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Anney is back!

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  • #16
    Saw her last night walking past The Landmark clinging tightly to her man... Looks the same as she ever did. Then as I got to the stairs to go to the Nana BTS station there were two guys avoiding the rain yakking about AsianTS.

    It's a small world, innit!


    • #17
      I suspected that. Saw her showing off on cam in AFF a week ago or so. Chatted with her in Yahoo and she said was in BKK just by chance to meet a friend...hmmm..I didn't buy it
      Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


      • #18
        (Rollo Tomasi @ Sep. 20 2008,07:28) Saw her last night .........Looks the same as she ever did.
        did she know you?

         funny hearing the 2 guys chattering about ATS
        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


        • #19
          I hear ATS mentioned all the time when I'm in LOS - and not just in LB bars
          No honey, no money!!


          • #20
            (JaiDee @ Sep. 21 2008,00:34)
            (Rollo Tomasi @ Sep. 20 2008,07:28) Saw her last night .........Looks the same as she ever did.
            did she know you?
            It was the look on her face...

            "Please ignore me - please ignore me - please ignore me!"

            So I did!


            • #21
              (bigmick22 @ Sep. 21 2008,00:52) I hear ATS mentioned all the time when I'm in LOS - and not just in LB bars  
              Are you sure your not thinking of ATM bigmick.
              A friend in need is a f**king pest


              • #22
                (Rollo Tomasi @ Sep. 21 2008,05:26) did she know you?
                It was the look on her face...

                "Please ignore me - please ignore me - please ignore me!"[/quote]

                that's funny and I know exactly what you mean, Rollo .......... and I've even seen it many times from my usual perch [when rarely in BKK] at Big Dogs, sitting high up watching the parade go by.  You see some tart walking towards the Nana exit from Obsessions who you have known for years, with her man in tow and he all happy and smiling waiting for his hour of fun, the girl looking at me saying non-verbally "PLEASE  don't say anything to me right now"  LOL   and I always comply.    The last thing some dude who thinks he just met his future wife wants is for her stopping to say Hi to 50 other guys she has reamed on their short walk back to the Landmark.

                         Good to hear ATS is still overheard frequently in Thailand, I'd bet it's still the best-known of all websites for this topic.
                Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                • #23
                  Unfortunately Annie was off the scene on my first trip to BKK last year.

                  But, she was my last LB on my last night in BKK one week ago.  Walked into Obsessions and she seemed to be waiting for me at the door.  Took her hand.... and the rest was a foregone conclusion.

                  This was last Wednesday, September 17, she told me she just started back the night before, and that I was her 1st customer on her return to Obsessions in 2008.

                  But, given Thick81's report that might be in question, I was with her from about 9pm till midnight on the 17th of Sept.

                  Thick81, you?

                  I'm behind on my trip report.  Was waiting till I caught up to report the news.  

                  She is still a looker and every bit the lovely LB everyone reports in performance and personality.

                  Here's my Annie contribution:

                  1st is a picture of Annie and her 'little sister', who the 3 Mamasans in Cascades, where we went for a drink, before going to my loom, swear looks like a younger Annie. Looked closer in person than in the photos.
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    Hope she doesn't get snapped up before I get back in December.

                    One more:
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      Thanks alot for new pics of her, elsmiker.
                      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                      Jaidee 2009

                      The other white meat


                      • #26
                        No problem sev7en.

                        Annie is a great lady, I really hope I get a chance to know her better.


                        • #27
                          Spent last night in the company of the wonderful Anney. Chatted for about 3 hours in Obsession before going for something to eat. Unfortunately, as soon as we sat down for some food, I became sick as a dog, and was as much good as a chocolate fireguard for the rest of the night! When she wanted to come back to Obsessions, the mamasan said she had to pay her 10,000 baht for the privilidge...she paid 5,000 baht, with the rest to pay later. What a cheek....I told her they should pay her to come back! She is still great fun, and fantastic to be with...but a sadder and maybe more cynical person than before. If I can stop being sick, we`ll have a night out on the town at the weekend


                          • #28
                            (lavicrep @ Sep. 25 2008,14:50) ...but a sadder and maybe more cynical person than before. If I can stop being sick, we`ll have a night out on the town at the weekend
                            I don't know how cheerful has ever been before, and when was this before btw?
                            But as of recent times I cannot agree more with you.
                            Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                            • #29
                              (Guest @ Sep. 18 2008,05:16) Wow, what great news!

                              She was my first ladyboy experience... not that she would remember ME from those years ago, but I sure remember her!!

                              Made me feel comfortable when I was wondering if I had lost my mind and had absolutely no clue what was going on nor what I should be doing. Turned out I didn't lose my mind after all. I give her credit for paving the way for me to explore a whole new world.

                              I will most certainly contact her and hopefully meet up next month!
                              I made this posting earlier, but somehow it became marked as coming from a 'guest' account.
                              Femboys rule!!  


                              • #30
                                (sev7en @ Sep. 24 2008,19:15)  Thanks alot for new pics of her, elsmiker.  
                                Yes, thanks from me too.

                                I'm relieved she's kept her wonderful figure and not opted for top front end work.
                                Femboys rule!!  

