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Donut - Soi 4

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  • #16
    a little black book is a simple answer....would work for me as a backup if i lost my phone
    happy when in thailand


    • #17
      (stogie bear @ Dec. 03 2007,18:07) Nokia PC Suite is the biggest piece of garbage I've ever had to suffer on my computer. This crappy waste of megabytes was designed by the blind for the drunk! Only hewlett Packard could design something worse than Nokia! And that's saying something!
      I have to agree with you that it's a long way from being the greatest software about however it does allow you to download the entire contents of your phone onto your PC.

      Not sure of the details, but I believe there are some other generic applications that will do the same thing.

      Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


      • #18
        Why save a phone number from a LB?  There are so many lb's, it was easier and more exciting to take a new lb.......

        Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


        • #19
          Why save a phone number from a LB? There are so many lb's, it was easier and more exciting to take a new lb.......
          My God, you're right. I've chucked out my phone and it's the good life for me from now on!


          • #20
            (stogie bear @ Dec. 03 2007,10:07) Nokia PC Suite is the biggest piece of garbage I've ever had to suffer on my computer. This crappy waste of megabytes was designed by the blind for the drunk!
            Maybe it wasn't designed for your State of the Art Calculator

            I have a *cough* Samsung and the software that came with it works great (once I uninstalled the modem part which screwed my internet connection). All numbers are now printed off onto paper and stored away

            Have a safe trip SB, hope to catch up with you in the Smoke.

            I've made kathylc  


            • #21
              Well ooo , I have called up a favor and I have got a good friend of mine , who is about the most respected ladyboy in Bangkok , working on trying to help get the said SIM and memory card back for you , but tracking down Donut is easier said than done , she is as slippery as they come in regards to ladyboy's .

              But cross our fingers and hope for the best


              • #22
                (donnykey @ Dec. 03 2007,04:08) a little black book is a simple answer....would work for me as a backup if i lost my phone
                If it is a 1-2-call SIM card, you can go into the AIS office on Sukhumvit between Soi 23 and Soi 25 and they will back-up your address book in their system. Then you can get it restored onto a new SIM if you lose the old one.

                This doesn't help the OP but it might help someone else.


                • #23
                  Thank you all. Problem now solved.


                  • #24
                    (ooo @ Dec. 05 2007,12:39) Thank you all. Problem now solved.
                    You can not just live it like this...
                    You got to tell us HOW??
                    So many Ladyboys so little time..


                    • #25
                      She probably gave it back to him complaining how Kinneow his is for only having 652baht of unused credit left. (of course, when handed back, this had gone down to zero )



                      • #26
                        So my friend handed me back your stolen Sim card last night , should i just throw it away ??


                        • #27
                          Not until you have copied off all the most useful numbers. SIM intact, phone long gone?

