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Some people have money to burn...

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  • #91
    Paultrain, you won't change a lot of views by slagging off those with opinions opposite to yours and applauding those BM's that might share some.

    Also, telling me you know more than I do simply pisses me off.

    You've got an opinion. You value it deeply; I don't think it's worth shit.

    We're not going to close that gap any time soon. Better you learn to respect other's views and acknowledge no matter how deeply you hold yours, some people won't agree.

    Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


    • #92
      (jimslim @ Dec. 28 2008,02:45) I didn't go to a toff school  
      In Belfast if you wore the same shirt two days in a row you were a total snob.

      But seriously Paultain, you want to listen to the advice of the likes of Kahuna. Although I don't agree with everything he says on the forum(no offense), the guy is a seasoned veteran and tries to give advice and a view that will be of the benefit of most BM's. While in LOS , I think we should all follow our own hearts, whether that be stay with the same girl for the entire trip,or take two or three different girls every night, each to his own. But at the end of the day, if I have had a good trip and treated the girls with respect, then all is well.
      When I go back to guess bar( very soon I hope) i would rather be remembered by the girls i have ben with as an ordinary guy who treated them well, as opposed to either a cheap charlie, or a flash Harry.
      This is just my pound sterling now less in value than a euro's worth and Kahuna feel free to kick me in the nuts.
      A friend in need is a f**king pest


      • #93
        Rock on dude...i tried with my supply n demand comment to offer my thoughts...but, here is the cliff notes version:

        when it comes to exchanging money for a GG/LB's time, i pay as little as i possibly can to get exactly what i want, and not a penny more...and would do this no matter what my bank balance is/was/will be...period

        and, i salute those who are even better at getting a better value than I, tip o the hat to ya'all...

        and, just the same, i laugh quietly and shake my head in disapproval at the those who toss off 1000 baht notes like they are worthless just cuz they can (at least on holiday)...just as i would observing any business transaction with one party acting the fool...

        that said, i think you also have to separate those who take a GG/LB for more than a 2 hour romp in the sack...and those who develop relationships with them. I have done this too...last trip i rewarded a girl (who, by the way i have NOT had sex with) with a new dvd is not the only thing of value in the LOS...a good bird dog is worthy of reward as well and she actually refused cash.

        everyone will do as they please anyway, its the nature of all of us who play in this arena....but i for one, ALWAYS appreciate a good bargin or someone writing a trip report highlighting a few.

        THANK YOU!!!!!!!!


        • #94
          Leave the analyzing to the professionals.
          Analyzing of people is best left to ones friends and acquaintances, possibly.
          They are the ones who can give feedback that can help to put information that you or I already have, into a more meaningful context.
          (Professionals are often able to start a process, when a person is witholding information from friends, etc.)
          (Actually, the one who has walked to a professional, is the one who has started that process.)

          (TREATMENT of some problem is perhaps better left to an adequate professional (or a good quak, if one knows how to locate a GOOD one).

          I should have called this thread "The ...
          Different names, can give different associations.

          Señor Paultain, I like your avatar. Was it simply dumb luck that you were able to take a cool picture?
          Or do you have more pictures that can "speak a thousand words" ?

          Also, is it dumb luck that the thread you started, has become possibly the most interesting thread this month?

          (I have no reason to think that anyone here is a wanker, foremost.
          The following is a possibly an adequate definition of a wanker:
          An aquaintance of mine recommended a bar-girl to an aquaintance of his.
          The next day, she angrily told my acquaintance that she was paid her fee. Minus 20 baht for a coke, that she had consumed from his refrigerator. )

          As one grey-haired stranger said to me as we shared a table while eating breakfast:
          "We are here for experience."

          This thread was probably at its prime, before this contribution of mine.
          Quoting Vera Lynne (via Pink Floyd): "We will meet again."

          Thank you, non-wankers.
          (And if someone is a wanker, and is liked by someone, it's not all bad.)
          "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
          I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


          • #95
            Soon to buy

            hurry up before sold out....
            Attached Files
            all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


            • #96
              (69billy @ Dec. 27 2008,19:45) One min. You can be the flavor of the month next you are a dog shager..
              Telling us that we need to come down to reality is about the most stupid statement i have ever seen hear, and there have been a few.

              I think most guys know that a long time with Miss X is a months wages in Issan... but who gives a hoot ...

              What you are forgetting is that this works both ways.
              Westerners dont all have the same income either so the fact is that someone who earns three times the  
              average Western wage will have a different perception of what is reasonable...

              What im still trying to figure out is how you can rate something subjective as enjoyment as if it can be measured easily. If i had a camera handy for every Ladyboy i have fucked im sure i could fill hundreds of pages and so could most guys here. Would we be seen as happier? would in fact mean nothing
              You are on shaky ground here....

