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Are there any Honest LBs out there?

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  • #61
    Only 3 were taken by me #2-#4

    #2&3 in Pattaya for one of our trips I mentioned & #4 a year or two later in her Appatrment in BKK


    • #62
      Last mail from me in this "stupid" topic as i said first day.

      As i said before to "seven" :  I wish it was Natalie i had a relationship  with,  cus she was my favorit lb  years ago.  But when i met her at that thai restaurant it looks that she still was with her scandinavian man.

      I only had a short relationship (four months) with a "superstar" lb and felt i was cheaten and therefore frustrated of lies and start a frustrated topic here        Earlier it was only 4-5 superstars, today i think its hundreds cus all websides and all focus on them.

      Therefore i have decided to next trip go to Pattaya and enjoy life there and choose by hundreds of lbs.

      Never to old to learn by mistakes  



      • #63
        "Find a "cheap" young outside the most famous bars , and she will follow you to your death."

        edit - your suspicous hotel room death
        "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

        Jaidee 2009

        The other white meat


        • #64
          In your hotel room tied up in a wardrobe wearing only lingerie with a dildo in your mouth and having your laptop stolen with top secret Austrialian military files.

          Who were you sponsoring anyway Bilman? Let us decide if she is a superstar or not. I bet she isnt
          I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

          I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


          • #65
            are there any honest guys out there?

            i doubt...

            i got tired of looking... bilman, playing is better!!!


            • #66
              Long Ago when there was only casanovas and obsession in nana plaza and the guess bar did not exist i was fortunate enough to be passing through Bangkok on a regular bassis around once every 8-12 weeks

              i meet a ladyboy in obsession who was my dream girl from the beginning i made it plain it was a bit of fun and she accepted it when i was in Bangkok she would meet me at the airport and stay with me for the trip she was pleasant could string a conversation together in english which was not about the bars or other ladybys or the normal shit a ladyboy talks about and was the only girl i knew that accepted she had a limited shelf life as a ladyboy and was actively planning for the future

              she developed quite a bit of jelousy from the other girls for having a regular client who treated her well

              i also mentioned that i was looking for business opportunities in Thailand to invest in and before you start moaning no i don't want a bar or hotel or restaurant I'm an engineer and was looking for something that i knew what i was doing

              had a few meetings meet some people but in general i did not like what i was seeing so decided thats its not going to happen yet

              this happened over a series of trips and the ladyboy knew it and had her plan ready to go

              one night she decided that she was taking me out for a meal somewhere which involved a 30 minute taxi ride south of the river and ended up in this restaurant in the middle of nowhere

              which just happens to be owned by her older brother (this was the first time he was ever mentioned)

              so you know whats coming next she worked the conversation round to that her brother was selling this fine restaurant and wouldn't it be nice if i was to buy it and we would run it together

              which i said i wold think about it finished the meal got a taxi back to nana plaza told her to fuck off for trying to set me up in a rip off

              went back to obsseions a few days later told all her friends how she tried to rip me off

              Next trip popped my head into obssesions got swamped by the ladyboys who knew me and was told that the ladyboy in question had to leave the bar and move down to phuket to work as she had lost so much face with the other ladyboys

              moral to this tale that will always fuck up even the good ones

              as for me the next few trips where the best times i have ever had as the girls where literally fighting over me to be the one that was to be my regular girl


              • #67
                Everybody can fall in love, but the problem is WE ARE FOREIGNERS, and sometimes,it'so easy to forget it, because of a nice relationship. But language, religion, way of life, friends, behaviours are not the same. Money can't change that, they know it, so it's business. LBs are not necessary hookers, but realistic. Of course,it's a pity. (sorry for my bad english,I'm french)


                • #68
                  ''are there any honest LB's out there''?

                  of course there are!!

                  will you find one, especially if you don't live in Thailand 365? errrrrrrr..... not too likely
                  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                  • #69
                    (sideshow mel @ Oct. 22 2009,23:53) Long Ago when there was only casanovas and obsession in nana plaza and the guess bar did not exist i was fortunate enough to be passing through Bangkok on a regular bassis around once every 8-12 weeks

                    i meet a ladyboy in obsession who was my dream girl from the beginning i made it plain it was a bit of fun and she accepted it when i was in Bangkok she would meet  me at the airport and stay with me for the trip she was pleasant could string a conversation together in english which was not about the bars or other ladybys or the normal shit a ladyboy talks about and was the only girl i knew that accepted she had a limited shelf life  as a ladyboy and was actively planning for the future

                    she developed quite a bit of jelousy from the other girls for having a regular client who treated her well

                    i also mentioned that i was looking for business opportunities in Thailand to invest in and before you start moaning no i don't want a bar or hotel or restaurant I'm an engineer and was looking for something that i knew what i was doing

                    had a few meetings meet some people but in general i did not like what i was seeing so decided thats its not going to happen yet

                    this happened over a series of trips and the ladyboy knew it and had her plan ready to go

                    one night she decided that she was taking me out for a meal somewhere which involved a 30 minute taxi ride south of the river and ended up in this restaurant in the middle of nowhere

                    which just happens to be owned by her older brother (this was the first time he was ever mentioned)

                    so you know whats coming next she worked the conversation round to that her brother was selling this fine restaurant and wouldn't it be nice if i was to buy it and we would run it together

                    which i said i wold think about it finished the meal got a taxi back to nana plaza told her to fuck off for trying to set me up in a rip off

                    went back to obsseions a few days later told all her friends how she tried to rip me off

                    Next trip popped my head into obssesions got swamped by the ladyboys who knew me and was told that the ladyboy in question had to leave the bar and move down to phuket to work as she had lost so much face with the other ladyboys

                    moral to this tale that will always fuck up even the good ones

                    as for me the next few trips where the best times i have ever had as the girls where literally fighting over me to be the one that was to be my regular girl
                    i saw some cows flying over the moon tonight,fuckin thing your gonna tell me that you believed everyting you got told in NANA PLAZA .........think about it.


                    • #70
                      im honest!!!

