(jadeite @ Jul. 19 2008,13:25) Godaddy for example is one of the largest and most reputable hosting sites in the world.
BW costs have indeed come down, but you must understand the types of site[s] you are viewing here.....with so much traffic, not only on this forum and the ATS website but with all the promotions out there on the web which are paid for here as well, called Free Hosted Galleries [free to the promoter, but not to the website behind the promo's!]. We contacted Cave Creek hosting in Arizona 3 months ago; the same people who do billing for most adult websites also do hosting on some Arizona server farm. Told them our stats, the guy says he'd get back to me the next day..... and then his quote was 150% higher than what we pay now, no joke. We appreciate the input but trust me, there is no better deal out there or we'd be on it.