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Seen F/L Pim around Nana recently?

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  • Seen F/L Pim around Nana recently?

    Hi used to be in contact with notoriuos Pim (sukhumvit)who used to work the Nana car park & surrounding sois for long time.

    Maybe yet another bf from the inet chats perhaps???

    All sweetness & sexy on inet but shes a real pitbull in real life hard work and a crazed nutter if shes slightly upset or you rumble her, bit acne on face but good little body with big cock.

    Was reported she had some guys who thought they were her bf, lol, sending large amounts of dosh per month & taking her away to foreign shores.

    She was on that Flirt4free website doing shows with that other nutter Jen but both dissapeared recently??

    Anyone contacted, dabbled or know whereabouts???



  • #2
    Saw this Pim in late march, if thats the same Pim.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      On a DIG couch
      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


      • #4
        Of course. dig is good.


        • #5
          Comfortable couch too
          Attached Files
          Your got yer Mother in a whirl
          Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


          • #6
            Its a diff Pim (cant seen to find any pics) rick but ur 1 is nice heheh

            Shes fr Nana too i take it?

            Bet theres some jizz stains on those sofas now so wont be staying there!!!

            Will try the good old Inn up the road




            • #7
              TM, shes f/l in bkk, daytime job in some department store. Her spots on face matches your description, covered up with heavy make up.

              No jiz on that vinylsofa, wipes right off.


              • #8
                Ta 4 reply but is defo a diff Pim someone must hav a pic as i did hav but deleted em went she went psycho on me once too often!!!

                Shes good mates with Areeya or Som as her real name between the Nana lbs.

                Lives down at Suck humvit 80 i think with a few other nutty freelancers




                • #9
                  (Trannymagnet @ Jun. 22 2007,00:05) Bet theres some jizz stains on those sofas now so wont be staying there!!!

                  Will try the good old Inn up the road
                  you reckon there's less Jizz stains in Dynasty Inn?
                  No honey, no money!!


                  • #10
                    This is the same Pim in ricks post
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Hmmm not same yet guys but thanks for the pic anyway wil give this 1 a miss!!!

                      See wat u mean about the spotty mush!!!

                      The other Pim used to have blonde hair & used to hang around that Honey bar near soi cowboy ages ago if u remember plus she did a few photo shoots for some sites & has had her pics withdrawn i think now.

                      Usually seen patrolling Nana car park lot with a menace & now has black hair and great set of tits but one hell of a nasty bitch if you upset her which doesnt take a lot.

                      Would think someone out there knows as shes been on game for 5 yrs at least

                      Cheers 4 next instalment



                      • #12
                        Hello Trannymagnet!
                        May I come to your rescue and post that Pim's phone number? I know exactly who you mean, because I have been with her many times before (actually I have also been with the Pim pictured here several times before).
                        The one you are talking about, also stopped working for a while. She told me, she had a little shop in the night bazaar, but then business was rather poor, so she had to get rid of it again. She used to have at least two boyfriends from England, that sent her money. She is usually rather quiet, not much of a talker, has spotty facial skin and the best thing about her by far, is her big cock, that she also knows how to use, very well!
                        Her phone number should be: 08-60599706
                        To show you, that we are talking about the same: if you still have her old phone number, the old number was:
                        O.K. happy now?


                        • #13
                          mcqueen, pics of her? She on this site?


                          • #14
                            I tried to post two different pictures, but both of them were just too big and I don't know how to reduce their size. Sorry.


                            • #15

                              1.-Browse your picture

                              2- Set your image width to 730

                              3- Press - ResizR square

                              4- Save picture

                              5- Post on asian-ts

                              Bob's your Uncle  
                              Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                              Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl

