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Are there any Honest LBs out there?

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  • Are there any Honest LBs out there?

    Do you think its possible to find a honest lb who not only think take your money and cheat you?
    I have listen to all warnings on this forum,  but still been cheaten by a lb everybody said was honest.  Only  Lies Lies Lies.  Act Act. Everybody told me she was honest!  

    I know this is a stupid topic, but i am so disapointed. Thought she (he) was honest. I was living for make "him" happy!

    Regards stupid farang

    From now only short times with lbs  

  • #2
    I met an lb who was honest.

    She told me what I really look like. End of that.

    Seriously, I did once meet a very attractive lb who seemed not to be interested in money or anything but being loved. I was freaked out and let the ball drop. Sometimes wonder what might have been  
    Me at


    • #3
      Be a good customer, enjoy yourself, go home, relax, return to LOS, be a good customer, enjoy yourself, go home, relax, return to LOS, I think you get the picture...


      • #4
        I was a good custumer! Everybody told my about how lb try to cheet us. BUT i falled in lonve with one of the most popular lb in this forum.
        She cought me! Stupid me. Never more a lb more than 30 min.
        I am agree with one of the staff (Gong)at guess bar: Hormons make them crazy! They can be very friendly and normal 90 prosent of the time, but the 10 prosent rest destroy everything.


        • #5
          (bilman @ Oct. 18 2009,02:14) Do you think its possible to find a honest lb who not only think take your money and cheat you?
          I have listen to all warnings on this forum,  but still been cheaten by a lb everybody said was honest.  Only  Lies Lies Lies.  Act Act. Everybody told me she was honest!  

          I know this is a stupid topic, but i am so disapointed.  Thought she (he)  was honest.  I was living for make "him" happy!  

          Regards stupid farang

          From now only short times with lbs  
          I have found almost everybody LB I have come across to be very honest - so long as you understand the word honesty - it works both ways and LB's seem to have an amazing ability to spot bullshit. I, to this day have many girls I would trust with 200,000b in cash for a month and know full well I will get back the exact same 200,000b on the due date - I also know some whom i would not trust with 20b regardless of payback date. The challenge is finding the honest ones. If you shit them around, they will do it back and big time - treat them with respect and it will be repaid many times over. Just my non scientific observations.



          • #6
            (bilman @ Oct. 18 2009,03:14) Do you think its possible to find a honest lb who not only think take your money and cheat you?
            "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

            Jaidee 2009

            The other white meat


            • #7
              I haven't met any so far who are honest. Those I've came across were specialized in lies.


              • #8
                (bilman @ Oct. 18 2009,03:14) Do you think its possible to find a honest lb who not only think take your money and cheat you?
                I have listen to all warnings on this forum,  but still been cheaten by a lb everybody said was honest.  Only  Lies Lies Lies.  Act Act. Everybody told me she was honest!  

                I know this is a stupid topic, but i am so disapointed.  Thought she (he)  was honest.  I was living for make "him" happy!  

                Regards stupid farang

                From now only short times with lbs  
                why you not ask your self first if you are a honest man

                and not only your friends try to warn you for sure friends of your ld warning her also if you and her agree to have relationship together take some time to porve each other then the time will tell what is mean the word of honest

                i hope you understands what i try tell you




                • #9
                  i know a honest one, stuck to her word the lot, thing is, im a bastard and dont deserve her as im not.



                  • #10
                    I know its my own fail. so many warnings! But everybody tell me that this lb was honest. I treat her well. I lived for make her happy. she promised take care of me if i get problems. I suport her with millions of bath ( i know i was pid, but she act so well) But when i need suport of her her priority was 1. Family 2 friends 3. Budda 4 Animals 5. could stay with me if i paid the bills.

                    Never more lbs! Are thai woman same?


                    • #11
                      Why go to Pattaya looking for honesty (or love) in the first place??

                      There's a good time to be had in that town when you go with a bit of cash and the right intentions.


                      • #12
                        Wow! You supported her with millions of bath! I look pretty good in a dress, I will be your honest friend for that kind of cash, I will treat you right and love you long time, please send 40,000b as soon as you can, I am late on my BMW car payment! Love, Speeder


                        • #13
                          Poor bilman.

                          Thai rak thai. Thai rak money number 1. Falang kinok.
                          "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                          Jaidee 2009

                          The other white meat


                          • #14
                            Everybody know that love make people blind!  Last July i stayed with her again.  I gave her 100000 b for take away hair in face. But after i payed she liked better drink with friends than be with me.  I go to bed at 2 oclock
                            , she at 4-6 oclock.  After a while she go to bed in morning after drink with friends all night.  Than i left her.  Earlier she loved sleap in my arms.
                            Even she treated me like this after i gave her everything my heart is broken.  So many memories.  spesiell when i make her happpy!  Loved make her happy!

                            This is a true story telling how stupid a farang can be.
                            I will soon go to Thailand for three months. Now i know where i can find cheap honest ladyboys.  Hope i have learned..

                            I have the same advice as many other on this forum: If you wanted a relationship with a lb, not try the famous superstars. Find a "cheap" young outside the most famous bars , and she will follow you to your death.
                            regards bilman


                            • #15
                              your not the first but you wont be the last wake up you falang i lub you too mutt
                              i long to live in los  

