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Hilda Brasil

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  • #31
    duno if i can follow his class act
    I think you must have me confused with someone else!

    PS - Who is your new avatar?
    Mister Arse


    • #32
      (Stewart @ Nov. 11 2006,19:07)
      duno if i can follow his class act
      I think you must have me confused with someone else!

      PS - Who is your new avatar?
      That Would be Miriany Ribeiro Sir she is on the site as Venus
      Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


      • #33
        PS - Who is your new avatar?
        That Would be Miriany Ribeiro Sir she is on the site as Venus
        That's who I thought it was. I was in an Internet cafe with Hilda listing some of the Brazilian TS's that I wanted her to introduce me to, and Miriany was near the top of the list.

        Hilda: "Oh, I know her quite well. She is a good friend of mine. Look, she is on Messenger right now"

        .......Stewart starts to dribble and palms start sweating......

        She chatted away with Miriany, telling her that her friend Stewart was in Brazil right now and was a big fan. Miriany says she would looooove to meet me and take care of me.

        ......Stewart tries not to have a coronary in the Internet cafe......until.....

        Hilda: (reading Miriany's chat) "Stewart, when do you leave Brazil to go back home"?

        Stewart: "8th Nov, why?"

        Hilda: " She is in Italy, back in Brazil on the 20th"

        Stewart: .....fuckity fuckity fuck

        Beefy, if you are seriously going to Brazil and want to meet the TS's of your dreams, you and I need to chat!
        Mister Arse


        • #34
          (Bit Beefy @ Nov. 11 2006,09:12) I look forward to hearing all about it Stewart....    

          Welcome Hilda, glad to here you took care of Stew, ill be there next year and somestage, duno if i can follow his class act    
          thanx bb

          hope stewart had like his holydays here
          i tried to give the best of me
          but for the first time as a tour guide i think i was nice

          yes or not stewart?
          u really enjoied hun?

          missing u
          nullMy Webpage


          • #35
            (hilda brasil @ Nov. 11 2006,19:36)
            (Bit Beefy @ Nov. 11 2006,09:12) I look forward to hearing all about it Stewart....    

            Welcome Hilda, glad to here you took care of Stew, ill be there next year and somestage, duno if i can follow his class act    
            thanx bb

            hope stewart had like his holydays here
            i tried to give the best of me
            but for the first time as  a tour guide i think i was nice

            yes or not stewart?
            u really enjoied hun?

            missing u
            ...believe us, if you had Stewart face down in the couch cushions, he saw exactly what he wanted to see  

               good work Hilda
                                                            randy man
            ain't life grand


            • #36
              ...believe us, if you had Stewart face down in the couch cushions, he saw exactly what he wanted to see
              Hey, please don't be so uncultured in the presence of sophisticated people!! (Hilda, not me, before anyone else says anything )

              Don't know what you mean....Hilda took me to all the art galleries and museums in Brazil. Honest
              Mister Arse


              • #37
                hope stewart had like his holydays here
                i tried to give the best of me
                but for the first time as a tour guide i think i was nice
                yes or not stewart?
                u really enjoied hun?
                Put it this way - for any of you guys out there that have wanted to visit Brazil, but have been put off by the language barrier and the element of danger, Hilda Brazil Tour Services is your solution!!

                ...and since she made all her mistakes as a first time tour guide with me, just think how good she will be with the rest of you!!

                I had a fabulous time, and all thanks to Hilda!!
                Mister Arse


                • #38
                  (Stewart @ Nov. 12 2006,05:13)
                  PS - Who is your new avatar?
                  That Would be Miriany Ribeiro Sir she is on the site as Venus  
                  That's who I thought it was. I was in an Internet cafe with Hilda listing some of the Brazilian TS's that I wanted her to introduce me to, and Miriany was near the top of the list.

                  Hilda: "Oh, I know her quite well. She is a good friend of mine. Look, she is on Messenger right now"

                  .......Stewart starts to dribble and palms start sweating......

                  She chatted away with Miriany, telling her that her friend Stewart was in Brazil right now and was a big fan. Miriany says she would looooove to meet me and take care of me.

                  ......Stewart tries not to have a coronary in the Internet cafe......until.....

                  Hilda: (reading Miriany's chat) "Stewart, when do you leave Brazil to go back home"?

                  Stewart: "8th Nov, why?"

                  Hilda: " She is in Italy, back in Brazil on the 20th"

                  Stewart:       .....fuckity fuckity fuck      

                  Beefy, if you are seriously going to Brazil and want to meet the TS's of your dreams, you and I need to chat!
                  Have i ever told you what i nice guy ive always thought you were Stewart Dont u just love it when a plan comes together. We most definatley have to talk. im definatley going next year its just a question of dates as this new job is really messing up my programme for next year, i have to cancel and jig around so many holidays i now know how some of you feel as b4 ive always been able to take holiday when i wanted
                  Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                  • #39
                    (Stewart @ Nov. 12 2006,10:57)
                    ...believe us, if you had Stewart face down in the couch cushions, he saw exactly what he wanted to see  
                    Hey, please don't be so uncultured in the presence of sophisticated people!! (Hilda, not me, before anyone else says anything   )

                    Don't know what you mean....Hilda took me to all the art galleries and museums in Brazil. Honest
                    Err....OK Stewart, remember I've met Hilda in person, I think you 2 were up to no good...

                    You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                    • #40
                      HILDA IN A BRUNNETE VERSION!!!
                      Attached Files
                      nullMy Webpage


                      • #41
                        U GUYS PREFER ME WITH DARK OR LIGHT HAIR?
                        Attached Files
                        nullMy Webpage


                        • #42
                          Attached Files
                          nullMy Webpage


                          • #43
                            The pic above does it 4 me Hilda Blonde for sure
                            Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                            • #44
                              I have to say dark hair Hilda, but I think you would look just fine with either!

                              You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                              • #45
                                Definitely Blonde - and they have more "fun"!!
                                seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!

