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hilda brasil

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  • #16
    Hilda booked me into a hotel about 2 blocks from Frei Caneca and 4 blocks from her apartment - price about USD 60/night for clean but not fancy - many other options available nearby, probably a bit more expensive now due to $$ depreciation

    Weekly expense will vary depending on your taste in restaurants, how much you party at the clubs, and how many 'programas' you do with her (or her friends)

    You will have to contact her directly for information regarding her services and rates

    Before you do, please keep in mind that she is an escort and porn movie actress who - when she is in your company - is forgoing income from her primary occupations

    Thus her rate will depend primarily on how much time you desire from her - that is, 24 hour/day companion, or something less

    Please also bear in mind that she gets a ton of frivolous e-mail - and so will reply only to those who communicate with clarity and serious intent

    That said, all - I mean, all - activities are on offer when you are with Hilda in her country

    In my case, I was very open with her - we would make a date for dinner and fun with friends each night, and either meet up for lunch, shopping, etc during the day - or leave her free to take calls or do a movie - as the work became available to her

    'The option of a 'programa' (sex for money date - with her, or with one of her friends) was typically not planned, but left to be determined as well by our respective moods, energy level (after partying each night until sunrise) and degree of horniness

    In this way did we allow each other a degree of flexibility and personal freedom that made our time together even more enjoyable

    That said, do not let my preferences constrain you in expressing yours to her

    If you want to have a full-on GFE with her, just let her know

    Do be ready, however, for a difficult send-off at the airport when you leave (for you may want to marry the girl after enjoying her full attentions for a week)

    Conversely, if you do not desire much of her time, but simply want a "matchmaker" who will assist you in sampling a variety of travestis during your time in Brazil, just let her know as well

    She wil listen to your preferences, perhaps make recommendations of her own, and arrange your 'programas' as you wish

    A side note - while I did not take up on her offer to accompany her on a porn shoot one day. listening to her description of her work on the movie set suggested this might be a fun way to spend an afternoon on a future visit

    To summarize - think of her as your horniest and hottest best friend for hire, a real babe who will hang out with you, fuck you - or arrange for her best friend to do you - with equal pleasure and enthusiasm

    Put simply, there is no one like Hilda - not that anyone could come close, even if there were other options available

    Notwithstanding the quality of her service(s), I strongly suggest that - as she is quite literally the only game in town when it comes to an English-speaking guide to the Brazilian travesti scene - you put price considerations on the back burner

    In my case, I found her desired rate for time and services rendered to be quite reasonable - and gave a 50% tip on top of the agreed fee at the conclusion of the week

    I am quite confident that - with her assistance - you will have the time of your life in Brazil, and leave with fond memories and no regrets without regard to the expense

    In conclusion - when you are indeed serious in your plans to visit Brazil, I suggest that get in touch with her directly to

    - give your proposed dates (to determine her availability)


    - express your interests - whatever they may be - with clarity and honesty

    Hilda is both a genuinely kind person as well as an honest and straightforward professional who is VERY good at what she does

    Thus you may expect a friendly and honest reply that addresses your stated interests and provides a proposed level of compensation appropriate to your stated needs

    Good luck to you, and best wishes to all
    Do you remember when flying was dangerous and sex was safe?


    • #17
      Thank you so much for that in depth account about her, and i hope to get things sorted inside the next 18 months to 2 years, so that i can be ready to all the things, at this moment , i can only fantasize about.

      Again, i say thank you.
      i love t-girls


      • #18
        sean...check out this thread , some really hot brazilian ts

        back in brazil


        • #19
          Unfortunately, Thick81 has used up all the superlatives so there are none left for me.

          I was in Brazil 18 months ago and Hilda was my guide for 3 weeks 24 by 7. Everything Thick81 says is true and more.

          That was the first time ever in the P4P scene that the handkerchief came out at the airport.....mine, not hers!!!!

          I think this phrase says it all......" I "arrived as a valued client, but left as a best friend" - put simply, the best of times"

          One of the coolest chicks I have ever met

          .....I think I have to go and get my hanky again
          Mister Arse


          • #20
            (Stewart @ Apr. 12 2008,10:03) That was the first time ever in the P4P scene that the handkerchief came out at the airport.....mine, not hers!!!!
            Sensitive and fragile lily. I hear ya. Really do.

