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Anney is back!

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  • #31
    I'm quite surprised by this as I thought she was a gay man now. In fact, I know she's been working as a gay man cos I saw her on another website.

    Judge for yourselves by going here and scrolling down to 'Sweet boy Sun get fucked by Wal and then the cameraman himself takes his turn.'


    • #32
      Natabroad I think you are mistaken and that doesnt even look like Anney at all.

      Other then that everytime I do go back to LOS i always go into Obsessions and ask about if Anney has been back and I always get the same answer. "NO" But now when I go back in December I am hoping she is back there. I have always had a great time with Anney.



      • #33
        (natabroad65 @ Sep. 27 2008,13:38) I'm quite surprised by this as I thought she was a gay man now. In fact, I know she's been working as a gay man cos I saw her on another website.

        Judge for yourselves by going here and scrolling down to 'Sweet boy Sun get fucked by Wal and then the cameraman himself takes his turn.'
        Goddammit, if this is correct, do you have any idea what a black eye this is giving the ladyboys loving community?

        I can´t decide if that´s Annie or not, there is some resemblence but i lean towards it´s not her.

        I´m sure there are more familiar faces on sites like this
        "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

        Jaidee 2009

        The other white meat


        • #34
          The body doesn't seem right, the face is the same and could have been Anney at 21 or so but I doubt it

            This topic has been discussed up here before..... many gay boys pose as ladyboys for a few years but never make the full conversion and get tits and hips, etc, and then when their money-making days are over as ladyboys go back to being boys.   See Kwang the freelancer at Nana entrance, same as Donut and many others..... not sure if Anney is included in that crew or not but she has never gotten any surgeries either.
          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


          • #35
            I´m pretty sure now , it´s not her.

            I think the body is right though, but these pics are fairly new, so it´s not her.

            I looked for birthmarks on both and it doesn´t match. This is how rich and meaningful life in Europe is.

            F**k i need to get outta here...
            "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

            Jaidee 2009

            The other white meat


            • #36
              (sev7en @ Sep. 28 2008,00:48) these pics are fairly new, so it´s not her.

              That could have been Anney maybe 10 years ago
              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


              • #37
                I've always really liked Annye. Even after all these years she Looks GREAT !
                She really should be respected as an Icon to the scene.

                Great girl, the best of the best. Keep on rocking Anney....
                My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                • #38
                  (natabroad65 @ Sep. 27 2008,13:38) Judge for yourselves by going here
                  Geeeezzzz....this is soooo
                  I'm out of here....going to get some pretty boy to dress up
                  Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                  • #39
                    That gay chap has absolutely no resemblence to Anney. Are you guys that think so mad or going blind? Having seen Anney and been with her you can never mistake her unique "look" Yes, Anney did tell me back in 2004 that when she left the game she would return to being a gay man. Her Ladyboy days were strictly for acquiring money as quick as possible.


                    • #40
                      i will be getting into this again on my next trip.....great news!!!!


                      • #41
                        the guy in the vid bears no resemblance to Anney whatsoever.she is one hot ladyboy
                        lets see you in the chatroom


                        • #42
                          (PogueMahone @ Sep. 28 2008,07:36) Yes, Anney did tell me back in 2004 that when she left the game she would return to being a gay man.  Her Ladyboy days were strictly for acquiring money as quick as possible.
                          Yep, annie has said that to me also.

                          I've talked to her regularly on Yahoo whilst she has been up country, the return has been on the cards for some time. Walked past her the other day, she was looking great, but we have a deal not to acknowledge each other in public.

                          In private though......


                          • #43
                            (natabroad65 @ Sep. 27 2008,13:38) I'm quite surprised by this as I thought she was a gay man now. In fact, I know she's been working as a gay man cos I saw her on another website.

                            Judge for yourselves by going here and scrolling down to 'Sweet boy Sun get fucked by Wal and then the cameraman himself takes his turn.'
                            Absolutely positively not Anney.

                            I've heard she wears a wig when she works as a ladyboy, but even so, the guy in that video trailer is not Anney.
                            “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                            ― Henry Ward Beecher

                            "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                            • #44
                              (lavicrep @ Sep. 25 2008,14:50) Spent last night in the company of the wonderful Anney. Chatted for about 3 hours in Obsession before going for something to eat. Unfortunately, as soon as we sat down for some food, I became sick as a dog, and was as much good as a chocolate fireguard for the rest of the night! When she wanted to come back to Obsessions, the mamasan said she had to pay her 10,000 baht for the privilidge...she paid 5,000 baht, with the rest to pay later. What a cheek....I told her they should pay her to come back! She is still great fun, and fantastic to be with...but a sadder and maybe more cynical person than before. If I can stop being sick, we`ll have a night out on the town at the weekend
                              I've been hit by some of those kinds of sick as a dog illnesses there too. Once puked every hour for about 12 hrs in a row and had the shits for that time plus two more days after the puking stopped. I feel empathy for you on that.

                              I was wondering though how anyone could chat for 3 hrs in Obs and understand very much if anything of what the ladyboy was saying. Perhaps easier with her, since she speaks decent English compared to most ladyboys. With most of them it would require reading their lips while they spoke Thainglish. The noise (music?) in there is so unbearably loud.
                              “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                              ― Henry Ward Beecher

                              "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                              • #45
                                I totally agree. It's definitely not Annie in that video link.

                                Annie is not currently wearing a wig. But, even though her hair is not that long right now, she does currently have some well done hair extensions. I don't know about the past, as Sept.17, was my 1st time with her.

