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Newbie Hottest LB Recommendation?

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  • #16
    (steelmen91 @ May 28 2009,20:08) you always that pleasant? ya fuckin knob
    Actually, sometimes he's really offensive!
    If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


    • #17
      Yeah if you think he is been not nice, then you will love to meet Mr. Grumpy

      God i do miss that guy, he has such a way with words
      i love t-girls


      • #18
        No offense mate, but Mr. Stogie really takes offense when a newbie seems not to bother reading the forum before spouting questions that have been covered many times already.

        Hint, read the forum, read the forum.

        Cheers mate you will have a blast in LB Heaven.

        La Bamba ~ The friendliest (and sexiest) ladyboy bar in Pattaya!


        • #19
          (steelmen91 @ May 29 2009,02:08) ya fuckin knob

          Would you like this reply better?

          Hi and welcome to the forum...

          Despite being asked to do so when you registered you still haven't read our simple and easy to follow posting guidelines. Or perhaps you did read them and figured that somehow they didn't apply to you.

          Either way; by insulting this forum by saying that the information is "quite old" (which it isn't) and posting in the wrong forum AND displaying your lack of respect to forum members by forgetting to use capital letters ANYWHERE in your very first post, not to mention asking simplistic questions which have had several (RECENT) replies on this message board already, I can only assume that any future correspondence with members of this community is only going to annoy them...

          Therefore I feel it my duty to annoy YOU first and by doing so hope to dissuade you from ever logging in here again.



          What do you think? Better?


          • #20
            Much better
            If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


            • #21
              Well i sincerely apologise to all board members for not using capitals in my first post. I realise how much that must have disrespected all of you, so once again please accept my apologies. As i know its the first thing i look for when reading posts on any boards.


              • #22
                hey i sometimes forget to use capitals, (fuck it)  

                hey steele welcome to the forum

                Now i am going to do a Rxpharm here so pay attention:

                click on all the following and u might not get banned out of here ok,

                Rookie thread

                New forum rules : VERY IMPORTANT THIS

                how to use the search button

                Google search the forum

                Now follow those simple steps and you should be okay  
                i love t-girls


                • #23
                  go to labamba, soi 13/1,  and ask Alis, the mamasan, "which labamba girls have big ones".  rumor has it that her's is pretty big.  open till about 1AM.

                  go to EZY bar, soi bj off walking street, and ask the same question to Karl, the owner, about the EZY girls.  open till the wee hours of the morning.

                  have fun!  


                  • #24
                    (seanbeag7 @ May 28 2009,16:32) hey i sometimes forget to use capitals, (fuck it)

                    hey steele welcome to the forum

                    Now i am going to do a Rxpharm here so pay attention:

                    click on all the following and u might not get banned out of here ok,

                    Rookie thread

                    New forum rules : VERY IMPORTANT THIS

                    how to use the search button

                    Google search the forum

                    Now follow those simple steps and you should be okay
                    uSiNg No cApS dOeSnT bOtHeR mE lIkE tHoSe wAnKeRs wHo mIx iN cApS tHtOuGhOuT wOrDs. I tHiNk it iS pOpUlAr AmOnGsT tEeNaGe GiRlS
                    “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                    ― Henry Ward Beecher

                    "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                    • #25
                      (steelmen91 @ May 28 2009,22:14) Well i sincerely apologise to all board members for not using capitals in my first post. I realise how much that must have disrespected all of you, so once again please accept my apologies. As i know its the first thing i look for when reading posts on any boards.
                      Well the first thing I noticed was Your Avatar
                      Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                      • #26
                        Well, at least he did say thanks and offered to buy a beer, I think...
                        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                        • #27
                          (Lefty @ May 29 2009,08:53) uSiNg No cApS dOeSnT bOtHeR mE lIkE tHoSe wAnKeRs wHo mIx iN cApS tHtOuGhOuT wOrDs. I tHiNk it iS pOpUlAr AmOnGsT tEeNaGe GiRlS
                          are you philippino ?
                          No honey, no money!!


                          • #28
                            Na... no sound effects and crappy animated gifs!


                            • #29
                              (PigDogg @ May 29 2009,06:42) go to labamba, soi 13/1,  and ask Alis, the mamasan, "which labamba girls have big ones".  rumor has it that her's is pretty big.  open till about 1AM.

                              go to EZY bar, soi bj off walking street, and ask the same question to Karl, the owner, about the EZY girls.  open till the wee hours of the morning.

                              have fun!  
                              I been lurking for a while now. I notice that the assumption here is that the newbie likes big dicks. Could be that newbies would want to start off with smaller members and work their way up, so to speak/type. This isn't a slaging effort at you, it is just that the big dick syndrom doesn't affect everyone.

                              So, that being said, I'd think you could also ask these mamasans and mamapops for a ladyboy with a small dick, or even a nonfunctioning dick. Up to you and all that.


                              • #30
                                (pure @ Jun. 06 2009,17:14)
                                (PigDogg @ May 29 2009,06:42) go to labamba, soi 13/1, and ask Alis, the mamasan, "which labamba girls have big ones". rumor has it that her's is pretty big. open till about 1AM.

                                go to EZY bar, soi bj off walking street, and ask the same question to Karl, the owner, about the EZY girls. open till the wee hours of the morning.

                                have fun!
                                I been lurking for a while now. I notice that the assumption here is that the newbie likes big dicks. Could be that newbies would want to start off with smaller members and work their way up, so to speak/type. This isn't a slaging effort at you, it is just that the big dick syndrom doesn't affect everyone.

                                So, that being said, I'd think you could also ask these mamasans and mamapops for a ladyboy with a small dick, or even a nonfunctioning dick. Up to you and all that.
                                If you notice the original post in the thread, Steelmen said he was looking for:
                                some up to date info regarding ladies who are larger in the dick region than your regular Thai ladyboy
                                So there was no assumption in PigDogg's response. He was doing what he normally does, give accurate, helpful info, in a polite, thoughtful manner.
                                “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                                ― Henry Ward Beecher

                                "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer

