid, but to each his own, right?

                      Some people want to have Christmas in July (or every day for that matter). Other people want Christmas to come once a year because they enjoy looking forward to it almost as much as they enjoy unwrapping the presents.

                      We have different tastes and that's a good thing because it means we don't compete for the same girls. There's plenty of room in Thailand for both quality and quantity guys, so why fight about who's "right" or which way is "better"?


                      • Doug,

                        Your arguments are well thought out and constructive, and I agree with much you have to say. Personally I like to come over for a few weeks and spend time with the quality too. If I pay them too much or give them presents, as they say in these parts "up to me".

                        I find it hard to understand the antagonistic bullying that is happening on this thread my some posters. I live in a socialist country. (and worse, before I lived in SINGAPORE). Free speach and the flow of opinions are a beautiful thing. If you don't believe me, go somewhere where you are monitored, and free opinions makes people uncomfortable. Frankly it disgusts me that certain posters believe their way is the only way, and that anyone at odds with their opinion is a fuckwit. Or wanker. Or Toff.

                        We all have different budgets, ideals, insecurities, strengths and weaknesses. Some will come over here and take to it a like a duck to water. I have seen others live in Asia for 5 years in a constant state of frustration, trying to make Asia conform to their personal set of western values. It won't happen. These persons are so unhappy and stressed out and live in perpetual frustration. They burn out and leave with a massive distaste for all things Asian.

                        At the end of the day you come to LOS. This is Thailand, thier country. Imagine the resentment (and you see it every time there is an influx of refugees to the west) when other cultures go to the west and try to impose their will on us. Or don't make an effort to assimilate. Some one posted that they see us as rich and stupid. Well, to them perhaps its a valid comment. We see ourselves as educated and rich enough to be able to secure the ticket and $$$ to come here. Some see LB's as only rapacious little fuck-bunnies. Also a valid POV from a westerner bent on mongering.

                        Ok some come for the mongering, others probably have a more holistic holiday, and maybe go diving or whatever, the mongering is a satisfying side-line. For Billy it is about the mongering and the joy of the bargain. Good luck to him. I notice several of the girls go back for repeat perfomances with him (although its sometimes hard to tell who is who when thier face is distorted with cock) so obviously his method is acceptable to his harem. I dont like some of the things Billy posts, but he does do it his way, and it works for him. Ozzie has his method. Doug his own. TT, Stogie same same.

                        There is NO right advice. No right way. Its like trying to write a book on how to be happily married. Nothing ever works the same for everyone. No interpersonal relationships can have a magic formula, because no one ever really knows anyone else. Persons can be marred for 40 years and surprise each other. Thats why its a no brainer to make money selling "Self help" and "relationship guide" books. There is no definitive answer.

                        At the end of the day the only measure is personal. Did you have fun? Did you learn something? What will you do differently next time?

                        Friends its your holiday and your life. No one else can judge your happiness and success in how you choose to spend your time in LOS.

                        "Up to you".

                        "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                        • I agree with what you are saying Foxxee and that is kind of my point that everyone is different and we all have different budgets and needs on what we want to get out of our hard earned holiday.

                          I understand many guys have to watch what they spend but I pesonally think if you have to worry about every baht that leaves your wallet and you are buying 30 baht noodles for every meal and buying your beers from 7/11 just because you cannot afford anything else then you really should wait longer and save more before you come.

                          I am not a rich guy but I do very well for myself. I hate thinking too much about money when I am on holiday. When I am in a good mood and having good time and I want to spend a few thousand just buying the girls some drinks then that is exactly what I want to be able to.

                          Do the girls like me any more than the guy who never buys a drink? I don't know and I don't really care as I am doing it for myself.

                          This is not a one size fits all and if someone wants to haggle and squabble over $10 just so they can shag and extra girl that day or post pictures with 3 girsl instead of 2 then good luck them. All I know is that is not me.


                          • Doug, Foxee, I agree, when the girls of LOS become commodities & your entire belief system is tied up in how many of them you can buy for the least amount of money then you have progressed to being a sex addict with all the sad implications that implies

                            The older I get, the more I enjoy the fantasy of having a girl like me & there is no better passion-killer than engaging in a bidding war with her over money.

                            Our temporary girlfriend does not need another reminder that she is being bought for sex. It is not the way to guarantee any sort of affection & all her effort will be focused solely on getting you to finish asap.

                            Ask anyone who has had that happen to them & see if they think the girl represented value at any price.

                            To wake up in the morning with someone genuinely happy to be there beats all the half-price hookers in Thailand. It isn't rocket science.
                            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                            • Hey... what happened to Paultain's story? I was getting into that!


                              • (pacman @ Jan. 03 2009,11:46) The older I get, the more I enjoy the fantasy of having a girl like me...
                                Not many girls like you here mate.... but in the UK...

