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Donut - Soi 4

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  • Donut - Soi 4

    Yes, yes, I know, I'm a dumb stupid newbie idiot! But I let some Sukhumvit Soi 4 katoey streetwalker steal my phone at about 6am this morning.

    She said her name was Donut but for all I know that was bullshit. I've found one Donut on the website and I don't think she's the same one. which is a shame as the one on the site looks a lot hotter, but who knows, a few years of ice will age a girl.

    I can keep my number, but I really want my old SIM back (and the memory card). She can keep the phone, or sell it, or stick it inside someone, or whatever she likes.

    It has ten years of phone numbers, and photos, etc. that I would really like the get back.

    I'll happily even pay her to return it.

    I am such an idiot. I already told any other katoey in the street who would listen that there is a reward.

    Does anyone here know this LB? If so could you please do me a favour and speak to her about this. Or could someone please let me know where to find her.

    What a total moron I am. I look forward to your replies and insults!

    Thank you.

  • #2
    there are other reports of her being a thief. she is well-known of being long-fingered. hang out tonite and she will return. the question is what will you do


    • #3
      This one? She's reknown as an unstable yaba smokin' thievin' nutter!
      Attached Files


      • #4
        ooo, sorry to hear about your loss. This kind of incident is a reminder of the hazards of going with a freelancer.

        While this doesn't help you recover the phone, your move to offer a reward may work, but the chance is not good.

        Some suggestions for people who have a multitude of important numbers on their sim - you can buy a device that can copy all the numbers to a second sim, or a less expensive route is to buy a cheap used mobile, copy all the numbers from the sim to the phone memory. This is your backup should your primary mobile disappear.

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        • #5
          Yes, am pretty sure she's the one. Thanks Stogie.

          Olekunde - yes, good point. Not sure what I will do. I know what I'd like to do, but that's obviously not a wise move.

          I know a few Thai soldiers who I could take with me, but then I'd have to admit to them that I went with a katoey.

          I suppose I could just offer her money, but am sure the phone is long gone.

          If anyone knows Donut well enough, could someone please phone her and see if she'll give me my sim and memory card back. She can keep the phone.


          • #6
            Donut is well documented ladyboy mental case and someone to avoid now going back over 2 years.



            • #7
              Good old Donut , she is so predictable .


              • #8
                (ooo @ Dec. 02 2007,20:54) Does anyone here know this LB? If so could you please do me a favour and speak to her about this. Or could someone please let me know where to find her.
                Did you try to call your phone and see if anyone answers? You might be able to work out a deal with whom ever is now using your phone. I doubt Donut will hold onto your phone very long... she'll trade it for some Yab.


                • #9
                  I guess its not very useful advice now ..

                  .. but I always take a cheapy second mobile with me to Thailand ..

                  .. for when I am out cruising or drinking (well night time!!) ..

                  .. for those and other very good reasons ..


                  • #10
                    me to and old shit nokia which just texes and rings, worthless and the sim is new when i arrive so only has nerw numbers on it
                    just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                    • #11
                      I've been thinking for a while about getting a small cheap 'travel phone' and this may just prompt me into doing that.


                      • #12
                        (video850 @ Dec. 03 2007,05:41) I guess its not very useful advice now ..

                        .. but I always take a cheapy second mobile with me to Thailand ..

                        .. for when I am out cruising or drinking (well night time!!) ..

                        .. for those and other very good reasons ..

                        A cheap secondary mobile device!

                        This my golden rule in international whoring


                        A worthy trip report


                        • #13
                          (rxpharm @ Dec. 02 2007,22:37) Some suggestions for people who have a multitude of important numbers on their sim - you can buy a device that can copy all the numbers to a second sim, or a less expensive route is to buy a cheap used mobile, copy all the numbers from the sim to the phone memory.  This is your backup should your primary mobile disappear.
                          Nokia PC Suite is another good way of backing up all your phone's contents onto your PC.

                          The software is available for download online, and with the appropriate USB cable it's pretty easy.

                          The phones themselves are easy enough to replace, but all those ladyboy phone numbers must be protected.

                          Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                          • #14
                            I only found out yesterday (thanks, Cindy) that 'koykaeng' means 'stiffy!'


                            • #15
                              Nokia PC Suite is the biggest piece of garbage I've ever had to suffer on my computer. This crappy waste of megabytes was designed by the blind for the drunk! Only hewlett Packard could design something worse than Nokia! And that's saying something!

