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Seen F/L Pim around Nana recently?

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  • #16
    Hello Dave!
    Thank you for your help, but I saved the Pim picture in bitmap format, your resize tool only supports jpeg format, so I can't resize the picture.


    • #17
      Ahaaa well done mcqueen thanks at last

      Its great this forum any bit of info/pic asked for is usually served up within a few days posts.

      Yes thats the old phone number i had too from years ago & would be great to see some pics if you have so the guys can see/ remember her too. You describe her very well not much of a talker but a snapper me thinks

      I wasnt 1 of the guys sending her money by the way lol

      Can Pm me or post here ta very much

      Cheers once again sir



      • #18
        I love a happy ending!


        • #19
          Hehe will be a happy ending when we get some pics up here of her as shes one of the infamous Nana nutters but with a cracking small body with a big cock thats always hard.

          Cmon you "pitbull" Pim fans I know your out there!!!




          • #20
            Someone please post the fking pic of this Pim already please??


            • #21
              Please don't panic rick, I think I managed to resize her pictures with another tool, so you can finally have a look at her tool.  
              Attached Files


              • #22
                And here is another one:
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  These pictures are quite old, but she still looks really good, probably better now, than in these old pictures. I am sure all you guys, that like to sit in Big Dogs have seen her before, as she often stood by the entrance of Nana Plaza, with the shortest and tightest dresses on, that normal Thai women couldn't even wear if they wanted to. She wears her hair black these days (or at least it was black a few months ago).
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    O.K. the last one, straight from the Asian-TS archive.
                    Now how many of you do know her or have seen her before and just didn't remember the name?
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      I forgot something:
                      Ozzie, could you please post a few more pictures of the other Pim freelancer (you already posted one of her).
                      I have not seen her in the last two years, but always liked her too. Thank you!


                      • #26

                        Thanks v much mcqueeen for raiding th archives yes thats her and she looks a lot different these days but the bodys the same.




                        • #27
                          You're welcome, Trannymagnet!
                          I am glad, that I was able to help you with this.
                          Cheers Mcqueen


                          • #28
                            Hey, shes not bad at all. Hope you find her, TM.


                            • #29
                              Pim grabbed my attention ever since I saw her on other sites and this one...very hoy...I have her msn [email protected] not sute if it still works as I ahven't seen her on line for awhile, or maybe she deleted or blocked me...she started to hint for me to send her money even though we have never met and only video chatted on msn...when I refused, she vanished....good luck anyway.


                              • #30
                                Ok thanks guys will try and get an up to date pic of the pitbull pim when i return there in few weeks time

                                Has hinted at money aswell from me but no chance of that plus its a numbers game for them to try and scam ask many and a few wil bite thinkin that they are the bfs when of course ... well you know the rest

                                Wonder if any others have an up to date tale/pic of Pim???

                                Cheers 4 now


