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Queen Raquela come back home pics

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  • #76
    There is talent in the Phils but i'ts pretty rare and looks to be mostly in Cebu. Secondly, its a femboy paradise for those that like that. Rare to find any with new tits like Salma and even rarer to find any that can afford or use hormones. Some look incredible in clothes but take the clothes off and its a different world.
    brock landers


    • #77
      what happen to the records sound like they are broken...they keep on repeating probably they are pirated
      sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


      • #78
        all these girls are in Cebu i think and snejana knows a lot of these girls i think....
        My Facebook
        PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


        • #79
          what happen to the records sound like they are broken...they keep on repeating probably they are pirated
          ..      that's funny Minnie, I don't think you will lose many diatribes with Brocky, very good comeback!  


          • #80
            (brocklanders @ Aug. 10 2006,16:45) There is talent in the Phils but i'ts pretty rare and looks to be mostly in Cebu.  Secondly, its a femboy paradise for those that like that.    Rare to find any with new tits like Salma and even rarer to find any that can afford or use hormones.   Some look incredible in clothes but take the clothes off and its a different world.
            Why cant you just give credit where its due???
            seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


            • #81
              (katoeylover @ Aug. 11 2006,10:49)
              (brocklanders @ Aug. 10 2006,16:45) There is talent in the Phils but i'ts pretty rare and looks to be mostly in Cebu.  Secondly, its a femboy paradise for those that like that.    Rare to find any with new tits like Salma and even rarer to find any that can afford or use hormones.   Some look incredible in clothes but take the clothes off and its a different world.
              Why cant you just give credit where its due???
              That would be to easy.... You supposidly lose face doing stuff like that
              Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


              • #82
                Girl on page 3 in the top photo on the far right is's that?

                Sorry, I like to tell it how it is and not kiss ass. You bottom boys are too sensitive.
                brock landers


                • #83
                  (brocklanders @ Aug. 12 2006,06:52) Girl on page 3 in the top photo on the far right is's that?

                  Sorry, I like to tell it how it is and not kiss ass.    You bottom boys are too sensitive.
                  Someone give this guy a cuddle
                  Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                  • #84
                    What a nice gallery of pics you have here.  Are all of these pics/girls from Cebu?  Or some Manila?

                    Perhaps it is time to make a trip to the Land of Promise, lovely lbs, and dangling Crucifixes.



                    • #85
                      (pistolero @ Aug. 25 2006,19:35) What a nice gallery of pics you have here.  Are all of these pics/girls from?  Or some Manila?

                      Perhaps it is time to make a trip to the Land of Promise, lovely lbs, and dangling Crucifixes.


                      I'll second that....RM
                      ain't life grand


                      • #86
                        The Queen is back!


                        • #87
                          What name is she using in the galleries? Can´t find her.


                          • #88
                            She went by the name Minerva....I think the photo set and vid were in 2004....
                            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                            • #89
                              i love it when you come across threads you missed first time around
                              some great pictures here, and would love an update as to what they are upto now


                              • #90
                                (rick @ Dec. 30 2007,03:49) What name is she using in the galleries? Can´t find her.
                                you should watch on my posts rick. you can see her latest pics from my thread....."christy from cebu city philippines. we had so much fun and ended up which is good..

