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  • #31
    Once upon a time I was young; I was thin; I had a full head of hair; I was reasonably good looking; I spoke with an English accent; I was in New York City; I was at university; I was broke.

    The year was 1954; I was just 21 year old; I hung around bars off Broadway in the theatre district on Wednesday afternoons before the theatre matinees and, if I did not strike lucky before the shows I usually struck lucky after the shows.

    I never actually took money €“ I allowed ladies to buy me dinner; buy me clothes and shoes; take me to movies and take me on brief vacations (Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Islands were popular choices).

    As I developed a tan and my English accent became more pronounced and I was more smartly dressed and my hair grew longer (and more styled) and, as I became more sexually experienced, I started to be "passed around" by way of recommendations.

    There were no mobile phones; no e-mail; and Benjamin Braddock and Mrs Robinson were to arrive 13 years in the future. But the Ladies "bush telegraph" (Brazilians were not common then) kept my flagpole busy.

    I had 18 months as a gigolo and had virtually forgotten about it until last year someone sent me a photo of me with two sisters-in-law taken in 1955.

    I enjoyed the experience; I certainly never felt guilty; and, in case there are a number of psychiatrists reading this, I can assure you that it was not that period of my life that gave me a predilection for Ladyboys in my latter years.


    • #32
      Care to swap lives?


      • #33

        Like a shot €“ I would love to be your age and be enjoying the young talent you are cavorting with these days - (although I think I preferred my body when I was your age €“ but only just!) €“

        Still as great as you are you are not actually God, and whilst you are creative and multi-talented, you can't make it happen.

        BTW check your PMs €“ I am dropping you a note after posting this.


        • #34
          Maybe rentadick(sorry rentaghost) .JOKE OK !!! Is seriously good looking, of the male superstar league(film star,beckham type) or is suffering a touch of delusions of grandeur??

          Fuck me i'm not ugly and i don't smell, but i doubt any GG,SHEMALE, OR LB will ever pay me for sex, christ i'm paying the misses for sex now days!
          Admittedly i do think thailand goes on looks and appearence.
          A couple of years ago i would at least get approached by GG'S and asked out for drinks or meals which was flattering, although i must stress i would have been paying.
          Last trip i was carrying a few extra pounds and didn't get the attention of a couple of years previous.
          Fuck me i'm on a diet!!!
          i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


          • #35
            hey...people are people...and i believe that if a person (boy or girl) in the p4p game sees something they want (in this case a hansum man), and they have lots of baht in their pocket...and they are being cheered on by their peers, sure, they might very likely offer compensation to what they perceive to be a good lay that would never consider paying them...why not.

            its never happened to me...i have had a freebie or two in my time, but always with girls...never been with one LB long enough to get enough punches in my "freebie" card.


            • #36
              You really believe she paid her 600 baht barfine and then paid him 2000 bht...

              I don't know many ladyboys who carry that kind of ready cash around...especially one
              that fell off the ugly tree...

              Maybe she bought him a lady drink too...
              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


              • #37
                A crazy post op at JSB who i chat with a bit offered me 10,000 Baht a few times , to which i declined as i know it was a joke .

                One night i decided to call her bluff and told her i needed to see the money first , next thing she went to the ATM across from JSB and waved 10,000 baht at me . Still calling her bluff i said ok lets go to my hotel , she called my bluff right back and said ok .

                We get a motorcycle taxi to my room and go inside , and which point she laughs and tells me she was joking , but we should fuck for fun anyways . Anyways next thing i know im getting a blowjob , then about 3 mins later her phone rings and she had a customer and she left my room (phew) i didnt want it to go much further she is a bit crazy and i didnt really fancy her , does that count


                • #38

                  I see Marshal has gone straight from 'Sexy Man' to 'Good Heart' and skipped the 'Hansum Man' completely...

                  I've made kathylc  


                  • #39
                    Sometimes I ask the girls for money. After we have done the deed and she is wanting her money. I will say to her oh!!! I thought you were going to pay me. Usually gets a laugh.
                    So I must be one of the fat ugly guys as I have never had a girl offer to pay me. Although Bee from Cascades offered me a discount. Offered if I did not have a good time I would only have to pay half.



                    • #40
                      I was waiting for the questions on details to appear. The answer of the bar fine is I don't know how it got paid. I didn't see it get paid and the only thing I paid was my own drink (I hardly ever buy the lbs' drinks-- this is another story).
                      As an aside, I am interested by how the bar fine works. I saw the famous Vicky after a couple of years and asked to go with her. She said this: she would go for free if I paid the bar fine. I said it would be better to wait 15 minutes for the bar to close and I could pay her the bar fine instead. She refused this saying she needed to get her quota of bar fines. This seems logically nuts unless they are on bar fine commission salaries that are worth more than earning at the "point of service".
                      GOing back to my ugly bug-- she was the lower end of the girls. Most of you never even look at them/ notice them so you don't appreciate how rough some are. By paying, she got something that I doubt she has ever had.
                      So why did I take the money-- for the very reasons noted above: I didn't really believe it so I wanted to see if there was a truth to it; I was part of a joke which the lbs were really enjoying (there was much rejoicing as the money exhanged hands [at a point much earlier than most transactions...]):coffee:
                      Would I do it again-- eh, no. I struggled to get my todger up. It was kind of embarrassing. I wanted to put a plastic bag over her head. Still, I definitely like to get pseudo-freebeis: that is, the gorgeous girls letting me have discounts for long service...
                      My views may well be self-discrediting


                      • #41
                        I did it a few times in Japan for presents (pretty much, and cash), and once in Thailand with GGs. I was begged to fuck a GG in Pattaya for free once, but I wasn't in the mood and insisted on being paid so she would leave me alone. Almost did once in Singapore, but it was a ladyboy asking if I would be in a threesome with another guy. That's where I draw the line. Femboys are one thing, but hairy faced skinny guys turn me off more than fat ang mo. If it had been two ladyboys and one was not up to standard, I would have done it. As it was, I just took the free sex from the single ladyboy.


                        • #42
                          (mesmer @ May 21 2008,02:30) I've had a couple of asian TS escorts here in Boston offer me $500 to STOP calling them for "dates" does that kinda count
                          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                          • #43
                            hmmmm.... who knows or cares if its true....

                            Good yarn to tell the kiddies

                            on wierd happenings around LOS

                            I was taking a taxi back from nana one night back to my hotel and a parked bmw flashed the lights at our taxi as we drove past. We reversed up and 2 good looking thai ladies were in the car....

                            I asked taxi driver what was that all about as we drove off and he said they were looking for a western guy to shag... but i didn't fit the bill :

                            Anyboydy else heard of that type of thing in LOS?


                            A worthy trip report


                            • #44
                              In my experience, anyone who claims to be good looking, normally is only good looking in their own eyes or believes the drivel said by prostitutes. Anyone who claims to be good looking on a board without posting a photo of themselves is either delusional or full of shit. I have had a couple of daytime freebies from Ladyboys but it was with the thought that I would barfine them at a later date(which I did) or that I we went to a movie and/or lunch and she just wanted a regular date outside of work. As far as GG's wanting freebies, that's easy to accomplish.
                              brock landers


                              • #45
                                the guys who say " I am so handsome the girls want me for free" are either full of shit, full of themselves, or most likely, a bit of both.

                                no one takes this guy seriously, Brockie, but the thread's good for a joke
                                Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

