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Some people have money to burn...

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  • #76

    As I gained experience, my first flight instructor used to ask me a question I have never quite forgotten. It suggests a principle that applies nicely to this whole discussion.

    "There are pilots with a thousand hours of experience," he'd say, "and there are pilots with a hundred hours of experience ten times over. Which one are you going to be?"


    • #77
      (Stogie @ Dec. 27 2008,04:06) you could think about developing a thicker skin and not being quite so defensive.
      You are going to need the thick skin in here...and the best defense is the attack...
      One min. You can be the flavor of the month (if u give them lots of porn pic.)next you are a dog shager...

      There are guys who shag thousands of LBs and there are guys who shag only one.... Which one are you going to be?
      LB pilot Billy...
      So many Ladyboys so little time..


      • #78
        (SukhumvitRoad @ Dec. 27 2008,10:35) "There are pilots with a thousand hours of experience," he'd say, "and there are pilots with a hundred hours of experience ten times over. Which one are you going to be?"
        As long as your number of landings equals your number of takeoffs, everything will be fine


        • #79
          (Stogie @ Dec. 27 2008,10:06) There have been a number of members of this forum over the past few years who seem to have confused time spent in Thailand as "experience" and have instead lived in an artificial bubble which has in effect provided them with little or no so called 'experience' of what's going on here. I'm certainly one of those people to a certain extent...
          I concur fully that many visitors to LOS have little clue about what goes on here & just what life circumstances drove their "girlfriends" to this existence in the first place.

          As for yourself, at least you are candid about what you like (Guess Bar, Cindy, Rolos, femboys to name a few) & don't like (Phuket, Naklua, JSB, Franck, wankers generally) but no-one could argue you don't know what is going on 'round here.

          Your opinions don't seem to have room for other peoples opinions!
          I thought paultain seemed to accomodate other's opinions to start with, he made the mistake of resorting to name calling as he became overwhelmed by the negative comments to what started out as an interesting thread.

          Your musings are welcome but when they go against the grain of people who have had different experiences you could think about developing a thicker skin and not being quite so defensive.
          Paultain should learn not to react. Once the attackers had found a weakness in his argument & he felt he was losing ground, he came out swinging & made the mistake of getting personal. He then isolated himself & deterred others joining in with support.
          I can say this because I well remember being on the receiving end of some "friendly fire" myself. What didn't kill me only made me stronger....      
          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


          • #80
            (SukhumvitRoad @ Dec. 27 2008,10:35) "There are pilots with a thousand hours of experience," he'd say, "and there are pilots with a hundred hours of experience ten times over. Which one are you going to be?"
            I am going to be one that fucks them, not fly them.


            • #81
              There are many ways to live our way to be in Thailand and to see Thailand. Everything is based on our lifestyle, our needs, backgrounds and especially on our bank accounts.
              This country gives many opportunities to "live the dream"at different levels and whit different budgets but as everywhere in all the "spiritual Asia" the only God is money.
              It's a matter of choices and rationality not to lose the plot.
              Edonistic cynicals are the people who can appriciate this country more.
              If you have morals leave them at home , they are an utopy over here and only a burden to your artificial sense of freedom created by an artificial money machine which pushs your animal repressed instincts for getting cash.
              The distinction between Heaven and Hell it's so difficult to spot and the tables are easy to turn at any time.
              This country plays whit our weak spots, our solitudes ,our dreams, to have back money for financing other local illusional dreams.
              Things are subjectives but most of us have only experiences with the p4p world and its workers.
              You can live 100 y in the farang ghettos or in Pattaya and always be an outsider and never been in touch whit the culture.
              Thai people whit no needs don't need and don't want our company.
              Try to use this country more than this country is using you but it'is always a lost battle at the end.
              Who cares when long time is still 1000 bhat?
              My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham


              • #82
                Interesting discussion and , as usual, all have different point of view related to pesonal experience, Nobody is wrong or right till they dont try to apply their rules to everybody !

                I've been travelling in Asia for business in the last 30 yrs , mainly chasing ladies and recently ladyboys also .
                Running my own Company in Europe I love nice accommodation and the best hotels I can afford close to the action. Furthermore combining business and fun I generally spend no more then one week every trip in BKK, Manila , Sing or HK adding week ends here and there.

