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The Lisa Winkler Corner...

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  • #16
    >>on last note....when do i get to have arms like these?

    NEVER. That looks disgusting like they have some kind of disease. What they both need is a good feed!


    • #17
      still stuck at home and feeling sick...and i haven't gone online as much as I did before but I guess the break just made me realize that i needed some rest away from the Net or going out ... rest as in real quality rest not the ones offered to me by the sleeping pills i am taking hehehehe

      geez being sick certainly made me realize is indeed wealth...i mean when you're sick you're mobility is virtually nil and you cannot go outside and see people and conduct business....which makes you UNwealthy in some ways right?

      On this note i kinda valued the times i was up and healthy and able to go out and hang out with friends and party and not have to worry what kind of food i stuck into my mouth i mean those times are precious indeed and to be able to DO THEM one would have to place an emphasis on HEALTH and being healthy and staying fit and eating the right kinds of food and eating on time...I mean HEalth is indeed wealth and we can only do so much when we are not taking care of ourselves and our bodies right?

      anywayyyyyy i am ready to go tuck in to sleep and looking forward to a better day tomorrow where I can perhaps go out of the room for the first time in days and well stay healthy.....

      take care everyone and good night or good morning gorgeous peeps!!!!!
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      • #18
        Well hope you are feeling better soon!!

        Great thread, please keep it coming. Its nice to get a different perspective for a change and this and Minnies threads always promotes good conversation...

        seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


        • #19
          hi katoeylover!!! great to see you online...and i will be seeing you soon enough too!!!! hugs and kisses!!!

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          PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


          • #20
            My Facebook
            PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


            • #21
              Great avatar and posts!
              Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

              Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


              • #22
                i express extreme sorrow to the extremely low quality of a considerable number of threads here on the ATS forum...i mean there are people who just post a new topic without giving regards to the intellectual and informative value of the message they are imparting...

                for one thing why are there CLASSIFIED ADS sprouting all over the forum...why are some people not understanding that the TRIP REPORTS forum is a forum where travel experiences of people are placed and the LADYBOY LOCATOR forum is a forum to find the whereabouts and contacts of certain ladyboys....i mean i am citing these as an example...right?

                the ATS forum has become a GARBAGE many people writing nonsense... for example...i saw a thread in the past asking a question why ladyboys have a penis! Oh my Gawd where has all common sense gone in this world?

                and I really think also it would be nice if there are people assigned ( if our current moderators are busy) to CLEAN UP the forum of unwanted and OFFTOPIC topics...i mean some forums i have been to do a regular cleanup or something so that the more informative ones come up and would be able to help those people who need the facts and not nonsense which come up first especially with regards to chronological order thereby displacing the more RELEVANT POSTS which are full of facts...

                just a view from someone who wants to see some sense in a forum i have grown to love all througout the years since i first started posting here
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                • #23
                  How do you propose we solve this problem Salma? Line up all offending posters and have them shot? This isn't sarcasm, but you're only repeating what everyone here is thinking and I applaud you for that. But I would hope that when people post of a problem they at least take the time to think of an intelligible solution. Otherwise soon this forum will be full of rants and raves (more rants though I think).
                  I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                  • #24
                    its there in my post dummy plug.... it is possible at least technically to clean up the forums of such threads....i see it in some forums where the moderators or those who have the handles of the forums and with the technical know-how to clean up or delete topics that have become stale or at the personal request of the thread starter to delete a topic....
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                    PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


                    • #25
                      Lisa we do clean up posts, lots of them, but like weeds they grow faster than we can pull em!


                      • #26
                        its ok i know its a momentuous and titanic task
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                        PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


                        • #27
                          Ahhh, Folks you just gotta love her.

                          Honest til it hurts.


                          • #28
                            Lisa you right and we do love you...I don't  know the solution and I'm probably as big an offender
                            as anyone...

                            Some of the threads just gain life as they "progress" and can't always be ignored...
                            and the classifieds are annoying but something that can be ignored...

                            But I agree with your comments...Come your stuff...
                            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                            • #29
                              Kahuna, people get seriously pissed when their stuff is deleted/edited.


                              • #30
                                I understand...I didn't know the solution...perhaps there isn't

                                But we can still bitch at management...not to piss you guys off...just
                                to let you all know how some folks feel...

                                Believe me...ATS is still far and away the BEST forum around...
                                "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon

