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Beam - Where is she these days

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  • #16
    (Snick @ Sep. 24 2008,21:59) An excellent idea - the best of luck to the two of you.
    Very sincere reply, snick!
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


    • #17
      My name is Mark Selby and I'm married to Beam


      • #18
        (SamplerDoc @ Sep. 25 2008,11:31) Ah, finally a photo of the gal, thanks KK
        I did see her briefly on beach road but she turned slightly and totaly disappeared

        ... one of the better posts in recent memory.



        • #19
          I saw her at Hi Boss 2 weeks ago in the daytime. She was inside and said hello. She looked different enough that I had to ask the LB I was with if it was her or not It was. Unfortunately she doesn't look like the picture very much anymore.

          Her heavy drug use in the past is well known by everyone including one LB friend of hers that told me she took up to 20 tabs of yaba a day sometimes. I don't know if that is even possible but I have never met her in the last 2 years when she wasn't high.

          The first time I BF'd her we went back to my room and went out on the balcony. I had shut the sliding glass door behind me. She walked into it and broke her inner lower lip wide open and it was bleeding pretty well. Needlesss to say that curtailed some of the activities I had planned.

          It would be great if she could staighten out and get back to her old self.


          • #20
            (newatthis @ Sep. 30 2008,00:30) one LB friend of hers that told me she took up to 20 tabs of yaba a day sometimes. I don't know if that is even possible
            I doubt very much if that is possible , though she sounds like she would be game to give it a go .

            Why are people here still fascinated with her ?

            Guys still barfine her when she is high as a kite , she must have a great personality
            Free your mind and your ass will follow .


            • #21
              She´s very kind and sweet, even when high.
              I think she´s gorgeous, one of the first lb´s i saw online.
              She looked ok back in May this year, she was freelancing on Ws with the other outcasts from Triple X.
              Sitting on a a bike eating some chicken, which made me glad to see.
              I hope she gets herself together, a real sweetheart.
              "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

              Jaidee 2009

              The other white meat


              • #22
                (sev7en @ Sep. 30 2008,02:20) Sitting on a a bike eating some chicken, which made me glad to see.
                That she owned a bike , or she liked chicken
                Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                • #23
                  (sev7en @ Sep. 30 2008,02:20) She´s very kind and sweet, even when high.
                  Didn't she give you a beat down some time ago ?

                  Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                  • #24
                    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                    Jaidee 2009

                    The other white meat


                    • #25
                      (jimslim @ Sep. 30 2008,03:59)
                      (sev7en @ Sep. 30 2008,02:20) Sitting on a a bike eating some chicken, which made me glad to see.
                      That she owned a bike , or she liked chicken  
                      Yeah, jim, that she owned a bike
                      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                      Jaidee 2009

                      The other white meat


                      • #26
                        Nov.'09 - she'd just gotten out of jail (soooooo cute in the short hair --- femmeboy extraordinaire!), was clean. Didn't do much in bed, but didn't need to --- just the sight of her brown boy's body extended on the sheets looking at you with those doe eyes ... she really is unique.
                        More, More, More ... how do you like it?, how do you like it? ... More, More, More ...


                        • #27
                          (PILOS @ Mar. 26 2010,18:04) Nov.'09 - she'd just gotten out of jail...
                          Didn't she get the chop ? And was that the crime she was in for ?
                          Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                          • #28
                            I was talking to BEAM out the back of HI Boss about 3 weeks ago. It's the best I've seen her look for some time. Has put back on a lot of weight and looks great. Those eyes are certainly mesmerising that's for sure. She can reduce you to putty with them.

                            Cheers DK
                            happy when in thailand


                            • #29
                              DK, please tell me what 'guydesavoy' heard did NOT happen!

                              'guydesavoy', crime?!? If pushing, yes, but it seems she is a user only --- rehab rather than the monkey house ... but what do I know ... siiiiiigh ...
                              More, More, More ... how do you like it?, how do you like it? ... More, More, More ...


                              • #30
                                users get put in jail too, if they can't afford the "bribe" to stay out. I think GDS is wrong about the operation. I don't think she could afford it.

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