                Im careful not to "spoil" the market but why should I care to give 500 or 1.000 baht more is they make me happy? Should I feel guilt because hard work gave me the advantage of few $ more to spend for my fun? Why shouldn't offer nice dinner out to my lady (or ladyboy) for that night?
                At same time I understand and accept other position ! never had problem with anybody just pretend education and respect.
                Just an opinion


                • #83
                  (Stogie @ Dec. 27 2008,10:06) Maybe, but your experience hasn't taught you much more than envy and bitterness.

                  It's a fascinating thread this, but it's long since worn itself thin and is bereft of a point.

                  There have been a number of members of this forum over the past few years who seem to have confused time spent in Thailand as "experience" and have instead lived in an artificial bubble which has in effect provided them with little or no so called 'experience' of what's going on here. I'm certainly one of those people to a certain extent...

                  Having reread your posts more than once I'm still looking for one specific fact or item of evidence in them. Your views are your own and you must accept that they will be challenged because so far you have failed to include anything to support them.

                  Your opinions don't seem to have room for other peoples opinions!

                  My own opinion (and it's NOT supported by any evidence) is that you have probably come here in the past, tried to change the place into your idea of a nice (or proper) place to be, got burned professionally and/or emotionally and gone home hurt thinking that the whole world has got it wrong and that you've been cheated!

                  Your musings are welcome but when they go against the grain of people who have had different experiences you could think about developing a thicker skin and not being quite so defensive.
                  Stoogie, with the greatest respect, and I think you're a great bloke and quite sensible. But I don't look at things with envy and bitterness, I just think it a bit stupid, giving the value of a (Thai) whole months wages to a Thai LB, for a ST or LT session. If its envy, then yes, the only people I envy is people like 69billy, and others like him. I can tell he's got his head screwed on and knows how to really enjoy himself.

                  This thread has worn itself out, because originally I planed to make the first statement, and then follow through with some trip reports with pic's of how I like to spend my time in Patt's, have a great time, without burning a hole in my pocket unnecessarily. For the reasons for any newbie's on a budget, and the toff's to give them an idea, of what they could be doing during the day, instead of getting up in the afternoon, hitting soi 6 for a drink and a ST. Back to the hotel S/S/S and then out again on the piss to the same handful of bars, night after night.

                  I tried to start with my post on Koh Larn, keeping the same theme, of fun and frolics on the beach in the company of 6 LB beauties, them getting to know me and I them, all for the same price as a toff spends on a €˜Shot- Time'. In reading it, the so called €˜Cheap-Charlie', with a budget could then realize, he could do the same without breaking the bank, and the toff might think "Shit, I could have done that yesterday, instead of filling a couple of holes of (what were their names again) oh I forget, I was too pissed up last night to remember. Now I'm sick as a dog, I think I'll stay in my room tonight alone."

                  But trying to follow through, I was moved, then automatically attacked, and found myself answering stupid questions, instead of carrying on with the plot.

                  I am not confused of what my experience is, far from it. But then you don't know me at all so just leave it at that. And as far as evidence is concerned, well I didn't expect to be brought up before the judge. Opinions! I retaliate to only those who attack, in this thread there are people who have made an opinion against my views but did not attack me. Those opinions are respected.

                  Stoogie; your opinion in trying to analyze me is way way off. Change the place to suit my idea... no sir, it's the opposite, as soon as I set foot in Thailand, I have my Thai thinking head on. "got burned professionally and/or emotionally and gone home hurt thinking that the whole world has got it wrong and that you've been cheated!" How do you figure that? I have never got burned professionally or emotionally, I wake up every morning wishing I was waking up in Thailand, no matter where I am. I live eat and breathe Thailand no matter what I am doing or where I am. If I got burned, hurt, or cheated, I certainly wouldn't feel that way about Thailand. Leave the analyzing to the professionals.

                  I have a very thick skin, and a man you don't meet everyday. It is just the fact that a couple of grown-ups, acting like a couple of school-girls, ranting on as if they just got their first period, and hindering me to continue, then they might find that all would be revealed.

                  I should have called this thread "The Cheap Charlie Experence" for those newbie's and guy's on a budget. But that wouldn't stop the toff's from taking the piss ether.
                  Attached Files


                  • #84
                    (REVASA @ Dec. 27 2008,22:59) Interesting discussion and , as usual, all have different point of view related to pesonal experience, Nobody is wrong or right till they dont try to apply their rules to everybody !

