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Anney is back!

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  • #76
    about 5 years ago when i saw her she was asking 5000baht long now asking the same as the other girls (about 2000baht )


    • #77
      Nothing wrong to hit em high, thereĀ“re enough suckers around . i Payed LongMing 5 k
      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

      Jaidee 2009

      The other white meat


      • #78
        Were you a newbie 5 years ago? Did you try to negotiate? 5 k LT is not necessarily superstar rates, but more "newbie" rates.

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        • #79
          (rxpharm @ Dec. 18 2008,04:58) Were you a newbie 5 years ago? Did you try to negotiate? 5 k LT is not necessarily superstar rates, but more "newbie" rates.
          Newbie in Bkk yes, but had my first tranny way back in the 90s. How much is the most you have payed, rxpharm?
          "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

          Jaidee 2009

          The other white meat


          • #80
            sev7en, the question was more for pro2000, 5 years ago you still haven't visited LOS. When you visited LOS, you had a "must do" list - a different situation than pro2000.

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            • #81
              yes i was .it was trip number 2 when i saw her


              • #82
                ..well i was in BKK Dec '07 & specifically wanted to meet Anney & sent her an email to tempt her to come back to BKK to meet but she never replied.. at the time i knew sumone was supporting her bcuz of her beauty shop business but now she sez that didn't work out.. I see her on Yahoo just about every day but I don't chat becuz we don't have much to chat about, Ā & now that I am unemployed I can't help her out if she asks, & i know she will.. Ā  Ā Ā  .. one day i did say hello & asked how she was doing & she told me she was going back to BKK to work.. well isnt that great, now that i don't have the cash to go see her my timing is off again!! Ā well i do have some Anney pics to post & don't remember where i got them, from someone's blog i think.. the one above looks like she is stoned, just woke up or she's just about redy to cum, the one's below look more like the Anney i remember! Ā 
                Attached Files
                .. I'm not young enough to know everything, and not old enough to have done everything..


                • #83
                  ..and the "Anney" look-a-like or is it the real Anney?

                  ..her name is Anny.. Ā 
                  Attached Files
                  .. I'm not young enough to know everything, and not old enough to have done everything..


                  • #84
                    I can attest Anny (aka Anney) is back working at Obsessions. I saw her on New Year's eve in the bar and said hello to her.

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                    • #85
                      Yes it's very much the real Anney - she is #27 in Obsessions.

                      She recognised me as soon as she saw me and we sat and had a friendly chat. I say hello each time I see her in there.

                      Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                      "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                      • #86
                        i had been chatting to her oo yahoo messenger but she hasnt been online for awhile is she still around? i read on another forum she had left again
                        lets see you in the chatroom


                        • #87
                          Saw one of her friends who used to work in Obsession with her about 10 days ago - for the life of me I cannot remember her name!

                          Anyway we had a chat for a while and she mentioned that Anney has indeed left Obsessions and has gone back home to run her hair salon.

                          Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                          "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                          • #88
                            hmm, yes i was one that was smitten too.

                            It was a long time ago for me and it would have been her pics on the alt.binaries boards that got me to visit.

                            When travelling the best part is trying to find a bargain.

                            You know that extra great price for the taxi ride or the hotel room or the ladyboy or getting sex and a photo etc etc.

                            With this babe I had to control myself and stop myself handing over a wad of cash.
                            Actually kinda regret not giving her the whole wad, in retrospect.

                            Must find a way to make up for it

