One of the reasons that more intelligent men are attracted to transsexuals is that transsexuals themselves are more intelligent than your average person.
I'm absolutely sure in my mind that the primary number one most important reason that people get on is because their 'intelligence' is very very similar.
It doesn't matter what your politics are or what your religion is or what your take in the abortion issue is... If you find a person who matches your intelligence then it's much more likely that you'll develop a friendship with them.
All the people that I like are (like me) extremely intelligent. But none of them are like me one little bit! (Lucky them!)
So with that theory in mind... people who have the courage to face up to being transsexuals probably have the brains to see it through. The people who they look for as friends, lovers and partners have to at least match their intelligence.
Just a theory, folks... I'm NOT a guru!