                    I've been travelling in Asia for business in the last 30 yrs , mainly chasing ladies and recently ladyboys also .
                    Running my own Company in Europe I love nice accommodation and the best hotels I can afford close to the action. Furthermore combining business and fun I generally spend no more then one week every trip in BKK, Manila , Sing  or HK adding week ends here and there.

                    Im careful not to "spoil" the market but why should I care to give 500 or 1.000 baht more is they make me happy? Should I feel guilt because hard work gave me the advantage of few $ more to spend for my fun? Why shouldn't offer nice dinner out to my lady (or ladyboy) for that night?
                    At same time I understand and accept other position ! never had problem with anybody just pretend education and respect.
                    Just an opinion
                    Now that was a good response and well respected. Fair play to you.


                    • #85
                      (pacman @ Dec. 27 2008,21:35) he made the mistake of resorting to name calling as he became overwhelmed by the negative comments

                      Once the attackers had found a weakness in his argument & he felt he was losing ground, he came out swinging & made the mistake of getting personal.
                      An astute observation...

                      Obviously he resorted to his hero Billy's philosophy...

                      Simply, when someone disagrees with you...attack them them names...Billy likes wanker...

                      Perhaps paultain can come up with a new and better term for those of us who disagree with him...
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      • #86
                        Paultain your problem is you have come here to preach and tell people how to spend their money and their time ,that will hardly endear you to most people here .

                        Claiming that you have more experience in your fingernail about Thailand than most people here will hardly help your argument either .

                        The truth about Thailand is 99% of it is just common sense , nothing more nothing less , all that glitters is not gold .

                        I've had friends from back home who had the place sussed in 10 mins same as I've met people who'd lived here years and were totally gullible , maybe common sense isn't that common in some people .

                        Never assume you have the monopoly on having a good time , what is a good time to you might not be a good time to others .

                        You don't need a hero to follow , just go out and make your own fun .

                        The truth is you know nothing about many people on this forum and how they enjoy their time in Thailand , so to give them a gameplan and hold up a hero as an example on how to enjoy your holiday makes you look foolish and naive .

                        And by the way before you label me in the "Toff" camp I'm anything but (as anyone here who know's me will verify   )

                        Just using a bit of common sense , chillin out and enjoying yourself is surely what its all about .
                        Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                        • #87
                          Learn to spell "naive" please jim
                          Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                          Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                          • #88
                            (paultain @ Dec. 24 2008,10:45) It seems to me that a lot of members on this site have money to burn. And I feel I must bring you back to reality.

                            Now back in the old day's it was half the price to fuck a LB than a GG. (A lot of you guy's remember that) Now you guys are paying more than double to fuck a LB, Than a GG.

                            The reason why is, some of you guys think as each year passes, the older you are, the more you have to pay.

                            You also talk about meeting some one for the first/second time with the same old questions,,, ie; What your name ? Where you come from? What hotel you stay?

                            The first question €˜What your name?' is only to continue with the conversation.

                            The second question €˜Where you come from?' is to cipher out how much you will pay, eg; a Swiss will pay more than a German, A German will pay more than an Englishman, an Englishman will pay more than an Italian etc.etc.

                            The third question €˜What hotel you stay' is to confirm the second question how much money you will pay, the higher the rate of the hotel tells that person you can afford more for the ride.

                            Now if you're the average Irishman/ Englishman etc. Staying at a budget hotel, after these questions are answered, will get a better genuine good time than a twat looking his standards, that's got money to burn, and paying through the nose for the same thing.

                            I would not call him a cheep charley, but a smarter person than the one who call's him so.

                            Take a look at our hero Billy69 for example, he always has a better time and report and envied than most of the guy's that has money to burn.  

                            Now lets take a break form this advice for a moment and post some pic's...

                            Hopefully, Stoogie does not delete this or move it as usual.
                            IMHO I think you have some sort of chip on your shoulder whatever someone pays LB for her company is up to them surely and not for general discussion
                            Can we please now close the Topic as it can go no further


                            • #89


                              • #90
                                (daveduke007 @ Dec. 28 2008,02:32)  Learn to spell "naive" please jim  
                                I didn't go to a toff school  

                                Sorted sir
                                Free your mind and your ass will follow .

