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  • #61
    Well if the above is true I must sad it is a sad day for me as this is one nice girl. But drugs make people do things they would not normally do.

    Although I did see her myself a couple of months back and certainly did not see any of this behaviour so for me the I will reserve my verdict on this until I see her myself again.

    Maybe I would believe it if I knew who this creditable contributor was.


    • #62
      I understand that. Someone furtively sending emails and not posting could be suspicious. I wouldn't post it if I had doubts about the veracity of the poster. Also, I have no reason to make this up and I have no grudge against the girl. If you have also seen her and your appraisal of her is not the same then that's also worth reporting.

      As we know - things vary a lot on appraisals of girls and it doesn't mean that one person is incorrect if opinions conflict.

      It's possible that the person in this quote caught her on a bad day or simply didn't like the girl. Either way I'd be inclined to give the report my ear and be wary of getting close to her (if the opportunity arose.) It's also interesting and important enough to share with other members who may have enjoyed this lady in the past or may want to (re)ignite something with her in the future.

      Anyway - she's not the only one and drug abuse isn't the end of the world. At least you can turn that around if you are willing. Many of us have.


      • #63
        either way, i appreciate the warnings. we should enjoy our time in LOS but this reminds us to keep our guard up. what this report does for sure is make me hate the drug dealers. of the 100's of ladyboys i have been with she seemed in the top 2 of niceness. fuckin drugs. fuckin drug dealers.


        • #64
          Not piling on here as it seems enough bad stuff has been said about poor ol'  Vic up here already with only Oz  to defend her!  But  even though he may know her better, I know  her the longest of anyone by far [ we met in winter 2002 when she was still in Uni ] and feel bad about this downward spiral, I always liked that kid.

            But this  was forwarded to me from  Miya in tech support.....could have been the guy who started a [now-deleted?] thread about her ripping him off?  Seems he would have very little reason to send this letter unless it really happened, and when support forwarded her the letter there was no reply from Vicky defending herself.   as for Ice, can't be sure if  she uses that as we haven't crossed paths in 2 years or so but man the pics are not flattering lately, eh?  Bags under the eyes, skinny, not caring about appearance, sleeplessness, all Ice symptoms......  seen it in at least 30 girls since  2006.

           Man, am I bailing from this whole scene at the perfect time or what?  Meth is ruining young people in Thailand

          From: [URL=mailto:[email protected] ]
          Date: Jun 27, 2007 10:20 AM
          Subject: AsianTS Help

          The following has been submitted by the AsianTS Help Page:

          FROM IP NUMBER: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr;
          rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/
          security: basic
          email: [email protected]
          from: AsianTS Help Page

          Customer_Name: xxxxxx
          Username: xxxxx
          Password: xxxxxxxxxxx
          description: It is not a problem, Just wanted to let you know what
          happen to me with one of your ladyboys in Bangkok 1 month ago. I
          invited Vicky ( May videos) to my Marriot hotel room, I did her for 2
          hours i paied her 100

          When she left she stole 1 Nikon camera and my new swatch watch and my mobile.

          I never found her again. now i am back to spain.

          Please if you meet her let her know that she is in big trouble and
          that she'll pay it anyhow soon (just to make her scared)

          Thank you for listening to me


          Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
          -Dennis Miller


          • #65
            That thread is in the Staff Room. It's a shame that it could actually be true.


            • #66
              (stogie bear @ Jul. 23 2007,12:36) drug abuse isn't the end of the can turn that around if you are willing. Many of us have.
              this is very telling!! many of *US* have??

              does managament here know you were once a drug addict??

              Stogie soon being fired, my weekend was just made!!!
              Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
              -Dennis Miller


              • #67
                Firstly anyone notice the inconsistency in this guys story his watch went from a cartier to a swatch.

                Anyway I spent all day with Vicky yesterday and I can't say she seemed overly thin to me. Also no signs of at least to me of having recently taken anything i.e fidgeting, lack of appetite etc

                That does not mean she was not previously doing drugs but as of now she looks like she always has to me. She has always been a pretty thin girl anyway. We talked about a lot of things and I really hope she can get her life on track.


                • #68
                  Yes ozzie, even the first thread before he changed his story I quickly concluded the guy is a troll. Apparently others did as well since the thread was deleted.


                  • #69

                    is she working in a bar currently>



                    • #70
                      These are from another site.
                      Never seen this Vicky in the flesh or had the pleasure of experiencing any time with her.

                      But looks like her weight is still low compared to earlier photos.
                      Attached Files


                      • #71
                        I was speaking to one of the girls from Guess about Ladyboys & drug taking, she said, (now I dont know how true this is) that most of the girls in Guess are on something or another,not all the time, but some of the time.She tells me it is all part of being on the game, it's just some get more hooked then others & some on the heavier shite !
                        Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                        • #72
                          I'm not certain I believe that..I believe she told you that, but I don't believe that she really knows...and it isn't because i have any special knowledge of the Guess girls' drug use, but it is obvious to me that given the number of girls there now that many don't know each other...even by name...the older group tends to stay together and the new arrivals tend to remain in their little clicks as well...I have often ask a girl I know the name of one of the newer girls and she doesn't know...So I don't think that many know each other well enough to answer such a question...Of course, I could be wrong...please pass the Yaba...
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #73
                            what a crazy thread...
                            what shall we argue next?
                            that lbs dont prostitute for the money?

                            no i dont know wicky personally
                            and the only time i spoke with her, she smoked my ya ba (literally) dec 2006
                            but her friend lends me to believe she has been using long enough that she can handle her ya ba use as well as most forum members can handle their alcohol (probably better)

                            is ya ba really such a boogie-man to the average forum member?
                            can u imagine a lb forum arguing about a customer being a drunk
                            ...oooh have u seen his beer gut lately
                   sad to see such a good customer go that way

                            same same but different...
                            but good on us for being human and hippocritical just like them


                            • #74
                              There is a major difference between drinking alcohol and smoking yabba. Yabba is illegal in Thailand and most other countries - getting caught by the police will lead to a long comfortable stay in the Bangkok Hilton.

                              While you may have gotten away with using during your last visit in Thailand, I would suggest you think about the consequences about being caught before trying it again. The odds of being caught may be low, but if you are one of the unlucky ones, I doubt it could ever be considered to have been worth it.

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