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Newbie Hottest LB Recommendation?

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  • #31
    I'll be in BKK early March for about a week and will stay near NEP.
    It will be my third stay in LOS but had only limited experience with LBs during my second stay. Mainly from Cascades ...
    I noted from reading all the posts (thanks to their authors) and watching the pictures that there is a huge variety of LBs ... and I would welcome some recommendations from more experienced guys...
    I like them young, small (petite), thin and active with a small to average cock. I have a strong preference for LT and GFE partner.
    Any suggestions from atound NEP bars?


    • #32
      First post & you ask the unanswerable question...    

      Should you ever need to consult a dictionary for the definition of 'futile', don't be surprised if they cite this question as an example of futility.

      Its isn't that all the good guys here on the forum are trying to keep this info to themselves & they are ignoring a first time poster, it is just too hard to know who to recommend.

      All the girls in the Bangkok photos who match your description are a good place to start but you really don't want to walk into Nana with a shopping list & spend all night running around interviewing each of them to determine who might offer you a GFE.

      Here's a few things that can go wrong -

      1) they may not be at work, day off, barfined already

      2) they may not like you or have other compatibility issues

      3) they may not do LT (many of the young ones don't, P4P is their secret way to earn money while they study)

      4) they may have been 'active' when I last saw her but a big injection of hormones may have put paid to that

      5) my definition of attractive may be vastly different to yours (I know you haven't asked for cute but I assume that is a given)

      6) you find a princess & want to take her out of the bar for a few days GFE, do you have any idea what the glamours will want for that? BIG money my friend

      That is just a few reasons I can think of & why there isn't a mad rush to answer you. The good news is that there are 100's, in fact 1000's of LBs walking the streets of Bangkok who fit your description.

      Go back to Cascades & buy a drink for every sweetie who takes your eye. You will work out who is right for you. The chemistry is every bit as important as the rest & that is the bit that none of us can possible know.
      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


      • #33
        My own recommendation is that you choose the ones that are young, small (petite), thin and active from around the NEP bars with a small to average cock for a LT with a view to establishing a GFE around early March...

        World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


        • #34
          "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


          • #35
            Nadia, Cascades !!

            You no care me DIE !!!


            • #36
              I haven't pulled from a Bangkok Bar in years so I can't give a specific recommendation.

              But it is useful to know which girls have given other guys a great GFE and it is useful to know if a girl has the abilty to be active. This doesn't mean they'll click with you or be guaranteed to get hard that night. She's six years older now and probably out of the bar scene.

              Before the new airport opened, many Pattaya guys would spend the last night in Bangkok. I remember some guy on the old Questionable Girls Yahoo Group recommended an Obsessions girl that I would not have bought a drink for otherwise. Chating with her she seemed really friendly and I was comfortable with her and had a great night. Six years older now

              The looks you can determine yourself but it doesn't hurt to have a few girls your gameplan, and then call an audible on the line of scrimage.

              Take a look at some Trip reports, there's plenty in the free VIP Sneak Peak section. Have fun!

              If you find a girl that intriguies from the comments on the trip reports you then ask for her badge number on the Forum because there's a good chance you won't actually recognize her in the bar.


              • #37
                Thank you all for your comments or recommendations
                I realize the difficulty of my question and need for clicking chemistry with the girl ... but the choice is so vast that narrowing it by whatever mean helps, at least, it is what I feel ...
                I'll keep you informed on my trip ...


                • #38
                       good man zrngbl...      

                  BTW, how do you pronounce that?      
                  Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                  • #39
                    (pacman @ Jan. 14 2010,14:32)      good man zrngbl...      

                    BTW, how do you pronounce that?      
                    thats ezy....just take Jennys cock in your mouth and try to pronounce your name...
                    all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


                    • #40
                      Thank you all for your kind replies.
                      Other point, subject to feasibility according to my business obligations, I might find the time to spend 2-3 days in Pattaya.
                      Do you think it worth going? Does it bring something more than what I could find around NEP in BKK?
                      If yes, any good advise on which LB to target?


                      • #41
                        If you have 3 days spare then definitely go to Pattaya. It's well worth it. Seedy, cheap and bountiful!
                        World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                        • #42
                          (zrngbl @ Jan. 15 2010,07:53) Pattaya.

                          Do you think it worth going?

                          Only a couple hours away. Easy to get to either by bus or taxi.


                          • #43
                            (zrngbl @ Jan. 15 2010,22:53) If yes, any good advise on which LB to target?
                            Surely you're not going to be taking pot shots at them ?

                            I'd wait until you arrive at the "shooting range" and have them clearly in your sight.

                            I'ts difficult taking aim from such a long distance away.

                            Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                            • #44
                              Attempting to recommend a particular girl is near on impossible.  

                              Even after taking on board the criteria you listed, it doesn't make it any easier.  
                              The best advice I can give would be to familiarise yourself with the venues that tend to employ the general style of 'girl' you're seeking, and wait unitl you are amongst it all to make a decision.  

                              Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                              • #45
                                Ae or Bee, Maybe Cee if you can find her
                                "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon

