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hilda brasil

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  • hilda brasil

    hello boys

    im a brazilian ts speak good english
    check my pic on my website
    nullMy Webpage

  • #2
    Love your pictures Hilda.

    I might be going to Brazil later this year but I haven't made any plans yet.
    I don't get it, is this a magic show?


    • #3
      (andre459 @ Jan. 22 2007,05:45) Love your pictures Hilda.

      I might be going to Brazil later this year but I haven't made any plans yet.
      tahnks honey
      a big kiss to u..
      nullMy Webpage


      • #4


        • #5
          hilda i am going to brazil in may i would love a tour guide if you are up for it i havent been to south america before and i am really interested in the beautiful t girls there please get back to me if you have time/


          • #6
            Hilda,darling,we have a lot brazilian girls like you in Spain,when will you come and join us to have big party??
            Crazy about girls with dick


            • #7
              where in spain do these hot bitches work from


              • #8
                Has anyone talked with Hilda recently?

                I haven't had any response from her email for the last few weeks.
                I don't get it, is this a magic show?


                • #9
                  She hasn't logged on here since the middle of last November... I was wondering what happened to her when I was pruning the member database.


                  • #10
                    Her blog is up to date, though!!!
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      I emailed her a few times in December about helping me when I go to Brazil in April but I haven't been able to contact recently.
                      Hilda's blog is still active although it may be someone else posting the pics.
                      I don't get it, is this a magic show?


                      • #12
                        (andre459 @ Feb. 28 2008,20:13) I emailed her a few times in December about helping me when I go to Brazil in April but I haven't been able to contact recently.
                        Hilda's blog is still active although it may be someone else posting the pics.
                        hello bb
                        on december i was travelling
                        wasnt in sao paulo or rio
                        but now in march ill be in rio de janeiro for 1 month oe more

                        if there is any english speaking guy who needs me here in rio
                        call me on number:
                        21 8703 2798

                        big kisses
                        nullMy Webpage


                        • #13
                          (stogie bear @ Feb. 28 2008,20:01) She hasn't logged on here since the middle of last November... I was wondering what happened to her when I was pruning the member database.
                          hi bb
                          i was out very far from sao paulo
                          but now im back in rio de janeiro and sao paulo!!
                          so ill be waiting your e-mails and phone calls
                          thanks to all for missing me and hot kisses
                          nullMy Webpage


                          • #14
                            Been gone from this forum for quite a while, but felt compelled to add a few words after seeing this thread

                            After an e-mail introduction from Stewart and some preliminary correspondence with Hilda, I engaged her services as a guide for my week in Sao Paulo in early 2007

                            As the saying goes, I "arrived as a valued client, but left as a best friend" - put simply, the best of times

                            While she is a consummate p4p professional - porn star and much sought-after escort - Hilda is a genuinely nice person as well who will give as good as she gets when it comes to fun, friendship, and good times

                            Dinner w/ her and several of her friends - followed by the favored night club on that particular day of the week - was the modus operandi

                            Toss in the availability of - but no pressure for - a 'programa' anytime (that is, a hookup with her, one of her friends, or both) and a great introduction to Brazil was the result

                            At the time, Hilda lived in a nice high-rise near the Frei Caneca mall - nicknamed 'Gay Caneca' for the many LBs and gays that populate the neighborhood - safe and easy access to the best that Sao Paulo has to offer

                            Guys, I am not kidding when I say that I was having so much fun with her and her friends that sex was almost a sideline to the week-long party

                            Incidentally, a visit to the 'Autorama' - the parking lot of Ibirapuera park where cruising for sex, just making your own tail gate party and hanging out, or both are the favored activities most nights - was one of the more memorable experiences of the week

                            While I did not have time to visit Rio - or her home state of Natal - I am sure that she would be a great travel companion as well if you were inclined to see a bit more of the country

                            To be fair, her services do not come for free, or even for cheap

                            That said, unless you have the ability to speak Portuguese - and thus be self-sufficient for the duration of your visit to Brazil - I cannot but recommend her highly as a guide, companion, and ultimately a good and dear friend

                            If you have serious intent to visit Brazil - that is, have dates arranged and tickets in hand - do yourself a favor and get in touch with her, you will have no regrets

                            With thanks to her - and her many friends - and best wishes to all here
                            Do you remember when flying was dangerous and sex was safe?


                            • #15
                              Hi thick81,
                              I was just wondering, how much it cost you to stay in Brazil weekly and how much does it cost to hire Hilda as a guide.
                              i love t-girls

