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Queen Raquela come back home pics

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  • thanks for posting the updated photos Minerva
    and glad to hear your all loved up
    all the best for 2008 and keep us all updated on what your up to



    • (rxpharm @ Jan. 01 2008,16:36) Hey Rick are you starting a new list for PI ladyboys? *

      Minerva listed the names for them in her post 113 - for your information:

      sorry magdalene the white shirt, green is manuela, syndy the one wearing with flowers and samantha the bronze skin
      Samantha is the one you're interested in.

      Minerva, thanks for sharing and I wish you much happiness with your partner. *Very classy that you have refrained from the bashing as some of your other PI lb compatriots have done.
      I was a bit confused over who was who. Thanks.
      Yes, my thailist is coming to an end. It´s been long and hard work. Only 2 unidentified left, but looks like i have to give up on those.
      I have a Bali and PI list now, not sure when i´ll get to any of those countries though.

      Here´s my last two in Thailand, i´ll ask one more time in case anyone missed before.

      First is Gan, cabaret somewhere in Bkk. Photo about 3 years old.
      2nd is Cindy, 4-5 years old photo, featured on a site with a very hairy man in wig.

      Finders fee offered!
      Attached Files


      • Cindy
        Attached Files