              Also the word "toff' doesnt quite fit ..why do you use this term. You dont see many gentlemen bearing white cane and Opera cloak in Pattaya these days


              • #97
                (kahuna @ Dec. 27 2008,19:09) Simply, when someone disagrees with you...attack them them names...Billy likes wanker...
                If shoe fits....
                So many Ladyboys so little time..


                • #98
                  (batman4ever @ Dec. 28 2008,10:28) Soon to buy

                  hurry up before sold out....
                  Thanks batman,
                  I actually think thats quite funny, I had to burst out laughing when I saw that, didn't annoy me in the least. I like a good laugh. Actually its not a bad idea, not the magazine of course, but starting a new forum for the people who haven't got money to burn.

                  Cheers for the idea


                  • #99
                    (69billy @ Dec. 28 2008,13:55)
                    (kahuna @ Dec. 27 2008,19:09) Simply, when someone disagrees with you...attack them them names...Billy likes wanker...
                    If shoe fits....
                    I knew you would take the hook...

                    If someone disagrees with you, you call them your favorite name...

                    I would think someone who has been around the forum for over 3 years, and someone who is a hero could come up with something better...

                    Come on...Think hard...You can do better...
                    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                    • (kahuna @ Dec. 28 2008,14:57)
                      (69billy @ Dec. 28 2008,13:55)
                      (kahuna @ Dec. 27 2008,19:09) Simply, when someone disagrees with you...attack them them names...Billy likes wanker...
                      If shoe fits....
                      I knew you would take the hook...

                      If someone disagrees with you, you call them your favorite name...

                      I would think someone who has been around the forum for over 3 years, and someone who is a hero could come up with something better...

                      Come on...Think hard...You can do better...
                      Kahuna old chap,
                      Reading what you wrote in the other string "First time in Guess" I have never heard so much bull shit in a long time. You are one of the guys who have put so much time in and still know fuck all. As you put it, with your little bet, the guy who pays 1000 to 1500, and you being the winner by paying more. Naturally the highest bidder would win over that one LB. But after you win your bet, who's to say the guy wouldn't be walking out with his second choice, at his price.

                      When you brag about sitting in Guess, laughing about the LB's fobbing off the guy who didn't want to pay enough, and telling you Mr. Cool, all their little secrets of what payment they should expect, and because of that you know their inner most thoughts. Well they are just telling you what you want to hear, after all they know you, and they know you pay more, so they keep their conversation that way to keep your balls rolling. Do you think they are going to tell you that they can do it for less that what you pay?

                      And you as you put it €˜old ugly'. Is that why you have to pay more? Reading your posts on other strings, it seems to me you get aggressive when money is mentioned for P4P. I sense a great deal of jealousy when someone gets it for less than you. And you like to give advice to newbie's, on not to pay less than you, and giving them you bullshit €˜pay more better quality', crap.

                      You are the wrong person to give anyone advice.

                      PS; jimslim, I noticed you in most of the strings, every time Kahuna makes a statement you are there patting him on the back, whether he's right or wrong. You should get your tongue out of his ass before you say something.


                      • You can keep on talking but for the time you are writing this, Mr Cool Old Guy is probably sucking some pretty boys cock not giving a fuck about your mental masturbations.

                        He is living the dream not bragging about it.

                        Whish you can grow old like him.
                        My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham


                        • Paultain, I am amazed how you have not picked up what others have been saying to you.

                          Give your opinion/advice by all means, no-one is denying you the right to, but for god's sake let go the need to be right at all costs.

                          I was ready to add some support to a few of your comments, you have written much that I agreed with, but once you started to play the man & not the ball, I thought better of it.

                          Any newbie looking for advice on this topic would be better served reading all opinions & making up their own mind.

                          It is not a case of one rule fits all circumstances, your need to criticise others, to be right at all costs, works against, not for your argument.

                          You really have attacked the wrong people in kahuna & jimslim, two guys whose experience entitles them just as much as anyone to contribute to this thread.

                          You would do much to help yourself with just a little bit of contrition, any more of the personal abuse & sarcastic backhands will be judged as the angry rant of a guy who needs to be right at all costs.

                          If you think someone is writing bullshit, put your case & forget about your precious ego. Then others may speak up for you, not howl you down.
                          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                          • (paultain @ Dec. 28 2008,17:15) PS; jimslim, I noticed you in most of the strings, every time Kahuna makes a statement you are there patting him on the back, whether he's right or wrong. You should get your tongue out of his ass before you say something.
                            So this is your famous sense of humour .

                            With the thousands of pretty little asses to stick my tongue and I pick Kahuna's I must really be a cheap charlie then  

                            Please keep your egotistic ramblings a coming  
                            Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                            • Kahuna's ass could be old and skinny but it's a virgin one
                              My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham


                              • I'm sure Paultain will have a contrary view on that........

                                Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                                "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."

